
Saturday, September 19, 1986 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Convalescing AA CARDA YA LLEBOI! La Maquina da Caser Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER VENEZUELA WOMEN SEEK EQUAL RIGHTS La Lotería del Asilo Chapui he We are glad to see that don Santiago Chamberlain of Grispl les is convalescent from the seSINGER 1936 337)
rious illness which had him prosCose para adelante y atrás, bardu surce y perfora trated in our hospital for seve Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna: ral weeks. As a result of his SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES indisposition is immense Saw ADJUTANT WRIGHT begs by chis means, Mills at Santa Clara were praeAgencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado to express to his many comrades, friends, aympatally inactive during all this thisers and supporters in the Cause dearest to his time, heart, his regret that in consequence of being so It is however a pleasure to hurriedly called away he was unable to personally know that the anxieties regard say god bye to all who have been kind to himself, ing his health are past and gone You can sew with it backward and forward, do Mrs. Wright and theirs in word, deed or thought. In and his recuperation will be but embroidery, mending and hemstirching work.
thanking them all for their support and many acts matter of a few more days We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
of kindnesses, he can only pray that the Heavenly when he will be able to resume Futher will continue His many blessings and Fash his usual activities among us.
ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH erly care toward them. Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon In leaving, he begs that his friends and comrades will extend to his successors in office that 10. 3W8: same affection it has always been his good fortune VOCAL CONTEST AT NEW CASTLE New Castle 642, Main 570. He to receive from them throughout the period of his then gave a warm address on the stay in Costa Rica.
On Monday night, the 7th. ins. Barrett were appointed Judges. subject of Unity and was follow 40 tant, the New Castle and Mofa The preliminary consisted ofed by several other speakers Divisions staged an interesting songs, solos, duets, recitations from both divisions.
Contest Concert under the chair and dialogues by each of the In bringing the function to a manship of Mr. Davidsoa contesting sides. These were folclose Mr. McFarlane gave who in opening the function gave lowed by ten selected songs, and vote of thanks for the exceeding war an elaborate address, at the close of the singing Mr. Jy enjoyable evening afforded Spo Mr. Needham, Mr. Saw Needham, in the name of his as them all.
yers, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. asociates, declared the result Correspondent பல CARACAS, Venezuela. The, nezuelan, who long was a real women of Venezuela have start dent of Long Island, is se ed fight to prevent themsel cretary 99 from becoming mere cred One of the most active of the fo tures of luxury and pleasure. New Deal women is Miss Carmen And They want economic freedom, de Clemente Travieso, a goodTH they want an individual place in looking university graduate, who reparte en premios el 63 por ciento de lo que produce la emisión; the world; they want to be on a made herself famous in 1828 he footing of equality with men. by defying Dictator Gomez la otra apenas da un 50 por cientos tomando en cuenta el cambio For many years the bottle has troops at the time of the student actual, el precio del billete en Costa Rica y el descuento que Javo been going on, but il was not un troubles.
deberá usted pagar para obtener el pago de los premios.
field til the death last December of She was one of the organizer Comprando sólo Lotería Nacional usted evitará que salga oro the Juan Vicente Gomei, detator in 1928 of the Federation of Stu Hoia for twenty seven years, that the dents, which is playing a great del país y desde luego impedirá que se agrave la situación del Burt wolften foright on a broad front. part in the present revolutionary cambio. Por todas estas razones usted debe comprar solamente la bod.
The ladies of this country ha change to democracy.
ve no political rights and their On a day when that striking LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI property rights are vested in their young personality, Jobito Villal husbands.
ba, now president of the federa tror As soon as a girl is married, tion, made a speech against the neka drusband may take all of the tyranny of Gómez, Villalba and money belonging to his raven other students were seized by the haised wife and squander it on troops pg blondes if he wants to. The law It was then that Miss Carmen Ioan so provides dramatically rushed up to the Svine BERLIN. The Spanish Em. July 29. He now considers him.
