
THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 Law Tightens Daily esident Elect of Panama in Jamaica Immigration go bave Change in Salvation Army Officers contents duly arranged to enable ECOSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY contas the FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO.
ERILA FLORIDA Veli be one of the many items comisen Guillermo Niehaus Co.
olivia, Chile and Peru to link Air Service don Juan Demosthenes lst. of October According to an insertion in of Poland to re enter Costa Ri and colones demanded from each emena, resident elect of Pa In the course of the address La Prensa Libre of Tuesday ca without making the corres of these individuals.
na, spent a short delighful va given him, the unfatır. ess of the date, it is observed that the ponding deposit has been cance: ion in Jama. ca, when a num Immigration Law woich deba permission extended four natives led and a deposit of ten thous been residing here and These persons seem to Inhab of Jamaicans who were for red Jamaicans from visiting Pawhen unaorly of that Republie took the nama for purposes of leaving had the travelling domedical ing portunity of pr senting hin attention, pleasure or visits to an address o welcome to their many thousanås of ielatheir re entry the kers dch he suitably replied. He tives was pointed out to him. The large number of friends, in the Army Hall at pm. deposit, but on arriving at Kings becaus feted with Cock tail and The law demands that 130 and religious co workers of AJ which it is hoped will be attenton, Jamaica, on their retum Bachaner parties at Myrt e Bank must he lodged before permis jutant Wright will regret to learn ded by all who can vossibly do trip, they were informed that me tasel and seemed to have immen sion for entry could be obtained that in obedience to instructions so, there will be an admission our Secretary of Public Security Eeemery enjoyed his short stay In referring to this, Mr Orose given him from the Ara:y head charge of twenty five cents. would not revalidate the pere the ax has gone back to Panama to anned mits without a deposit of Une mena stated that as the thien quarters, he will, along with his is also bein give tume his duties as Chief Exe Minister of Foreign Affairs he family, be leaving for Jamaice these faithful workers a pubic amount cited, they consequentiy the tive of the Republic on the pointed out the injustice when at an early date Adjutant farewell on Thursday the 17t decided to go back to their komes in Poland.
expens the Bill was under discussion Wright has long resided among they expect to sail the following but was outvoted by this collea us and, with the aple assistance day.
has The same Journal is respons always gues. He ho vever promied to or Mrs. Wright, Adjutant and Mrs. Wright ble for saying that a group of now use his best endeavours to evinced the greatest interest will be succeeded wy Major and ssrunuuoo uessna pue quand have it modified so that Jaall matters calcu ate to improve Mrs. Perry, two Engiisa Ollicers left France recently for a simp maicans would be able to visit the social and mocal conditions who are due to arzive here cn to Central and South America to the Republic without being nam of our community, and much of Saturday the 19th Instant carry out propaganda work. seze 13 has LIMON pered by such provisions, as they the good which the Army meeting of Wlcome will be held thes had taken a prominent part in been able to accomplish in these on the Monday foilowing. the nezuela but were immediately me of these disembarked In Vethe making of Panama and parts has been due to their untir 21st sent back to their ship as not the Fábrica de Hielo should not be so strenuously le ing efforts.
The Atlantic Vo. ce takes this wanted. Two were said to have Te gislated against, and as the na Arrangements are under way opportunity of wishing the oul landed in Panama with the view of Refrescos tives never had any trouble wit. to accord them a t ing farewell going Officers successful careers of coming on to this country but them during the making of the On Wednesday the 9th instant a in their new field of labor.
measures have been taken to Waterway and the country. musical function will take place prevent their admission here It will be easing to the friends and relatives of Dr. SinThe Law on Immigration will clair to know that he was the moving spirit in this demonsbefore Congress in its present tration of Jamaican goodwill to session, and so far as we ciun the Chief Executive elect of our fo. low the strain, it will be made LIMON ne ghbouring Republic. Dr. Sinpretty tight for foreigners 1ebere Fábrica de Hielo clair lived in Panama and Costa MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS sident in the country, no matter Ted how many years residential qua Rica for over 30 years, and while ou «Venta de Leche here was a pro ninent member Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia lification they may possess. It of the Concordia Lodge of this Maderas has been euggested that Cedulas aka city.
