
1988 Saturday, September 19th, 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Pathfinders Beaten by Matina Team SALUVINA Not belg satisfied with the 18 men he went himself to stop the rot, only six singles in his score. The ults of his previous visit, Cap. along with Sutten, who is now a team total was 98 runs. In their tain Parchment left with the de resident of Matina, and they surely response, the Pathfinders could bermination of piercing the de did. Sutton played careful cricket only muster 18 runs, Captain Dirences ot piercing the defences of to keep wis aggressive Captain in, xon being top scorer with seven.
pur City boys, so on Monday last but on teaching 13 he, too was bow There was a veritable procession of Do returned with his team and Jed by S, Smith. In the meantime, Ducks from the 3rd to the 9th, succeeded in no: uncertain man however, Captain Parchment had wicket. Smith bowled well for the Roper. He has setia crossroads in been registering his boundaries City team, getting wickets for the trall of the Pathfinders and compiling the respectable total runs.
He elected to have first knock of 52 runs. He showed the Path The admirers of Capt. Parchdo hit the bowling of the City team, finders the way to three boundarlement were much elated over his put finding this too good for his of six and five of four, there wer success. THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Aliments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF HORSE RACING IN LIMON Flatulence Indigestion Colics 001 And all forms of Stomach Disorders FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES OU 2e next race when Mr. Arm. Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON ODAS, On Tuesday Last, the Nationally in ahead of her field in 41 sec, that horse owners, breeders and Holiday of Costa Rica, Race Fans onds.
trainers will give these efforts vere once more delighted by wit This event is opening the eyes their wholehearted support rather ssing another meet of the King of all breeders who feel much in than discourage them by finding 12 Sports in this city.
thused, and it is hoped that great fault with whatever weaknesses The Racing track a Cieneguita er events will soon be forthcom may yet be evident in them.
devas thronged with lovers of the ing in hippic contests in Limon.
attor Sport and although, through some We have seen a letter supposed nistaken ideas among the own to be from a Racing Committee indes rs of horses, there were not the of San José to Mr. Littleton of NICARAGUAN IMPORTS Sual numerous entries for the Guácimo in which horse owners Manufactured by: any items on INCREASE the programme, are being encouraged to take he promoters were satisfied that their animals to San Jose to com good showing had been made pete with the native and thoHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
nd so also was the public. roughbreds of Cartago. Alajuela Despite long delays in The first race brought out four and Guanacaste in December. It San Jose, Costa Rica payment for foreign mermart looking horse, resulting in is therefore hoped that our Atlan chandise Nicaragua imhe winning of the event by Mr. tic owners will continue caring ports in July increased 100 10. Ward Columbia the prime and fitting their horses for the 12 avourite of the crowd. He led his struggle so that the best may be per cent, Germany selling all other cour SHOOTING AFFRAY IN CAHUITA more than ield all through the 700 yards to selected for the invitation iſ suit tries combined. Merchants To he satisfaction of his backers, able conveniences and conditions believe that unless Nicaraoing the run in 41 seconds. Mo are offered us. The letter states gua coffee crop is sold to Tel Surrell Triplicity came see that transportation and stabling On Monday last a Nicaraguan. The affair caused quite a sen la Germany on a barter basis, by the name of José Obando, ransation in the vicinity, as Raimundo nd.
will be provided by the Commit Germany cannot be paid. amuck the law and good order of enjoyed much consideration for his.
There was a bad talse start in this Settlament He had been general good behaviour and, espeLast year, when coffee drinking along with some others cially, as he did not provoke his exports to Germany were trong Indian Boy and Mr.
and being also, apparently, under aggressor in any way. The of placed on a quota basis, the influence of marijuana, arrell Victor went the full got ficials of the American Survey boaba German coffee buyers pro quarrelsome with everyone with which, fortunately, way in the har ength of the course. On their be tested, asking larger quan whom he came in contact. He then bour at the time, had the wounded og sent back Mr. Francis little Abogado y tities. Germany paid 25 per became threatening, and going to man given first aid attention age cent more for coffee than vinner with Indian Boy sec Notario Público his room armed himself with Sis hore; they afterwards took him United States buyers, but nd. The time wag 45 seconds.
shotgun with which he eventually aboard where the shots were exThe third Race was a very es Oficina: Altos Pas increased the price of mer shot a native by the name of Rai tracted and arranged to take him iting one with four contestants: ehandise sold to Nicaragua. mundo Oliva io his right foot, into Limon Ir. Campbell Harry Lauder cual Ingianna ras prime favourite, but he was The man Obando way arresiad eaten by just a neck by Mr. Pas by Mr. Ramon Mora, the Agent ielo more Bullrush with Mr. Burter. Further information may be of Police, and conveyed to Limoa pil Triplicity very close had of either Mr. Littleton to be placed before the Criminal BS hird. The public went crazy over of Guacimo or the Editor of this Judge. The accused claims he got nis palpitating tinish of the 700 Journal.
LIMON, LIMON, the marijuana, which he ards run. Time, 43 seconds.
Unfortunately through the reImportación known to have been smoking, from An unfortunate occident happe gettable death of don Beto Coto a man called John Bull; but the y Imports and Exports ed at this time. little boy of Cartago and don José Monge ertire vicinity are convinced that amed Hillary got so excited over of Turrialba racing has had an Exportación this is untrue and has only been he close running of the three hor awful getback, as other horse own Lumber Deposit framed with a view of minimizing DA es that he forgot there was a fers of the interior have not proDepósito de Madera the reasons for his vicious inten burth horar, and as he ran in onven ag sportive as the game de tions he track along with the crowd, mands.
Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased However, it is evident Uyas, struck down by the animal some new spirit is being revived grano the rear and badly hurt. Co in the Capital, so we anxiously France Wants League nandante Arias a most enthusias awalt the propositions which will as ie turfite, was quickly on the be presented us by the Committee cene and pieking up the lad of the Civic Flestas, endered him first aid, In the meantime Mr. David Fae fourth event was an exhi. Lee, and the working Commit BUENOS AIRES. Argentina acres for barley, 1, 729, 000 for rye Sition between Mr. Domian Meltee of Limon must be congratu has sown 18 per cent more wheat and 98, 800 for birdseed. The to GENEVA. France expressed a. Mr. Tully chestnut colt and lated for their very strenuous ef this year than last, and 11 per tal area sown to the six grains her belief that the League of Na dr. Ward Columbia over the forts to revive the impetus in the cent more flaxseed, according to is 39, 850, 300 acres, a 12 per cent trong should be endowed with 00 yards. Melba came graceful. Sport on this side; and it is hoped the official estimate published by increase over last year sowings greater powers to institute prethe Bureau of Rural Statistics.
ventive action against war.
The area sown to wheat is esti There should be no sacrifice of Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard mated at 16, 796, 000 acres, which any of the central principles of total, however, is stiu 13 per cent the League, Foreign Minister NACIONALES below the normal acreage as indi Yvon Delbos asserted in an affi FRANK MADURO Iv. eated by the average for the last Wee. Le cial communication of Facnce ten years, view.
ESTRADA Frank Maduro bije, The flaxseed area is estimated The basic principle of respon PROP.
at 7, 286, 500 seres, which figure is Abarrotes y Licores sibility and collective action within 65, 800 acres of normal as Atenlos del Paie should be adhered to wigorously.
del pale indicated by the ten year zaverage Precios Económicos the communiqué contended, manente Areas son to other so called Amendment of the League co Sains are estimated tre PERIA venant to achieve this would of 2, 965, 000 acres for outs, 1, 97 opol be necesty, Ni Delbos held.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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