
For Liver and Saturday, September 12th, 1936 SPAIN AND THE REVOLT From page ocial purposes equally for all classes. It was proposed hat one hundred million pesetas should be spent during he current year to facilitate the purposes of agrarian form; and in 1937 a still larger sum for similar purses. During this month (September. the farmers Fight vho had received lands were to be granted from 4, 000 tapo 10, 000 pesetas. per family, to purchase working im on ce lements and animals to further their agricultural puret uits The essential point of this reform would be the esitution of the lands to the citizenship under a collecve system which would naturally have resulted in the nevitable growth of the industries of the country; and y and by there would arise a strong organization of Beat he working element created by government monopolitation of its industries such as are occurring in Italy and bostiermany. Naturally, such a condition of affairs must Cade e opposed by the Capitalists; hence the reason for alling the movement Communism, though in reality it anti communism because proprietorship would be The items of news coming through yesterday from San Sebas tian state that General Moia has sent the defenders of the City an ultimatum that if they do not surrender before nightfall he would then commence his final attack in which his bombing planes would take part. As it is said that the lo.
yal ists are not disposed to acce.
de to this demand, it is expected that before this issue lerves the press the important Port will be in the throes of a sanguicerycon.
flict, which may even outdo that which took place at Irun.
Mola forces are in possession of all the strategie points around the city and only await orders to commence their bombardmen.
Information hos also bee a given out that the rebels have announc ed their intention of amplɔying asphixiating gas in their action against Madrid in reprisal fo: the gas bombs used against their forces in Guadarrama Stomach Aliments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF 100 qually divided between rich and poor under state proFlatulence And all forms Indigestion of Stomach Calics Disorders FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES be so sction.
Toat When all these facts are taken into consideration, evident the government side deserves the sympathy every truly democratic community, and it is strange hat Italy and Germany should sentimentally e aclined toward the revolutionists; indeed had it not trale een for the support of Italian planes and other impletal nents of war the rebels would have already found it The necessary to sue for Peace.
Meantime the civil war continues with each side 40 xhibiting the determined intention of exterminating he other. The forces of General Mola are now being oncentrated for the subjugation of San Sebastian and he start of their advance against Madril. Various fforts are being made to save the important port from he destruction suffered by Irun, but up to this there is o indication of these succeeding. fifteen days armistice proposed by French dilomats, during which tie me an effort would be made o bring about an amicable understanding between the varing factions, has been rejected by the revolutionists, hough the loyalists are said to be in accord with the Al roposal.
TALE ber PUSHING GOLD PRODUCTION Manufactured by: MANAGUA, Nicaragus. Nica HERMANN ZELEDONBOTICA FRANCESA ragua has turned to gold mining as a new source of wealth, MinSan Jose, Costa Rica ing machinery iş arriving from the United States in large quantities and in many cases is being oooooo oo. OoooOOOON transported from port: lo mice by plane Within a year Nicaragua hopes Mussolini Making Ready to more than double her gold pro duction, which will alleviate ex From well informed quarters, in Orders have been given all air charige conditions of the National Rome, it is reported that Mussolini plane centres along the Tyrrhenian Bank. She recently sent 100, 000 is ready to openly, aid the Spar coast to keep in readiness for any in gold to the Ubited States. She ish rebels if France continues to emergency, and a canvass has been buys all the gold mined as a pre assist. Madrid ia the manner he made among the pilots to determium of 10 cordobas per Ounce, claims she has from time to time mine how many speak the Span been doing.
ish language. los TICS BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Vatican Reports Bishops Killed SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE The Ciudad de Limón City of Limon BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE VATICAN CITY Vatican The Socialist priest, in a radio circles announce that five Bis broadcast at Madrid, asserted his UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK hops have been killed in the brothers of the cloth aided frated Spanish civil war.
Seldal war while accumulating ofrece al público los Offers the Public the The Bishop of Barbastro is said wealth.
to have ben shot by Communists servicios de su Services of its An authoritative statement 13passing through his see city, and the Bishop of Siguenza, to have sued at the Vatican declared. With regard to the substance been burned alive. The others listed as dead are th Bishops of of what was said over the SpanJaen, Lerida and Segovia.
ish radio, it may well be asked EN LA IN THE Archbishops of Madrid if the principles of fraternity, hu and Toledo, both absent frummanity and poverty, proclaimed their sees when the revolution as necessary by the church, realstarted, ar safe. Barcelona has ly have been possessed by those not been heard from for some wło in these days have destcoy para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service ed al churches and shot, burn tim.
ed and crucified large numbers servicio bancario Rendered High Vatican officials brandot priests, monks and nuns.
ed as atrocious mockery the An appeal to Catholics for appeal of the Rev. Father Juan help in the name of these prin Carcía Morales, a former Span ciples for the government at 1aOUR CUP COMPETITION ish Deputy, for Catholic aid on crid against the (Rebel) Natiothe side of the Madrid Socialist nais has no other value than that The weather is playing an inthe pavillions until the Umpires government.
of atrocious monckery.
portant part is our present Coule BY THE MIRROR decide the pitch is unfit. give petition, Dearly halt a dozan games this as a note of warning for some having already been prevented by is contrary to the laws of Cricket, one will yet suifer by it.
rains especially in Tests and Cup matI would advise every Crickete The all important game between ches, Cricketers should understand as well as those interested in the the Motive Power and the Excel that whether it rains or not, when game, to read The Cricketer. a sior was washed out, thus leaving a Club selects a tam to represent paper edited by Warner.
LIMON, LIMON, the latter with two points and two her in a particular match every friend said to me the other Importación sames. The Pathfinders and Moti player sou tuna out and await day, do you know that Exу Imports and Exports ve Power are now alike, Should the decision of the Umpires as to celsior is a Nursery? asked in Exportación the rains continue throughout the the fitness of the ground and not turn what made you think so. He Lumber Deposit seriod of the remain ing fixtures, to decide on his own personal ud said, becaus ethe five cutstanding Depósito de Madera We shall, for the first time, witnessgsmeat that the game cannot be players of the Pathfinders are of triangular contest.
played, that we are not going to the Club. Smith, Dixon and Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased Most of our Cricketers are in play on a damp wicket. ete, In the three others mentioned pregrano dulging in a certain custom which other places players do not leave viously.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Anti-communismCivil WarCommunismFranceGermanyItalyMussoliniSocialismSpainSpanish Civil War

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