
Saturday, September 19th, 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Mussolini Visits Napoleon Shrine THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes ELECTROLUX CRICKET JOHNSTON PICNIC AT THE QUAY finders and the Matina team, the Fights Hoffman Libel Charge LUIS WA CHONG 11 PORTO FERRAJO, Isle of Elba.
Premier (Benito Mussolini visited the shrine of Napoleon and SEE then ordered new memorials to his acknowledged hero.
THE NEW AIR COOLED Musolini flew here from Rome El más surtido en Matina and devolted most of his pilgri mage to reflection over the Nepo leonic relics. He was accompani REFRIGERATOR ed by Lieut. Gen. Arehille Sta race, Secretary of the Fascist NO MOVING PARTS party, and Giuseppe Vale, UnderSecretary of the Air Ministry.
NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER He spent a long time browsUSES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC the EFFICIENT The match between the Cons only nine men present and so were ing in Villa San Martino, truction and the Excelsior ended forced to close their inning at 45 home Napoleon bad built for him In a four wickets viétory for the runs for wickets. The Builders self during his tirst exlle. Hal FOR FULL PARTICULARS ng Champions of last season me rép! led with 100 for wickets.
made a careful study of the com SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE home Builders had the first knock but, Harrison retired after compiling 41 pleted restoration of the due to the steady bowling of Charby free hitting.
which he ordered four years ago sont lle Johnson and Maxwell they ROME. The possible strengthen As a result of this match it 15 BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON 20 could not raise their building to understood that Construction, Uni. ing of the Isle of Elba as a na more than 51 pieces. is notty and Surtidora are all out of the when it was announced that Mur va! and air bases wa foreseen Living up to his reputation, or is race for the Mug.
solini had flown to Porto Ferrahe deceiving us? His brace of Ducks Tomorrow the Unity will meet jo. He made o tour of the is was certainly a fine exhibition the Excelsior in their regular il land an ddiscussed various nulli The Jamaica Burial Sebente lorado made several trips latien The ball which bowled him was ture. We are wondering if the tary problems with high navy Association brought off a mam to her water marks with pas ed just a regular paced one from Ambitious will be able to make officers.
moth Pic. nie at La Uvita. sengers. Much over a thousand Johnson, but it left the Idol another stey up for the Coveted Ca and in all the history of Limon pleasure seekers availed them with his bat all set ard hit his Cup wicked. Anyhow, all this is in the it was the most gigantic ing selves of the opportunity of the In the match between the Rathtrip on the Quince de Setiem motor game of Cricket seen at the Quay. The bre.
attack of the Youths was good and Schooner Escupe Fuego of CeWhen. Ambitious went to The crossing the barbour TRENTON, Nain a large seaworthy bont was.
the wickets, Maxwell and Kerr steady, especially that of Smith, but it was the veteran Parchment med as a codefendant in much enjoyed by the numerong were dispatched unusually earlythe score then being one run for Who by Tree hitting, mede 52 rubs Governor Hoffman suit for passengers, some of whom weat two wickets. What an avera je!
in 25 minutes. 38 runs with 100, 000 damages for libel, up the Mast to enhance their son strokes was the acme of the day the Radio and Television view. All were thoroughly satistine However, Sutton and Wallser, play. We were all sadly disappoin Corporation of New York, GUACIMO GUAPILES who followed, stopped the threated with the batting of the Youths in its answer in the Supreme fied with their day outing and Mr. Harold Smith and his tened rot by punishing the fast Cantina, Licores onts trom and treating they were all dismissed for ony Court denied that Boake colleagues were highly complithe others with scant courtesy. It 18 runs. They intend, we unders Carter, radio commentator, Extranjeros y del país. mented for affording so enjoywas noticed that the captain of tand, making a trip to Jamaica. was in its employ. In the suit Tienda bien surtida able a time, whlle they in turn the Construction took exception to this the way they are going to the Governor charged the suoress Abarrotes en general greatly appreciate the the batting of Kerr And Walker play in that Island commentator improperly which has attended the teasury and gave his bowler orders not to criticized his conduct of the PRECIOS in COMPETENCIA of the Society. Bravo Mas HårSPECTATOR bowl but this he cancelled within Hauptmann case.
ry. Come back again.
4911 few minutes. The final scores!
were, Construction 51, all outEx.
Eode celsior 66 for Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Tolga The Picnic match which took Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiplace between the teams cap.
ea tained respectively by S, Smith cina dentro de los primeros 10 días el before the 10th of the month and Robirson was most de cada mes an interesting and exciting 23 Be so good as to comply with this request and do not the winners were to receive Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Cr crate of Beer. Smith team de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
won ard showed their opponents not only how to play cricket but how to driak Beer at their espsse.
The scores wert Smith XI 61 for Robinson 53 alj out, The Builders gove the Unity a severe trouncing last Sunday in their retur match of the season When they first met the Builders The American Marines engag activity in this vicinity. per. evidently a shallow has been lo wita the requirements of Lloyd were defeated by runs and ed in survey work along the manent Buoy, with a flag on top. cated in tbi sroute to Bocas del MarinInsurance Agency wickets, but they turned the ta coast have been displaying muon has been placed at the Bananito Toro from Limon, hence, the rea bles ca this occasionUnity had Bar, about a mile from sbore; son for anchoring the buoy in The Launch Moderno arrived this position. permanent mark here last Monday at p. as has also been placed on the Ca owing to a defect in her machihuita Point, and a concrete tow nery she could not leave Limon er is being erected on the big. until 30 She went ou hest hill in the vicinity. Much to Sixaola the same afternoon labour was required to get the with a heavy cargo of merchanmaterial to the spot and for the dise for a Chinese trader; returti erection of the monument, but ing at a very late hour the folBANCO DEL ESTADO many refused to work for the lowing night she left immedia SOLE BANK OF ISSUE rate offered them one and tely for Limon.
half dollars per day. hence the As the Traco and the MarUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK greater part of the labour 19 ta are engage din the Turtle being done by the Boys from trade, the Moderno is the onofrece al público los Offers the Public the board.
ly reliable Launch trading hers Much comment is being made at present, consequently she is servicios de su Services of its as to the reasons for all this ac usually overtaxed with freight.
tivity. Some say the Americana need a Naval Base to protect the As a result of the increased as Atlantic entrance to the Panama tivities in the Banana industry, Canal; some, that the American there is now much trafficing aEN LA IN THE government will be absorbing long tifis section of the coast, it the Coast in consequence of the is therefore a pity that the gove enormous debt due her by this ernment cannot see the neces government; others, and these sity of instituting a regular coas para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service are the more reasonable, that the tal service with a well appointod work is in connection withthe Launch as is done on the Pacific servicio bancario Rendered surveying of Ocean routes and side, to alleviate the stress and the making of a new chart for lack of travelling convenience navigation purposes in keeping much in evidence.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
This bill must be paid at our office Compañía Eléctrica de Limón GLEANINGS AROUND CAHUITA 10 BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon


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