
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 19th, 1936 CAMISAS PIJAMAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE G. BREEDY Vacationist Returns Changes in Salvation Army a Prado Campaigns in Perú Will Alti Be Deported?
WELL. WHAT. We are pleased to see once Booth Bread, more among us Mr. Bloomfield Biscuits Buns, Adjustant Wright, actual fa. sistance of don Antonio Carna ritorial Commander to return to Clerk in charge of the WholosWithout which you can ther of the Salvation Army work lias, who did all his propaganda Costa Rica to continue the work le Warehouse of the Cia. Surti boats of eating the best.
in this city, left us along with printing on easy terms, he start which had been pracacally aban ciora de Costa Rica.
Berlin Bread his family, on Friday by thed soliciting aid; and by scous ūoned.
Mr. Bloomfield left on vaca Bo s Biscuits Dutch steamer for his native ing the Estrella division of the He again buckled to it with Lion, some weeks ago, for the land Jamaica, being called there Fruit Company plantations, heart and soul but obtained ve Isle of Springs and has returne: The Peoples Bakery by orders from Headquarters. He then in the height of prosperity, ry little support sometimes none looking at and fresh cor ano Where you will get the best.
is succeeded by Major Perry who as well as other sections, he ac ai all. In the year 1929 matters ther period of strenuows labour. the industry can produce.
arrives by the Veragua today. cumulated sufficient to com became worse, all permits for The Friendly and Literary Asla It was in 1907 that Captain mence the erection of the present street preaching and the solicit sociation of this City, of which wy pucung on a pleasant evening. CH Edward Palacci a Peruvian, was Hall on land which was provia ing of funds were withdrawn. Mr Bloomfield is President show dancing was indulged, in tm BU sent bere to inaugurate the worked by dint of perseverance of He, bowever, persevered in presed its appreciation of his return wee hour of the morn.
due along with Major John Galley some of his leaders. Subscripsing on the authirities the necslie This progressed for some time tions in aid of the work kepi sity of Army work os the only Bocou when it was set back fearfully coming in through the influence means of reaching the stricCapt. Palacci was succeeded by of friends and parties interested permission was restored. So now LIMA, Peru. Jorge Prado, The Revolutionary Union par Hivi Capt Gilmore Scott, who only in the Army work; and furthe time has come wen Head Presidential candidate of the Naty, whose candidate for President hed remained for about six months ther amounts were also obtain quarters has seen fit to again tional Front, has gone to Ayachu is Luis Flores, was forbidden to which sadly prostrated the worked by the kindness of the Fruit remove him for where he knows Co to campaign for election on Toe hold demonstrations onthe sixth just of his predecessor. Capt. Alfred Company who granted him Ex not.
Oct. 11 Amadee de Pierela, presi anniversary of the uprising led Joh Scott was next sent out to car cursion Trains at low cost and During his years of labour in dent of the National Front, is can by Colonel Luis Sánchez Cer Ty on, but this Officer ran amuk al orded him other encouragewil Costa Rica, Adjuta. Wright has didate for First Vice President. ro, which upset the Leguia gov wich of the authorities and as his per ments earned the goodwill of all who Miguel Grand is the candidate ernment.
mit was taken away he was Throughout this period he was have met him, and his family for Second Vice President.
prevented from working. not yet an officer of the Army, has been highly respected. In our only About a month after Capt preaa Envoy or local opinion the most distressing part cher. When the building was con: Palacci came here Adjutant of this spearation will be the dewer pleied Territorial Commanders Wright arrived in the country in parture of Mrs. Wright from the the search of work, and he soon befrom Jamaica and Panamá came children of the Day School which Sherpherd Alti has again been ticisms used to promulgate suIwo over to inspect the outpost and came interested in the work of was the great joy of the Army running foul of the authorities, perstitious thoughts and motives HON Commissioner Bullard, then Terthe Army. After the departure home. All learned to love and res ritorial Commander in Chief, com and on this occasion there is de among the people should be abol who of Mr. Scott, the work was apect her; all calling her Mother; thought that he may be deport Ished from the Community.
tene plimented him greatly for the bandoned for some time, but soin every home and corner Moedni bawat OLE work he had accomplished withThe government will do well newhere about 1913, Mr. Wright ther was welcome an dmade hap out help from Headquarters and The government is much to subdue these vile, immoral was instructed by Headquarters py by the affections shown her gainst the admission here of passions which are indulged Was to take over and carry on as invited him to become an officer. djutant Wright did not sel ligious cults, especially those of under the guise of religion and the He entered the training garrison fishly confine his time to best he could. He did so for athe the kind headed by this man. It which often lead to hatred, and the bou a fortnight when the autho in 1918, and after passing the work of the Army: he took a liis therefore time that such fana may be murder, instead of love and rities called for his Permit course there he was as pro to vely interest in Tae Church work bow among the brotherhood.
predicate on the streets and he batory Captain to an outpost at of the various denominations a le Bluefields in the parish of West aiso the Associations which cathereupon petitioned the Gover000 were nor of the Province for such permoreland, thereafter to Port Ma tered for the uplift of our peocell mission. During this time he badria, Buff Bay Montego Bay, Spanple. He was always a welcome to hire quarters at his own exish Town, Allman Town and Port figure at every meeting of our plac pense, the while earning a livell Antonio, all in the Island of JaCiuos and Organizations where El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en hood onthe docks where he sufmaica. While at Port Antonio he tain educational and cultural thought Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alfered much annoyance by ridiwas in 1928 selected by the Terand was the theme.
morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para cule from his working compaThe Atlantic Voice takes this que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es. 250. El Res.
int nions. He however carried on for the medium of conveying to Adju taurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina. Cifive years and eight months dur a tant Wright an expression of the garros, y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
ing which time he suffered eight WOD sincere regret which the Comnot arrests for preaching on the munity experiences for his dehot streets as prohibited by law.
parture; but feeling confident The Finding it very difficult to conthat no leaf falls from the tree Cantina. Posada tinue paying the rent for the cau except by the ordering and guidT se of the Army fro mhis own y Cafeteria band of Superior Benevola se purse in addition to the support ence, we wish him and his famiFelipe Wing Ching This vicinity has been muchter thel of his family he resolved after Ty the richness of a Father love aroused as a result of the death of Whe confering wit his few converts and protection wherever he and Shortly after regaining her!
a woman known by the name of berty Bryant left the vicinity and wer and leaders, to build a Chapel of Apartado 395 they may be located in this Vaie Edith, an intimate associate wich of is said to be now somewhere down their own. By the generoua asof Fears and doubts.
a man named Vassell also of this the Coast.
bles place It is alleged that jealous quarrels and threats of violence had been going on for some time between the woman Edith and one Mrs.
COMERCIANTE Bryant, another friend of the man Establecido en la Provincia Vassell; consequently on the sud.
por más de 20 años den death of Edith, a fortnight ago, Vende al detal, Vinos y LLit was rumoured wildly around cores extronjeros y del pais, abarrotes en general.
that Bryant had been the cause of MISCELANEA same. This led to her arrest and Establecimiento esquina ST detention but she was subsequently Norte del Mercado mo lib:rated by the dictamen of the Entre Doctor who Investigated the mat Restaurante. Siquirres EL CABALLO BLANCO Sullivan FROM 25 MILES EDGAR YOUNG Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Banco de Costa Rica AVISO NOTICE Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and fasocio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member cia de Costa Rica, para pagar los gastos de entierro. Estaof the only reliable Burial blecida en Limón, el de Mayo Society established in Limon de 1928 May 5th. 1928 SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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