
CAMISAS PIJAMAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE LE BREEDY Work on Palace Renewed Irt Objects Catalogue Alfonso will meet Son! REBEL LEADERS by Loyalists LISTED BRAZIL ARRESTS REDS EDGAR YOUNG an Reno Marriages Increase, While Divorces Decline British Loan held Sure sets beve united to protect their EL CABALLO BLANCO a MANICUA Nicaragua.
CANNES. The Prince of As. his arrival. The infant name wil Construction of the National Pal turias left here for an unannoun be Maria del Pilar, after th: Spaace, suspended since the recent ced destination to meet Sis father, ish shrine of del Pilar.
change of government, has been BARCELONA Accord to coformer King Alfonso of Spain, who Everything now points to the Tenewed. The contracts provide MADI ID. The committe cuments found in the town of Alia is en route from Austria. They wi presence of both the former King for the erection of the govern appointed to catalogue artistic probably arrive here.
and Queen at the baptism, giving meat forces, the Rebel when it was occupied by govern ment building at a cost of about treasures in the sccunud maanSe militar The date of the christening of the rise to a surmise of a reconciliation 500. 000. American and Swiss sions has begun to iunction and Prince of Asturias daughter wil between them in vicw of the presorganization is as follows: contractors say that because of 32 objects have been removed be decided by the former King on Committee of Natio. aj Defense ent troubles in Spain.
to the Modern Muse the low cost of materias and laPresident, General Miguel Cibabor the structure will be the equal O! Die historic mans te nellas; Adjuntant Generals Andreas of a million. dollar building in Duke o Alba pa ac, lsncSaliquet, Emilio Mola and Edel Davila the United States.
cupied by the Communist party RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil. order to adjust food prices, is conand the Duke of Medicacell s Seraphim Braga, head of the poli sidering the creat. on of a number rico Montaner and Colocel Fernache General Staff. General Fede occup. ed by the Suulalists, and tical departmo. of the police, ar of cooperative depots in which food his ccllection of sporting trop rested a number of alleged Com will be stored and distributed un do Moreno hies will be transferred to the mwaist leaders accused of attemp der the supervision of the governCommander ta Chief of ΑΠΟ Naturni History Cuseum.
ru in Morocco and Southern Spain COMERCIANTE ting to create a Popular Front go meat.
cub The palace of the Marques cavernm:nt.
General Francisco Franco.
Establecido en la Provincia Santa Cruz with its Lepro Comma der in Chief of Army por más de 20 años It is charged that the Leftists Vende al detal. Vinos y Lirelics, and those of the Marques Northern Spain. General Mola. Tips were preparing undergrouad Political Factions cores extronjeros y del país, de Viala de la Romana and e The defense committee formearbo abarrotes en general Duke of Fernan Nuācz and Qnin, campaign to undermine the presot threaten Chile in Burgos on July 26 assumes the fol government. Among those arrest. MISCELANEA tana Pa ace of the Infanta IsaSANTIAGO Chile. show government and powers of repres Establecimiento esquina le bella, Alfonso aunt, have za was a Spaniard who, it is said, is Norte del Mercado, connected with the Madrid Leftist down betwee. Right and Left fac sentation of the whole country.
been commandeered.
government tions for control Chile is Entre 44 ex Meanwhile the governmct, in pected soon.
CA Low Various secret organizations and ucto societies have united to combat orta communism, while Leftist organiza tions have Socialist Cantina Posada LONDON. defense loan Is now regarded as almost You say you lost your Sweetie y Cafeteria RENO, Nev. Shattering all na couples. were issued last veidiy after the announcement by tossing coins with your rival previous records for the second month, breaking the previous rc by Textie Chamberlain, Chancel In her presence, how was that? Felipe Wing Ching consecutive month, Reno Well, we tossed to see who mar ord of 785 established in June. lor of the Exchequer, that he exriages continued to show a large July divorces totaled only 279. pected a deficit at the end of be her permanent boyfriend and Apartado 395 gain during July, while a sight Marriages during the first sets financial year. tassed a dime while be osdrop in the total number of di ven months of this year totaled Expenditures rearmament sed a twenty dollar gold piece.
vorces was noted.
1881 as compared with 1, 629 di are charged to revenue this year METHODIST CHURCH total 889 marriage licenses force suits filed.
and will be much heavier next most of which went to Califor year. It is now indicated that the NOTES Chancellor of the Exchequer bas Diner. want you to bring ruled out putting this adaitional me the tenderest steak there is The Sunday School children and burden ürectly on the shoulders in the place.
TO CLEAR STREETS OF BEGGARS Waiter of the taxpayers. m afraid can teachers arranged for their custo sir: the chef hash had his din mary Outing on Tuesday of las ner yet.
week. The heavy rains which fell As is koown to every one who, tant proj:ct. that of converting during the previous night caused happens to pay a visit to San Jose the Asylum for ticurab. es iato a WELL. WHAT. many of the young hearts to quake but the morning of the appointed for a few days, there are large Poor House where a beggars Booth Bread, day opered clear and bright so al numbers of paupers. men, we would be housed and provided for. Biscuits Buns, EU men and children who care trooping along.
obtain As the success of such a pian Without which you can Ttoos The children were conyyed by their daily sustenance by begging naturally hi ges on the matter of boats of eating the best.
camions to Portette where a very along the streets, much to the cass, the sources from which this Berlin Bread Licias delightful day was spent.
amoyance of pedestrians, particu may be obtained are now bezug Booth Biscuits larly strangers investigated and there is the sig11 order to rid the Country Ca festion we understaad, that all the The Peoples Bakery SANTIAGO, Chile. Commerpital of this very disagreeable fca Provinces should contribute to the Where you will get the best. cial airlines of Chile, Bolin and ture, the Governor is said to be cost as their paupers would The members of the be the industry can produce. Peru will son link their servicts, giving consideration to an impor included in the scheme.
was a nounced after a meet:D at Women League celebrated their cias Arica Chile, of the presi lent of ninth anniversary last Monday tous the Chilean Airlinds, Coramander evening. An interesting program perat Mer no Benitez; the presitat of me was arranged and much the Bolivian Lyod Aereo, Luis preciated by the audirnice. Among tree Prieto, and a director of the Po those who attended were many re ruvian Fawcett Lines. gmeral presentatives of other Branche Cozganization was considered.
and Organizations. Silverco Commander Benitez declare th lection was taken up and wi b we: the firs time technical execu devoted to charitable purposes.
tives of commercial aviation had Con together in South America wil the objet of exti 13 tacts to speed un traffic between SE VENDE Le boring countries.
on Bolivia, Chile and Peru Will Link Air Services Methodis plaud 20 Ahorre. CCD El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Banco de Costa Rica Siempre que te quedas con Fnca de banano comen migo pones esa cara de aburri zada a formar, casa de do madera y terrenos de pri. Es que pienso demasiado en mera clase, localizada tres millas antes de la desen Ha hecho muy mal en de bocadura Rio Pacuard jar aquel empleo. Por lo menos Tranvía hasta la propie tenia el pan asegurado. El pan sí. pero y el viao.
casa. Entenderse: Limórk Lo.
con Mario Blanco Ruiz Plaza El ladrón (dirigiéndose al po Ap. 268. Juan Viñas, con attack licia poligloto. Disculpe, po Israel Blanco cia. Cómo se dice en inglés. LA BOLSA LA VIDA. ficuit SUCURSAL DE LIMON Warog Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFranceFrancisco FrancoPopular FrontsSocialismSpain

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