
Spain and the Revolt The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 12th. 1936 No. 110 an THE 15th OF SEPTEMBER For two months now every eye has been turned toward the unhappy conditions existing in the Spanish Republic, where hundreds of thousands of lives have either been lost or rendered useless; scores of thou.
sands of homes ruined and thousands of precious monuments, the works of art and ancient architecture, several centuries old, laid waste, with the fate of Europe hanging in the balance.
One is naturally led to enquire why all this ruin should be exhibited in a country of the culture of Spain the Discoverer of the Western Hemisphere and the Founder of the Republics of Central and South America. Some are inclined to the opinion that the cause lay in the ambitions of Communism while other attribute it to the dream of the Aristocrats to restore U:e monarchial regime; but whatever be the cause the fact remains that Spain is being desintegrated from her very foundations and will hardly ever recover the respect and influence she so long commanded.
The government is said to be controlled by the Communists and the revolutionists by the Fascist ele.
ment, the inveterate enemy of Communism; but, in reality, the government is not Communistic when it is con.
sidered that of a population of 23 millions, there are only 130, 000 Communists in all the Republic; and of 874 Legislative Representatives of the people only 14 are of the Communist Party. Further, at the outbreak of the revolt there were said to be more than twenty political parties clamouring for recognition, of which the principal were Republicans, Socialists of several kinds, Fascists and Communists of sundry shades of opinion. In addition there was the Anarchist group who claimed from 500, 000 to 750, 000 adherents and whose chief aim is the overtrow of all government.
President Manuel Azaña is no friend of Communism, not even of Socialism; he belongs to the middle class of his country, and his ideas of governing are purely of an agrarian bureaucracy. Soon after his ad.
vent to power, he began to apportion the lands, formerly hold by the aribtocrl. ts, among the labouring clases.
During the month of March last, 60, 000 of these ob.
tained holdings; and under the provisions of a law which his Cabinet brought into force hundreds of thousands of hectoreas held by the large proprietors, under the feudal system, would be confiscated without remu neration and distributed among the workers. His ideas are that no social class should be reduced to penury, and no one class be permitted to bring any other to ruin or desasperation. Strong impuestos would be plac ed on the large landed proprietors and large incomes heavily taxed for the benefit of the working class.
Under President Azaña government the great Bank of Spain, entirely dominated by the aristocracy and a few great men of the country, would, although not nationalized, be controlled by the government to serve To page THE GOVERNMENT LANDS QUESTION 27hree days hence and Costa Ri, her political developments have ca will complete one more period earned her a place in the fore of her national life. On Tuesday front of Latin American Repu Ar entirely new systen.
ha every citizen will conmmemorate blics of been formulated, we understan1 the 15th day of September Put while we give expression by the Master of Finance for the the year 1821 when she obtained of our pleasure for such accomcriletion of rentals on the Milla Sor aqs piqm 103 prema on plishments, and rejoice that we Noritima and other gov razment and unrelentingly struggled the are permitted to peacefully par ands, with the vie of affording right of shaping her own pro ticipate in their we cannot but th central department a street ress and controlling her future ree! a serious pang or sorrow for fective control over this branch of destinles. And when a glance is the deplorable ocurrences which general revenue.
inade over the years which have are taking place in the Mother intervened since that far off day, Country. ocurrences which are Arra gaments are also bein it surely cannot b: said she has zeriously threatening her with completed to bring all occupier of failed in the doing of the things utter political and social the government strips of land aruin long both sides of the Railway which those who sought her free and sacrificing the lives of 30 right of way under proper control dom so earnestly we red, for she lerge a number of her people and for the regular payment of is, today, universally respecte We, therefore, breathe the heart reats by such occuparis. It is tat or her marked progress along all felt hope that an early way may ed that there are some 76 contrates cultural and industrial lines; she be found whereby peace and har in the hands of the government in is highly honoured for the gemony may once again reign over connection with the occupation of nuine respect which her citizens a land which for centuries was these lands and with respect to have for all constitutional la: the centre of renown and culturwhich the sum of 455 colo. cs is and order, and that calm ander order.
now owng.
peace which have characterized LIQUOR LAW STILL under CONSIDERATION Mr. Chittenden goes on Short Trip The Chiet Executive having ex It is expected that this Com ercised his prerogative of disto mittee will take under considera Among those who leave us towing the amending Liquor Law Cion the suggested amendments morrow afternoon by the SS passed by Congress last week end which it is uderstood the PresiPetoa for New York are our muth whereunder traders would have dent of the Republic has intima:ed respected and esteemed citizens been permitted to transact their li. would be accepted by him.
Mr. and Mrs. Chittendea quur business up to midnight each accompanied by their three child day, inclding Sundays and holi In view of the continued strict dren. These latter are returning to days, the project was once more enforcement of the Sunday closing, the United States to resume the brought before Congress for furth the Committee are expediting the studies after their summer vacas.
or consideration when it was decid matter so that their report may tion spent here with their parents ed to refer it to another Commit be in time for Monday session of Mr. Chittaiden will be absent tee specially named for the pur the legislature.
from the country for only a very Dos short while.
Railway Service cannot In one of our earlier issues our the Governor of the Province, but be Increased readers were informed of the con as the Board persisted in their de troversy which had occurred bet cision, the matter went before the ween the Municipality and Mr. ACentral Authorities. We are now in Railway service now obtaining aNo increase is to be made to the llan Sime, regarding the use of his a position to state that, after retramway by their employees, in viewing the entire subject, long the Lin the connection with the repairs to the Chief Executive and his advisers City Waterworks and as a result have decided that the members of In reply to the solicitude submit of which the members of the Board the Board had no justification for cultural Colony for a dally service ted on behalf of the Pococi Agrle passed a resolution ceclaring Mr. passing such a resolution.
as well as certain freight redueSime an enemy to the Community tions, the Management of the Railand requesting his expulsion from The Governor veto has, there way, after carefully considering the country as a pernicious foreiga fore, been upheld and Mr. Sime the matter, state that the amount will remain with us to custinue of business being done in this yes This resolution was vetoed by, his various activities to the it tion is not sufficient to warraat terest of the community.
their making the desired change SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana er.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERIOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Vapores Salidas No Action by International Committee YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser PETEN VERAGUA QUIRIGUA 13 de Septiembre 20 de Septiembre 27 de Septiembre «SINGER» 1936 Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado id ALVARADO Cía, Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas The International Committee appointed coatrol the carrying out of the Pact of non intervention in the Spanish rebelion held their first meeting in London last WedDesday, but adjoured without adopting a definite programme of action as Portugal was not repre ted, and it was felt that co effecti.
ve action could be take) without her co operation Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER 116 Para otros informes dirijase a la oficinas de la United Fruir Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Machine 1936 You can sew with it backward and forward, do embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón TELEFONO 3156 Since the adjournment Englasd has been endeavouring to secure her co operation, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismCommunist PartySocialismSpainWorking Class

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