
aturday, se Guillermo Niehaus Co.
a OMINOUS HAPPENINGS lies THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT EL ATLANTICO ELECTROLUX Saturday, September 12th, 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOECE 11 AN INTERESTING FUNCTION BY THE 2RS It was in the month of April was opened by Siser Blackman, Addresses were given by Elder last that the Rica Burial Scue and after a short prayer by Sis Moseley, Bro. Goulbourne LIMON Me Assgciation held a Silver Treu ter Carnegie, the Promoter and and our Distinguished Guest MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Concert for the particular pur his staff entered at the singing Miss Poyser also contributed a pose of accumulating funds to of Happy Band of Pilgrims. splendid discourse while Miss: and Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía treat the poor of the community This done, Bro. Blackman, the Reid delighted the audience at Eastertide. Representatives Promoter, gave an introductory with a classical selection on the Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo from various Fraternities and Re address and was followed by Bro piano. Mr. McCreath bore ligiuos Organizations were preH. Hylton who offered the brunt of the playing but was Importación de mercaderia en generai sent and among them the Rev.
Address of Welcome to Deacon quite at home with his masterly Donald Cooper, the Deacon Cooper touches and graceful glides. The attached to the St. Marks The Hall was gaily decorated solo by sister Brown and a Crunch, who though quite with roses and the beautiful bandaet by Mrs Blackman and Miss stranger to Limon, kindly accept ners of the Society; buth these Vose were well received ed an invitation extended him. were secondary to the gay uniform and lustily applauded.
Par he turbulent spirit of the Span action was due to Communist pro ed band of children, members of The Banquet followed the cos factions seem to be taking o paganda which was enrieavouring After hearing the purpet anil the Juvenile Department. The of the first part of the pro As the neighbouring Republic of to undermine the loyalty of the sone of the major acron. plsh task of addressing them feil to gramme when Bro. Hylton proe rtugal where, a few days ago members of the Navy.
ments of the Society ring its Mr. McCatty and this he did posed the toast to our Special subversive movement broke out eight years of service the Dea in a most telling manner; he di Guest, who, in turn, proposed that my board two of the nation war From Rome comes the report of con became sincerely impressed rected his appeal to the parents to the Society. During the BanMeie ips in an attempt to quit the the discovery by the government that here was a Seciety whosa to become members of the Socie quet Bro. dwards de Harbour of sbon to join in the of an important Communist Or cause and up keep should be es. Ity and to see that their children livered a ispeech in fronour of twanish wartere. The intention ganization with headquarters in poused by men of good will. In attended punctually the ladies An so Bravo Ladies 28 however, early discovered by that city and branches in several that night, therefore, though not The Promoter, ably assisted by Social Department.
1e Port authorities and the ships others. Many of the chief leaders programmed, he was afforded an his Staff, conferred the Past sabled by the guns of the fortress are said to be occupants cf import opportunity to speak when, in a President honours on Miss PoyHHH Armada ast positions in the Fascist regime; short address he mentioned lisser.
Investigations subsequently con they have all been placed under appreciatios of such an Organi ucted by the government are re arrest.
zation promoted and mainly fos.
prted to have disclosed that the tered by foreigners in this Republie which deigned to grant a le gitimate practique and protetion by its laws and ordes. ShorDepósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard tly after this, Mr Cooper, ex NACIONALES pressed his desire of becoming an SEE FRANK MADURO Jr. Honourary member and made THE NEW AIR COOLED the necessary application which PROP.
was accopeted. He is now reFrank Maduro hijo gistered on our roster to the joy PROP.
REFRIGERATOR of all members. But, as a special. Maderas del país. Exisentertainment and banquet was 101 NO MOVING PARTS tencia permanente en conceived and consumated in good at moderate prices NO ELECTRICITY nuestro depósito.
