
000 per Head for Polish Immigrants er SAL UVINA (THE RIGHTS ALTS)
For Liver and rate ecially Stomach Aliments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Flatulence Indigestion Calics And all forms of Stomach Disorders FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES vur Sanitary on. m Page 7)
SNOILIANO XUYLINYS ano Any country which places a adopting similar plans of manu Surely we will not be told that 1936 ept clean; every tenant enjoys the knowledge of clean pronibited premium on a com. facture and peddle their ware the Polish Hawkers and Peridlars upartments; every milkman and vendor of articles for mouity, whether it be an article mong the labouring classes. We are more honest in jurpose than mmediate diet prides himself in being seen spic and oi Commerce or an immigrant, are sure honest and reliable haw cur Costa Rican yo 113 men and pan, so the wheel of the Hygienic Department is made will soon find itself degenerat kers can be found who could be women. The manufacturers must revolve smoothly and niselessly lubricated by the co ing in civilized progress or Dengaged and fitted out in this li of necesity send out their itine.
isoiated in one direction or ano ne of business with profitable re rant traders. Why cannot our im eration of the community. We, however, cannot help ora sults to the merchants In this porters do likewise, rather than :alling the attention of our Municipal Overlords to the EIDA During the past two decades way much employment could be endeavour to eliminate the oppor condition of our market which leaves much to be de10 anos OT Polish immigrants afforded the youths of the coun tumly of our working people hav ired; while awaiting the erection of the new structure, have been much attracted to this try with the encouragement to ing goods carried to the teors lo he many defects in the roofing could be attended to and country and they seem to have earn their livelihood in an honest for sale to them on easy, pay: made considerable inroad in he sanitary conveniences overhauled without much out manner so as to become thrifty ment systems in keeping with the commercial life of tae com Taembers of our community their facilities.
ER ay or annoyance to the Board. There is the need of a munity, as a consequence of TOOGOOD. ee OCO08900 table where animals may be kept when farmers bring which the merchants made their produce. Instead of having them kept on the do overtures to the legislative powtreets with the resultant accumulation of dung and filth ers to inaugurate such laws as with which numberless flies come in contact to the de would suppress or minimize their riment of our other articles of food such as Bread, acvities.
Seef, etc.
They have been importing muen We will not say anything regarding our much needmachinery for the weaving and water supply as we hnow everything is being done manufacture all sorts of 1ao expedite the inauguration of a sufficient supply, estrics for wearing apparel, and as our Minister of Health has, in his extasy of as a result they have been able Watisfaction, promised to spare no cost in bringing the to undersell the larger merchants This also apples to the Shoe anitary unification of our Province to a standard of permaking industry section in keeping with the high mark of progress which By their latest up. to. date he sees exhibited in the desires of our authorities and machinery these people have the general community.
been manufacturing boots and suces at the minimum of cost to the consumer. For this the shoemakers soon rose in protest and guc Congress to place a tax of seven colones on each pair of subes made by machinery and to LIMON, LIMON, prohibit the entry into the coumImportación ty of such machinery. FortunaImports and Exports ey for the poor labouring class ime President of the country ve.
Exportación Coed the Tax.
Lumber Deposit We now find Congress has been Depósito de Madera induced to raise the immigration requirements to a lodgment of Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased Sive thousand colones per caplia grano on these progressive people in lieu of the one thousand as oriManufactured by: ginally demanded by the Immigra 3001 tion law. Tet they come; statisHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA tics prove that since the amendment which brings the deposit up San Jose, Costa Rica to 00 ve mace in Gold From Page 7)
sassination of another Italian applications or entry into llie ooooooooo By 0001. oseceseoseo subject in Barcelona, by loyalists country have doubled and the inEt declare her sympathy, due to An Italian warship has been discreased deposit forwarded, in adto the possible domination of the patched to this port with 125 yance, with each solicitude. It is Mediterranean Sea by Italy Back Shirts and there is a therefore left to be seen wbat au should the rebels win.
likelihood of other chips being will be the next step taken to In might be of interest to those ting a regular supply of these Det The Spanish government la dispatched to that locality wit prohibit the immigration of these of our farmers who go in for Lue commodities from this country.
On Sffered to cede her Moroccan cultivation of Plantains and Co The parties would be willing, erritory to France, which would n the next few days. The in natives of Poland.
Those who entered the commer coes (Tiquisques. or who may it is stated, to take no less tan be a serious blow to the rebels cident may also, it is believeri.
de as all their supplies from Ger be seized by Mussolini as a rea nerant business throughout cila trade have instituted an Itibe disposed to do so, to get in 30, 000 plantains and from 30 to the touch with the Agricultural De 100 sacks of Cocoes each week.
many and Italy must pass son for Italy withdrawing from country: they go from home to partment of the International Such an outlet as this would certhrough Morocco which is conl the neutrality pact. Tlie situa home trading their goods on easy Bank, as we understand a Newtainly be a great help in betternated by them and from whence York firm have asked this de ing the economic conditions of he revolution started: all their tion therefore gets graver and weekly or monthly payments: It il supplies also come from these graver as each day passes.
is true that a little more is chargpartment for information regard the large number of small fara African possessions. Much theed on the prices of such goodsing the possibility of their get mers throughout our Province.
adrefore depends on the acceptan but this mainly goes to defary be of this offer by France and the cost of collection and to coJosé Achion Ng hereby hangs the chance of a ver the risk of loss entailed. They Diplomats Support European conflict.
are, in the majority of cases, inWee. Le porters and manufacturers traite Comerciante Detallista As a checkmate to the accepthis is where they get the more ESTRADA dance by France of this concesLicores, Abarrites, Cristalechants of yesterday; and with STOCKHOLM The Spanish ria, Artículos de Ferreteria attion. Germany has launched the convenience afforded the poor Ambassador, Alfonso Fiscovitch, y Electricos; todo 52330. 000 men into the Rhine terAbarrotes y Licores labouring classes by their credit cabled his res gnation to the Macuentra en este estableciArtículos del País al ritory for the fortification of system they certainly do a great drid government.
miento a this once neutral strip of coun Precios Económicos deal of business. Instead of des The Spanish Consul, Herrais GoPRECIOS DE SITUACION try which borders on France cending to the trick of gagging, zenburg, simultaneously placed him the great fortresses oi LA IBERIA San why do not the merchants form self at the disposal of General Fran LIMON ercial and Irun have now competitative combination by cisco Franco.
been taken by the rebels, hence much anxiety is be being displayed by the loyalists in Madrid Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la prsonol ala several diplomatie represen itiWe beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
es have been instructed to ransfer their headquiarters Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office from the city as their govern cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias nents doubt the capability of before the 10th of the month de cada mes he Spanish government to afBe so good as to comply with this request and do not ord them proper protection, Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which nd Japan has definitely severed de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ier diplomatic relationsh The international situation has become more seriously inensified as a result of the asEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. A European Conflict.


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