Seroicio de Cabotaje a Cahaita y Puerto Viejo or Permits to remain in the coun ate. We try shou be renewed annually Deal Importación de mercaderia en generai and to which a special Tim. ro Вор should be affixed as an impuesto Travelling Comm saries or Pedal do De lars in commerce are not to be in bel AWAR WRECKED VILLAGE allowed entry, as it is found that Toid OSANTIAGO, Chile Com. general reorganization was conthese travelling stores compete rcial airlines of Chile, Bolivia sidered.
LONDON Saron Del answer.
most prejudicial y with the com y Peru will soon link their zer Commander Benitez deciarea iner, a staff reporter of the Lon The coonel and the other armercial houses of long standing es, it was announced after a this was the first time technical don Daily Express, who claims ficers in the battered room guí in owr different com a unities.
eting at Arica, Chile, of the executives of commercial aviatior to be the first British jourrait fawed loudly.
Isident of the Chilean Airlines had come together in South Amer to penetrate Somosiesni Pass a Well, just tell them what you Ammander Benitez; ice with the object of extending key position to Medr decared have seen here. the colonel sald Through the clear evening air Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Luis Prieto, and a director oiween nelghboring countries. ters of Colonel Garcia Escamız the reporter could cashel Lhots Peruvian Fawcett Lines. n charge of the insurgenis ad from the insurgent guns burstvance on the capital from the ing around the enemy batteries Abogado y war wrecked village. Roore sending up clouds of earth and gordo at the mouth of the pass, smoke.
Notario Público e that he has never seen greater The Madrid Government air devastation bombs have decreased from 603 Oficina: Altos Pass en the Rod Cross flag fly dally to a mere thiry or forty At last the doors of the Reforquently there is a great demand cual Ingianna ablatory Institution of San Jose for the productions of the school. ing at half staff from ar, iapro Colonel Escamez asezted vised field dressing station in a un Dve been opened to delinguent and as labour is scarce among peasant shattered novel is torn Edaths from all parts of the the boys it has opened its doors and tattered by bul ets he writo all erring youths of the ProARMS FOR SPAIN SEIZED tes.
The Institution has of ate Vinces. It is therefore hoped tiny girl holding her baby BRUSSELS Brooms, that in a short while Limon will brother in the doorway of a peas gnment of hand, grenades was. Alergo on a steamer bound for Brazil.
manufacturing similar shipment recently was sale trashes and other items of com be rid of the many vagabond lant stone hut was all that vas seized by the govermat from the sent to Portugal, the newspaper cial value quite as good as minors who now bestege left of the former inhabitants of Antwerp agent of German ar Nation Belge reported, after the of odd foreign importations, conse streets.
this villege mament concern. The munitions necessary licenses required by law The others who had 190 fled were reported consigned to Spain had been obtained.
or been killed by she ls, bombs or bullets had been sho: for their rebel sympathies by the Reds or for their red sympathies by the rebels The revolt which has long been tricts in the vicinity of the NiSEE Colonel Escamez, a short stoc threatening President Carlas re caraguan frontier and sacked the THE NEW AIR COOLED ky man with the bla enemel gime has apparently broken out twonships of Liure and Soledad: cross of St. Ferdinand the Seas we are advised from Managin they were, however, stated to ha nish equivalent of the ctoria that on Wednesday last revolu ve been quickly dispersed by gov Crose, which is he sy only tionary troops invaded the dis ernment warplanes, REFRIGERATOR twenty officers in Spain as ny pinned to his tune, told the cor 1espondent: NO MOVING PARTS There is nothing left. This. ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER was the last real obstacle. While Chill ES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC they were still here, the Reds EFFICIENT morale was good. Now it is broken. There is no resistance.
Turning toward the Curres FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE pondent, the colonel asked What do they think of this JOHNSTON El más surtido en Matina In London?
They think the Madrid GoBRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON vernment is winning 35 tre Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Seminent or the holivia Lloyd the contacts to speed up rather beste bine sa prispatch from the headquar 17 Reformatory is Opened public.
DE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT Revolutionary Outbreak in Honduras AND ELECTROLUX Posole Tia HOP LEE LUNG 395 Establecimiesto da Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes


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