
RIVALRY BETWEEN OUR PORTS The Atlantic Vaice Few people are, we think, aware of the keen competition which exisis between our Eastern and Wes Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone tern Gateways for supremacy in shipping matters. Due Editor English Section: NATION to the facilities offered shipping lines by our govern ment in their desire to make Puntarenas the country Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 26th. 1936 No. 112 principal port of call, that port has, for some time, been receiving a larger quantily of our importations than Limon. We now find, by the latest statistics, that of THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS TERRORISM IN the 21, 163, 326 kilograms of Coffee exported during the HAVANA 1935 1936 season, the huge total of 11. 235, 390 kilos went out by way of Puntarenas in spite of tranship cry This Assembly met at Geneva Haile Selassie and his son, On Sunday last Cuba Capi ments and tolege payablo by ships passing through on Monday last for its Prince. to tal. greatly the great Waterway of Panama. The balance of te general meeting with the Dele from England to await the Com disturbed by an act or terrorism. 9, 928, 036 kilos passed through Limon.
gate for the Argentine Republic, mittee decision. This question waen a truck leaded with dy Limon was formerly our only port of call, but afDoctor Saavedra Lamas, occupy is expected to produce heated namite exploded in front of the ter don Ricardo Jimenez completed the building of the sing the Presidency discussions as the Emperor is building which housed the news.
Italy notified the Assemb y determined to press his claim papar El Pais. several persons wharf at Puntarenas, which had been commenced by be that she was ready to participa for the continued recognition of were killed instlanty and a lar that never to be forgotten little President of ours don iste so soon as it was decided that Abyssinia as an independent So ge number injured. The building Rafael Yglesias it was observed that the shipping of Abyssinia could not take part in vereign State.
and printing plant were also se Limon began to diminish, work on the waterfront becathe deliberations of the business The Abyssinian Delegate assert riously damaged.
me less and less attractive until it is now reduced to such of the League. committee con that the majority of the African The explosion is said to have a low mark that our labourers, stevedors and checking sisting of the Delegates of Rus Empire 36 provinces are still offected one half of the city and sia France, Peru, Turkey, Gree: being functioned under the su damaging numerous buildings wi clerks find it impossible to exist on the earnings afford ce, New Zealand, Holland and preme command of Ras Inmerou thin a radius of 100 blocks. The ed them by the small amount of importantions and ex Checoslavia, with Captain An who is stationed at Gore as the church of Monserrat, situate portations. Ships which arrive here with from 60 to 70 thony Eden of England as Pre representative of the Negus.
the same street as the El Pais tons of cargo de not afford our labourers more than two sident, was appointed to deal From Rome it is reported that building also suffered consideraor three hours work, meantime the greater bulk is be with the question and on their should the Hague Court decide ble damage.
ing handled at Puntarenas.
suggestion it was agreed that in favour of Abyssinia Italy The authorities are of the opi Abyssinia be permitted to assist would progaby boycott all her hion that the act was committ This is a problem to which our shipping Companies at the first few meetings, pend Pacts and Treaties with the naing a final decision on the entitions of Western Europe.
ed by Spanish Radicals because will soon have to pay greater attention in an endeavour Te Italo. Abyssinian dispute by to equalize the earnings of their men. At present, able Portugal Minister of Foreign of the paper editorials in f1the Hague International Tribu Affairs has advised the League vour of the Rebels. Over 100 sus bodied men who dedicate themselves to the work connal to which it will be referred.
that should the Spanish revolu pects have been arrested.
nected with importations, do not earn more than forty loaded tlon terminate in favour of the Another car similarly or fifty colones per month; it would therefore seem as THE LIQUOR LAW government, there is the threat was also discovered in front of if all amport and export work will have to be combinof a war between Spain and his the Diario de la Marina builted and the men engaged on merchandise given the pricountry inasmuch as his governing which the police were able vilege of handling Bananas as well. This, of course, In connection with this ment has adhered strictly to the to control before an explosion would result in increasing unemployment, but it hardly much discussed law, which non intervention pact.