KEROSENE BURNER Eastern fashions by the Ladies USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEO Social Department. The occasion was also seized as a fitting oppor EFFICIENT tunity to confor defe neurs on Miss Violet Payser ar FOR FULL PARTICULARS Fast President of the Juvenile SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE Department. In response to our JOHNSTON special invitations there. were to be seen in addition to the dis BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON agai tinguished Guest Rev. Donal EULOS AIRES President entire world. the paper said.
101 Cooper Mrs. Goulbour Roosey. It address at Chautau The newspaper declared that Thomas gira. the newspaper Notre President, before the open Adjutant and Miss Pearl Wright ne; Teacher and Mrs Licias Cracicas declared raised ing Dec. of the Pan. American Dr. Fitzherbert Barrett; of Piace Conference which he pro and Mrs. Moseley; me.
Elder sigure above the stature Don Danie) Zuñig director Ge the enjoyment of a long rest aid deral cf Musea the Fucational, a well earned pension the uictators!
posed in February, wished to Mitchell; Mrs. Myriam Louis Department and the Compcer of Cuenos Aires wspapers ap sive precise form and orientation Vira.
and Miss Stevens; Mrs. many popuiar sags, paid a viat The Pacuare bridge was the scene plauded the spe:ch, which Noti to his international policy, enti Red and Beatrice Reid; Mr. and of inspection to ths Justo Faco of a tragedy last Wednesday night cias Graficas said inds a propicely free of dreams of dominaMrs. Edwards.
School on Fridny of last week ftwhen one of two native Spaniards tious echo in the anxious and des ton and violation of others The function was regulated er giving several te is in staging who were crossing was bounced oft perate multitudes of the worla. rignts which orient the internaby a programme of quite a sacr and theory, Mr Zuñiga expressed into the river by an east bound Roosevelt spoke before a mul tiona: atudes of Fascist naed make up as customary with titude of United States citizens tions.
himself as being highly pleased train. The travelling companion of the inherent principles of the As the infortunate man at ce rewith this phase of the school work.
zdir. cted his words to the sociation. As the function posted the matter to the Siquirres was Heeft the same day for San José, police who lost no time in visiting specially under the auspices of having previously visited Limoa. the pace. The man, however The Ladies Social Department it seem to have died instantaneously.
It is understood the deceased had arranged for his marriage in Doña Loura de Chaverri, il a Siquirres today.
few days ago a inember of the School staft has rathed off hen or Wednesday night brought intelsion after thirty years service. An unassuming, yet highly sanabe ligence of the tilting over of the Railroad Browne. Hoist soneEl más surtido en Matina teacher and a strict disciplinory, where in the Fort Clifte Section doña Lausu place will not be ca the same evening. There were no sily filied.
casualties, fortunately, ond a workFábrica de Hielo ing gang we soon put on the spot She takes with her the best to have the lines cleared for trat ITALIANS BESET IN ETHIOPIA wishes of the Atlantie Voice for fic.
Correspondent Best native lumber tark of love and gratitude an Hails Roosevelt Speech FROM SIQUIRRES HOP LEE LUNG Estable iniuto de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY LIMON Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON In Lighter Vein y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas LONDON. Italians in Ethio coast. He also stated that Italit pia beset with increasing als garrisons in various parts of the ficulties because of the rates and country are being evacuated be attacks of Ethiopia, warriors, Ajaz cause of transport difficulties, and Warqbeh Martin, Ethiopian in that the number of wounded ItiHister asserted on the basis of au ians passing through Djibouti pro horitative Information from Dji vid the continuous attacks by the Notario Público bouti, French Somaland, Ethiopians Rains have put airplanes and The Minister charged that when Oficina: Altos Pasmehanized columes out of action, airplanes are able to operate, they Martin said, and the Italians at Ad rain poisos gas on the peonle and cual Ingianna dis Ababa de destirely on the their animals; the women were reach railway for food from the also bring insulted.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Abogado y guess you won be the kind of wife whose only utensil is a can opener, will you?
No, Till use a cork screw, too.
Maid. package just came for you ma am. It looks like a bracelet.
Dancer. Don be so silly. It my new stage costume.


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