Out inthe rural districts when a soldiers, her black eyes flashing. bassy recenty presented the uni self representative of the Burgos bod peon has led a lasa to the altar and challenged them to shoot que spectacle. of. two opposing Fascist junta, but has taken no be rides home from the ceremony her.
Spanish. factions. housed under steps to present credentials to the LIMON on his burro, and she foüows But even Gomez minions.
the same roof.
Nazi Government.
meekly on foot. She also works tough as they were, did not like vaus Entrenched in the private cm. Such business as he conducts in the field and does other ma to shoot beautiful girls.
bassadorial apartments upstairs. for the Burgos régime is enacted Fábrica de Hieloma nual laber.
Her spectacular move did no mo The more highly placed Wo good at thetime, for vmalba and land refusing to give them up was at a private flat of the Spanish Francisco Agramonte y Cortijo. Naval Attaché one mile away.
ell Refrescos men, of course, do not have to other boys wore thrown into pri hin walk from their weddings behind son. Vialba was enearcerated. who resigned as Ambassador of his a donkley, and they do not have in the notorious rotunda the Loyalist Spanish Government prison Mr. Agramonte usually walks to till the soil, but they feel for six years, with a seventy fi there because the diplomatie li.
their lot is nevertheless hard, ve pound ball and obain on his mouscine is retained by represn The women summed the matter leg, an dthen was exiled to Trini Ded José Achion Ng tatives of the Madrid Socialist up in a platfrom of their canıp dad for two years.
ham aign, now in full swing the Miss de Clmente Travieso lator. The latter hold the chancellery This states, Detallista Comerciante LA FLORIDA among other release ed indefatigably for the ses floor and the social rooms and things that their object is to of her colleagues, and it was due Cour Licores, Abarnites, Cristale. offices of the Commercial Atta.
abolish womanhood as a mere in no small part to her efforts ria, Antioulos de Ferreteria ché next door to the embassy.
tho Fábrica de Hielo object of luxury, of pleasure, of they finally were freed.
y Eléctricos; todo Se on was indifference, and free her from As a part of the suffragist cuentra en este estableci.
The Spanish Minister to Stock Venta de Leche the economic yoke: to make her drive, the working women of the miento a holm appeared in Berlin shortly man conscious of herself and efficieut country are being organized into PRECIOS DE SITUACION after Mr. Agramonte resignation y Maderas The suffragists are organizing, unions to obtain decent pay. At Все to take over the embassy, but de throughout the country and LIMON a present women get an average cided it was better to return to men society known as of 40 cents a day for uns. lec his own post.
with 30. 000 membrs, recently work.
tions between us and the Germa Meanwhile, those in charge of Government simply don exist bitio toche cup the cudgels for them. Men receive higher wages in Peru A feminine group has Foreign the Madrid Interests have been we are standing by our guns and been the same jobs, and the women addos to this body, and Mrs An are demanding the same pay My.
given the cold shoulder by the so is Agramonte. The German Trade Gains na Julia Rojas, a prominent Ve Forcign Office. In the words of Government remains aloof from 800 males.
the Loyalist. spokesman, rela. both of LIMA, Peru. Although it fell of 5, 728, 585 soles in To Whom It May Concern May. Peru foreign com: merco for the first five il persons who are desirous of remitting money to Jamaica, MY DAUGHTER months of this year totaled at the lowest rate possible, with the reliance that their remi190, 391, 208 soles, compared Itances will reach home safely, ought to call and see an old and trusted friend with 110, 535, 791 soles for MENDEZ the corresponding period of S: 1935. Customs revenues to CO having left my home without my condent since the RO Limón taled 18, 558, 396 soles, an 22nd, of August 1956, do not hold myself res Send in the remittance along with it address of the increase of 4, 106884 soles.
ponsible for her or any Debisbe may contract person to whom the cheque is to be sent. plus seventy cents The cost of living in July.
for Registration, and rest assured the monere will taking the 1913 level LIMON, SPT, Srd.
as reach home safely.
100, was 160, against. RICHARDS 156. 44 for January, Two Factions Housed in Embassy, COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY yard FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Lic end Orve, ba Daisy Richards ROS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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