
CAMISAS PIJAMAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE e BREEDY DU Brithish Strengthen Warnings Bakers Strike in Cartago Bar Meet Life Problems with Astro Help produce ya ha por eleven scioni YR in itte Moroccan Rebels Get Many Planes TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNA On LONDON. The warnings hit by anti aircraft guns in front of herto gives to the belligerants by the offending craft. If that warn.
British Army and Navy officers in ing is disregarded direct fire will In these days every attempt, chinery which was, bow portion of the country Inhabe Gibraltar on their own responsi be used to bring the plane down. on the part of the different ever, subsequently vetoed bstants go descalzo being una bility against inadvertently damlater to undertake the buying The Foreign Office has also grops, to improve their personal our Chief Executive. We aging British property were rein formed both the Madrid gover. Interests, means an increase in found the Secretary of Publ shoes.
forced by messages direct from the ment and General Frarico that they the cost of living for the labour Health advocating the introduc We now find the Bakers Foreiga Office here to both the must not anchor any of their ring man. Not many weeks ago tion of such facilities which Cartago going on strike because Spanish Government and the Rebel hostile ships in either the naval the shoemakers had their strike would tend to lower the cost of the proprietors of the commander, General Francisco or the commercial harbor at Cl and actually succeeded in get shoes to the labouring man. as establishments have gone bad Franco braltar, because their doing ting Congress to impose an he attributed much of the di 50 on their protocolized agreemen tax on every The insurgent leader was infor emperils British shipping All Srit extra pair of seases with which we contend to. of not so many months ago bu med he must cease sending planes ish merchantmen passing through shoes manufactured by ma the fact that a very large pro These proprietors claim their action is based on the ta over Gibraltar. In the event of a the Strait of Gibraltar are to be violation three shots will be tired accompanied by navy convoys.
present day expens loss of 220 which must be used to elebora Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
By Brother Tom 152. 15 colones of Bread Dear Brother Tom: your friends, partners and all strikers, on the other hand, Lawyer Public Notary Abogado y Notario Público lege that with this quant ty Would you help me to underwith whom you contact.
said just what is wrong? Yes, there is a partner in life flour the patrons realize 156 English Spoken by Lawyer Oficina contigua a la don know what is the trouble, you; but must admit you will of Bread which brings them by friends generally prove falsc, net profit of 15 colones.
have to exercise a considerable Office Next to Biblioteca Biblioteca Several men bave fallen in love amount of control over your sus tention of the Executive Boa The matter has had the Fabri wita me and was even engaged picious nature and fiery temper if on one occasion, but nothing re you would wish to live in barmo Province who has arranged through the Governor of ty (Formerl Criminal Judge of Limón)
sulted. Is there no partner for me yn wit hthe husband when be treaty of fifteen days continue shall have come into your life. operations to enable the cand Dear Sister: You will marry while you are of both parties will be inves It is a pleasure for me to asstill yðung.
sist you to understand the probGIBRALTAR. Passengers ar The British owned Hotel Victoria lems of life. Ordinarily, your riving from Tangier declared. at Ropda has been occupied by the friends should not prove false or reign seap anes were seen a cons local Communist committe?
unsatisfactory for you have well. aspected. Sun in your Houtantly arriving at various ports in As a precaution the Gibraltar au Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long bere.
of Fabri Spanish Morocco, especially Melise of Frienus; you should therethorities are building concentraWe have succeeded, because we have never deceived our lla. Aircraft are also arriving at tion camps for belligerents of both them, but mosály of the opposita fore attract and will attract members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can Vent Tetuan des on the North Front and fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never General Francisco Franco, fool all the people all the time.
the the race course.
sex who will be in a position to Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fal.
Spanish rebel commander. in The vice admiral sommanding help you enjoy life and achieve ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We chief continues to send Foreign Gibralta bro dcas a warding we majority of your wishes.
have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death the Legion troops by air to Algeciras the danger to shipping navigating Nevertheless, Mercury is Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same of amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone from Ceuts, Spanish Morocco the Straits as a result of constant part. ruler of your House of the on: and Flesh of the other.
large number of his troops disem encounters between belligerent sca Friends and has an evil aspect Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not barked at Algeciras.
planes and submarines.
to the flighty, gossipy and chanlimit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed gesole Moon you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
This is tñe reason for your tem If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the ANTI ONLY safe and reliable Society, the al. a3 COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Pera with many lives, the troubEstablished in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
HAVANA. An urgent pleadrid. He is Don Cristobal Colon. le. ee with yourself. This aspects for protection during the Spanish the name by which the discoverer shows you lack mental stability revolution of the direct descen of the Americas Iscalled in Span with a tendency to indecision and dast of Chr stopher Columbus ish.
worry as also a liability to hyswas sent to all governments in the Rivero organization asked the terics when dealing with friends, LP Western Hemisphere by the Pan American governments to take wha partners and the husband when BERLIN. Leaders of the con prising chiefly the Methodist and Peruvi American Columbus Society. tever action they could to prevent found.
fessional movement in the Ger Baptist denominations, has al Nicolas Rivero, president of the injury to the Duke and also to bar Alway make a decision ana man Evangelical Church have been been holding meetings in a Leal society, which has headquarters in damage to the Franciscaa Monas foiiow it to the end; don holding in Berlin this week a series near the Olympic Stadium, and Havana, said the inheritor of the tery of Santa Maria de a Robida, per. sensitive to what you may of significant meetings in which the speakers have attracted audie title of Duke of Veragua in direct Columbia museum in Huelva Pro consider insults and slights; learn some of the best known Lighting ces of 000 or 000 nightly.
descent from the first duke, Chri vince, Spain.
to control your violent tempor parsons frankly discuss the probstopher Columbus, was now is Maai piace more confidence in lems confronting their church the Nazi State The subjects of these sermonCOPENHAGEN. Leon Trots beca lectures are wholly in keeping with ky, who is staying at Hoenfostas from strong opposition of the lecturers Norway, as the guest of the edic to the State attempt to regiment tor Konrad Knudsen, emphatice Inst the church. circular announcingly denied a report that a recon man the meettags and listing the speak ciliation between himself and Jean ers was promptly confiscated by seph Stalin had been arrangeral va the secret police who desisted, how at a secret meeting of Commuoreign ever, from placing a ban on the nists In Netherlands.
meetings The exiled Bolshevist leade Martin Niemoeller, the most mili scribed the report as a ridicu tant confessio cal leader, selected loug invention without the aligblE cesario en el momento preciso as his text: test basis of truth. Jesus Christ, the only Lord of Usted debe ser de esa class the church The so called Free Church, com de hombres Bol Help for Descendant of Columbas pafary and thisfaction, and Church problems. Discussed SuRel Trotsky denies accori Ahorrel!
El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero neBanco de Costa Rica EL Famous Forest Destroyed CABALLO BLANCO Cantina Posada y Cafeteria Felipe Wing Ching Apartado 395 PARIS. Three or four thousand oak and chestnut trees in the famous French forest of Marly, where Louis XIV used to hunt, have been out down to make way for France first autostrada (motor road)
ES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismCommunismFranceFrancisco FrancoNazismSpainStalinTrotsky

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