took place.
pays a man to watch the ships if he cannot earn suffiis again before Congress, we cient for the support of himself and family.
note that on the motion of THE SPANISH REVOLUTION Deputy Martin it was agreIn order to find traffic for the National Railway, ed that those traders who its Administration, through the government, offer shipp wished to do busines on This terrible warfare continues associations and architectural de ing Agencies various inducements for the use by them Sundays and Holidays sle uld pay an of the Pacific Port, and Coffee exporters are also afford unabated with the contending pur signs than those in th: rest additional tax ed many facilities for exporting their product by way after the following rates tles displaying the worst violen Europe, are being ruthlessly des 100 colones for an c9 possible.
entire aur troyed by artilery shells, of Puntarenas to offset the additional expenses involved Province, 80 for the Capital No idea can yet be formed as plane bombs, dynamiting and eve by Canal Tolls and transhipments at Panama and Cotowns and 60 for outlying to what will be the result of all ry other method of destruction lon. Thus Coffee from as far down as Santiago is being districts. For San Jose the this shedding of blood; for known. Landmarks of civilization transported by the public highways to San Jose for which have stood the test of a amounts were fixed at 100 each side reports favourable prodecade of centuries are got rid shipment to Puntarenas and as soon as the road from Tu and 200 colones according gress, the information is immedia to the class of the original tely refuted by some one. In the to just as quickly as though they rrialba to Juan Viñas is completed and that from Pelicenses.
meantime, both ralta to Turrialba, which will be soon, all the grains are doing all were a bunch of castles built of The debate on the first they can to destroy their country cards by so many children. The from these districts will also be exported from that port reading of the proposed all the principal towns with an best of the nobility of the country so that instead of handling 53 per cent of our Coffee in amendments is not yet con clent castles and fortresses, older are not only being sacrificed Puntarenas will soon be attending to the exportation of cluded.
and more precious in historical open battle, but when captured 75 per cent of this product and pretty much the same are being mudered outright. The with regard to our importations.
last direct male descendant Christopher Columbus, the Duke It is therefore evident that if the Northern Railway of Veragua, and his brother in now in the hands of the United Fruit Company, wish to law, the Count de la Vega, men maintain the supremacy in traffic as hitherto, she will long past the fighting ags, have also have to make rebates in her freight rates and SERVICIO DE VAPORES been cruelly executed by the go accommodotions as well as in ocean liftings so as to invernment party.
vite shippers to use their Railway and liners and thereby German paper, said to be the Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York afford a better means of existence for our working men.
mounthpiece of Hitler, gives the in con escala en Cristóbal y Habana formation that 200 Russian Wa.
planes, many armoured cars an LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS large number of men have ben AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS (to page 9)
Barrister and Notary Public Vapores Salidas Terrific Hurricane Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased QUIRIGUA to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and 27 de Setiembre Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the PETEN Atlantic Zone. de Octubre The strongest hurricane expe COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO by VERAGUA rienced in many years struck 11 de Octubre the Atlantic coast of the United Box 152, Limon, cr Box 1241, San José States on Friday of last week ALVARADO Cía, and wrecked everything which came in its way. The coasts of SU North Carolina, Virginia New Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas HAITI BANANAS Jersey and New York were seVerely damaged. Much coastal Para otros informes diríjase a la oficinas shipping has been lost as well as Producers of Bananas in the de la United Fruir Company en los bajos del wers complained that they could many lives. The damages. Republic of Haiti are now being not satisfactorily carry on at Gran Hotel Costa Rica fected will, it is believed, total paid forty cents per bunch for this figure, the Standard Fruit many million dollars. The wind their fruit. The price until recea Company who hold the manopoly TELEFONO 3156 reached a velocity of 100 miles tly, was 30 cents, but as the go agreed to give the 10 ceata inan hour crease.
of as of UNITED FRUIT Co.
Teodoro Picado Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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