
THE AZ ANTIC VOICE PERSONAL Historic Structures Guarder in Spain Saturday, September 12th, 1936 JOE LOUIS TO FIGHT IN LONDON Woman Kisses Hitler Before 30. 000 fire.
o LOTERIA NACIONAL Todo habitante de nuestro país, que sienta cariño LOTERIA NACIONAL of Mr. Spyer, President of our Cricket Board of Control, lef MADRID. wit hits tight Most of most noted example of or for Jamaica a fortnight ago;h formation that Joe Louis has ar me time houd undergo iurta recent advice reveal the it. his heavy Spain historic and art trea nate Gothic architeciure in expects to be back on or about the ranged to met Ben Foord of Soulstration for his injured hand sures have come through the the world.
26th. instant. He has been suffering Africa who has just defeated Jack and submit to a rtexamination on civil war virtually undamag Valladolid Province also from impaired wealth Peterson for the British Fanpire the 15th Pastaat. It was, lowever, ed. The Alhambra at Grahas historic churches and pa heavyweight championship: the the opinion of the Champi M nada and historic cathedrals llaces which government tro The Atlantie Voice wishes him a bout is to take place in London nager that he would not be in a dit at Toledo, Burgos and Sevi lops are attempting to safe speedy and complete return to his toward the end of the current condition to defend his ute in the lle have merged without guard. Little fighting has former good health, so he may re month, it was stated.
near future as both his olban serious injury.
centered around Rebel posi sume his usual sphere of occupaThe government has taken tions near the ancient Rotion and his usefu ass in Crict Braddock fight which was original on his left hand. co forrude sub With regard to the Senate injured as well as the litt finger precautions to protect ar Iman aqueduct in Segovia. ud other Sports ly fixed for the 26th of this stquectly took place between Brad tistic edifices. In Madrid month, it is large signs have been postreported that the dock and Schmering when it New York Boxing Commission had finally agreed that their boat LAWYER ON TRIAL BEFORE COLLEAGUES ed on buildings proclaiming decided to celay action on Brad should be held in New Yoris on the they are under government, protection and ordering res dock request for a postponemeat 3rd of June 1937 pect from citizens. recent issue of the Star and, attentioj of the Supreme Court by Committees have been aplowing.
Hesald of Panama gives the fol the Judge of the Court where the suit, was being aired and the formpointed to remove paintings Five local Attorneys were drawn er immediately instituted pro cei and other art works to mufrom a list of seventy nine memo ings against Attorney Ruiz.
in a broadseums. portrait of Chris ers of the bar to cocperate with the BERLIN. lady in a red press back a lady topher Columbus was taken Supreme Court in passing Snr kisseu Chancellor Adolf Hit brimmed red hat, white dress ay judgfrom the seized palace of. er before some 30, 000 people ga long cloak.
ment on Rogelio Ruis, Lawyer, DC Customer. Are you the one Then, thered in the Olympic swimming she dashed somehow the Duke of Veragua.
cused of violating the ethies of the who cout my hair on the last ocThe cathedarl in Aleala profession and the law whien re casion?. um. The best that can be as Grough tae guards ang along the de Henares was reported gulates the practice of law in the certained about her identity is edge of the pool to where HitBarber Oh, no sir; this shop. she gave the name of Carla ler sat leaning on the balustrade.
badly damaged. The histoRepublic ric university where Miguel has only been here a couple of de Uriese and her address as Cash had a notebook in one hand Attorney Ruiz is specifically years.
de Cervantes, Spanish novo charged with having acted in re Imornia. a pencil in the other. The be crowd laughed when Hitler smile elist poet playwright, was It all happened very suddenly educated, suffered only presentation of both sides in a suit He. Now that we re married, Hitler had entered the stadiumed good naturadly and signed the slight damage.
which came before one of the local ll never look at another wo amind the usual chorus of hells book, men almost wept from joy Municipal Courts, having received and had taken his seat in the when the redhatted lady suddenly, The Alcazar, the fort mili fees from both parties to the suit. man as long as live.
tary academy in Toledo, lost She. Oh, yes, you will; m front row. Two or three timis threw her arms around him kistwo of its turrets form bo The matter was brought to the bring. ng my mother to live with guards standing along the edge of sd him, and ran away to her bardment and us.
the pool were seen courteously to seat at the other end of the pool.
