
The Situation in Spain The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone NO MORE RIVALRY The Negus and the League is With San Sebastian now un General Franco is supposed to Cer their command, the Revolu have mobilized 165. 000 me to tionary forces are concentrating the north and west of Madrid all their available forces to in and he expects to increase these Editor English Section: NATION tensify their activities throught to at least 1, 000, 000 within the this section of the war torn coun next fortnight when he laun Año DI Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 191h. 1936 No. 111 ches his definite advance against The legionaires stormed Lhe Madrid, strategic city of Maquenda, a Another priceless monument about 40 miles from Madrid, in a of Spain historic past was desterrific bayonet charge against the troyed early yesterday when the most desperate resistence of the government forces dynamited the government militia. Tha latter As a consequence of the laws nd fortress of Alcazar, Tolewere reported to have beea handiwhich have been instituted in Ja capped by having to drag their ardo which the rebels had for maica and Britain for the pro tillery into their new defensive poweeks refused to surrender. The Bensitions by hand. The huge bombers explosion is said to have destroy Producers Association, and after peror Haile Selassie has created ficulty as the Nations are all an.
tection of the Jamaica Banana London advises that the Em jan effort to straignien out the dif of the rebel forces again were the ed large sections of the city and decisive factor in this bat: when several conferences had taken much concern by announcing his xious for to have killed hundreds. It they raked the defenders ty mathe co operation of place between the Heads of the chinegun fire and bombs. Another hoped that the numerous womer intention of attending the annual Italy.
calumn of General Franea army and children who were placed in different Companies operating in meeting of the League of Nations The 93rd, Session of the Coun.
is reported to be exactly 20 kids the lower vaults of the fortrees chat Island, an agreement has as the Delegate for Abyssinia. cil met yesterday in a political meters from Toledo and they hope been reached whereby the spirit Italy has notified Gineva to get there in time to relieve the have excaped a cruel dath. ter that atmosphere regarded as the most of rivalry and antagonism need heroic officers and cadets who rible hand to hand battle is now she will not attend if the Negus uncertain since the founding of no longer exist.
have withstood the siege of an being waged between the survivbe permitted to do so, and she has the League and Delegates are hap en. e government army.
ing regels and the military. According to this agreement further stated that recognition ing that there will be an ayoid.
In the northern sector aroud llbao is now completely sur should a ship, say of the Associa of her annexation of the African ance of the more difficult inter Bilbao, General Mola is reported rounded by the rebels and Gen tion, arrive first at a certain port Empire would be required as a national problems. The Italo. Ethio to have resumed the offensive with eral Mola has sent the defenders she will take all the fruit offer condition for the attendance of pian matter does not, it is under his African contingeats gaining demanding theired for her port of destination her Delegate in any event.
possession of Orio, Oguinago and an ultimatum stood, appear among the 24 items Esteban The Basque volunteers surrender; is it believed that this and would on arrival there den Much diplomatic activity is listed for consideration.
retreated as far Zarauz and te demand will be acceded to 88 ver same to the Agents of the being displayed, it is alleged, in government panes are said to hamuch disorder exists in conse Company for whom it was inve destroyed the San Sebastian Bilbao railroad in several places in quence of the efforts of the ex tended. The ships of the United order to keep the rebels from ad tremists to create a veritable Standard Fruit Companies vancing their heavy artillery reign of terror.
will act in simllar manner.
which has been princi; ally responFrom Burgos it is reported By this arrangement much of sible for their recent victorie The most sanguinary battle that the revolutionary forces the time now wasted and expen Barrister and Notary Public of the entire war is reported to operating in the Guadarrama se ses involved by having to wait be now proceeding in the vici tion have captured several im on individual steamers will be sa Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased ed and the fruit will arrive nity of Toledo where the gov portant positions and an effort to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and at its destination in fresher con ernment is making drastic en is being made to cut off rallNotarial matters to his friends and clients of the deavours to check the advance way communication between Ma dition. Peace has therefore been Atlantic Zone.
of the Rebels drid and Valencia.
secured at last.
COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO The market price for fruit has reached the limit of three shilling Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José and six pence per bunch.
or Teodoro Picado UNITED FRUIT Co.
Honduranian Rebels Again Defeated TO the SERVICIO DE VAPORES Destruction of Our b From Tegucigalpa it is officially Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York near the Nicaragua border Gene Coconuts announced that on Sunday last con escala en Cristóbal y Habana ral Mendoza was reported to have tilos government forces, under been taken prisoner, a number of command of General Juan the insurgents killed and much LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Chaves, defeated a group of re war material, horses and corres AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Some weeks ago the attention bels led by Generals Manuel Sa pondence of a zubversive cba.
of our authorities was called, mayoa, Juan Bautista Meindoza racter seized.
through these columns, to the and Mariano Bertrand Anduray Dr Salidas Vapores Angel Zuniga Huete, distressing conditions existing in member of the Liberal Party and our Cocount groves conseof lead in the proportion of two VERAGUA.
a strong opponent of President 20 de Septiembre quence of the ravages of th Co pounds to 50 gallons of water Carias, arrived in San Jose last conut worms and we emphazied It is a pity the government Tuesday. He was expelled from QUIRIGUA.
27 de Septiembre the need of an effort being made could not find it convenient to Nicaragua in consequence of his to combat the evil. We are con deliver the remedy to our poor de Octubre activities on behalf of the PETEN reye sequently, pleased to find that coconut farmers who are SUZ lutionary movement which, in our esteemed Governor, don Rifering terribly from cardo Alvarado, has been taking being made by these insects on the havos statement given the Diario. be ALVARADO Cía, the matter up with the Chemisis the industry.
says will eventually succeed.
of the Agricultural Department Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas which has resulted in our being advised of the remedy given by Para otros informes dirijase a la oficinas Dr. Ballou, a French Entomolode la United Fruit Company en los bajos del gist, for the destruction of these Gran Hotel Costa Rica insects. The Doctor recommends the spraying of the trees with a Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón TELEFONO 3156 decoction composed of arsenate para EUROPA (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Hamburgo)
ter CARIBIA As an apparent response to the delivered before a la ge gather Octubre 10 recent utterances of the Germans, ing of the civil populace at Kiev, On Monday last tne callüren General Voroshiloff of the So declared that should Russia be Para GUATEMALA of the Sodality offered a Weico viet War Department, in a speech attacked by a foreign country they me programme to Bishop Welco were prepared to carry the war (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
me programe to Bishop Wollgar into the enemy territory so as ten our Vicar Apostolic, for his to avoid destruction of their own CARIBIA Octubre safe return after visiting Rome Bishop Alberto for the expres areas.
and the Fatherland. The Hallsions of appreciation projected by He further emphasized the newas testefully decorated and up the scenes presented him.
cessity of their army being main SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS pointed, and a select programme The funds were donated to the tained in such a manner as to be of appropiate songs and decita Society of Sr. Vinvent de Paul. able obeat their aggressor on Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a tion was presented. All present The parents, guardians and tea his own ground and teach him the were highly elated with the et chers of these young ones must lesson, which would not be forgot ficiency of the function and the certainly be complimented for ten not even by his grand chil.
beauty of the perfomances but the skill and patience exhibited by dren, that the Soviet Republics Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 particularly 90 our most genial. the display of cultured abllity. should never be attacked.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE The Bishop Reception Soviet Warning HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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