subsequent 82 Ships Fly Some of most valuable mo Panama Flag numents are in the hands of bi the Rebels. The cathedral at PANAMA. Although the Seville overlooks Rebel cam lag of Panama floats from the ps. Granada insurgents daily masthead of eighty. two merlh walk through the Alhambra chantmen with a total gross ton The thrteenth centruy ca nage of 419. 453 registered with. UNICAMENTE la thedral at Burgos, seat the Panama Government, almost the Rebel provisional govern none of these ships is owned by que es la que produce la renta para el sostenimiento del HOSPITAL ment, has been termed the Panamans. The majority are un DE SAN JUAN DE DIOS y del ASILO CHAPLI.
der American, Norwegian and José Achion Ng Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los Spanish ownership.
que padecen, nos protege mos a nosotros mismos Comerciante Detallista The largest ships are Norwegan, the Vestfold and Vikington, Licores, Abarrites, Cristale.
ria, Articulos de Ferretería each of more than 14, 500 tons.
y Electricos; todo se en cuentra en este estableciPanama has practically no nav miento igation laws and registration Wee. Le PRECIOS DE SITUACION costs are per net ton, with an PARIS Haile Selassie. Em of the Lake of Enghien, resort annual tax of 10 cents a ton peror of Ethiopia, when he passed, town only a few miles from PaLIMON ESTRADA thereafter.
through Paris to and from Generis. Wouley Hafid is a poet; he va as a voluntary exile, was greet devotes many hours to writing, Abarrotes y Licores ed offcially and aroused gentral and from tim, to time is seen Artículos del País public sympathy. It is not known at ceremonies in the Mosque in ther he will ultimately take Paris, Precios Econónicos other famous ug residence in French territory, MANAGUA, Nicaragua. The African sovereLA IBERIA gen. shark fishing concessionaires shark, considered the most dan.
but if he does he will be but fo. Igns have spent years of exile of Grand Cayman, have lowing the precedents set by the in France. There was Abd e1 Ka gerous fish in the tropics, at last asked de Nicaraguan authorities long line of African sovereigns der, who after his downfall was has defenders. McTaggart. De to limit shark fishing to water of who have been ousted from their conveyed to Toulon Farewell Function and later not more than seven feet.
kingdoms by Europian nations. spent his exile in Pau and Am The Editor. Si e pesitioners said deep waTwo of these sovereigns, Abd boise before going to Damascus ter fishing did not give the mo el Krim, the leader in the Moroc Syria, where he died, Rarava shall be very grateful if you ther sharks a chance to give bitrhu Riti, and Souley Hafid, once lo, dispossessid Queen of Madawill be good enough to grant me to their young in shallower wathe Sultan of Morocco, have been gascar, at first went into retreat space for the following: GUACIMO GUAPILES ters. Fishermen assert it is hard received by France as exiles much in Reunion and then finally went appreciated nude to catch sharks in shallow water. The Rirt rebel has been gi to establish herself in Algeria, filled the Hall of the Salvation Cantina, Licores ven a refuge on the island of my last Wednesday night to fou The authorities fear trouble be Reunion, where he has been livExtranjeros y del país.
where she lived to a great age. mally bid adicu to dlutatie Wriget porta cause of the Keen competition for ing quietly and without giving still another deposid sovereign and his family, who leave for laput Tienda bien surtida sharks as a result of the demand France any concern for several wus Behanzin, former King of maica on the 18th. instaa: to have for the suns. Already the au years.
Abarrotes en general Stories have met resistance in tinue their good world is that y The ex Syftan is nearer DE. omey: the French sent him at PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA er field.
attempting to settle disputes aта hand. has a beautiful Orien to dartinique, along with his Many were moved to sed a silent De mong the fishermen.
tal residence built on the shore three faithful wives.
tear as they listened with raptattention to the soul touching Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dresses on the life and worth of Pola dorsonol ata We beg to call your allention to our remark at the back the functica central Egurs and de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
although we are sad for the art. Po Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ing, we neverthelesa rejoice in take thought that the Adjutant and is cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month dear ones are homeward sound de cada mes The Hall was tastily decorated Be so good as to comply with this request and do not for the occasion and Prof. HSLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ton, who presided, once de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
maintained his sterling worth an orator and counsellos Very respectfully, FRANCE HAVEN FOR AFRICAN EXILES SALOMON CHIN a TO CURB SHARK FISHING LUIS WA CHONG Ld Het Mo dule Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Jos. Tuo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFranceHitlerSpain

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