
a success.
there Saturday, September 26th, 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 36 HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND SIQUIRRES Por cada 1000 billetes, Sigulrres, Sept. 17th The jus, had raised the price of beef to la LOTERIA NACIONAL da to Facio School may well feel as high as 70 cents per lb, thanks proud for its magnificent display to the entersprising spirit of 128 PREMIOS on Independence Day. In the ab Messrs. Oliver McIntish and Cesence of counter attractions, the cil Mier, who jointly opened la otra lotería solo da 107 premios por cada 1000 billetes. achievements of the scholars did new beef shop in this township carry. The school building was ve yesterday. Here the best fresh Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL ry lastefully decorated.
beef (any cut) can be had at 50 The two days festivities open cents per lb.
con más probabilidades de sacar premios.
anted with a musical and literary The new enterprise did a brisk programme in the spacious bual business yesterday, it is unders AYUDE AL HOPITAL AL ASILO CHAPUI ding on Monday afternoon. This tood, and we wish it continued was followed by a masic dance CORRESPONDENT by the children from p.
ery to p. Messrs. Chinchilla best FLOODS DO DAMAGE IN MEXICO Muce Neza, and Porras supplyng the NOISELESS SUBWAYS LONDON HOPE musie.
On (Tuesday morning, tue school marched in orderly proMEXICO, dis north of Tampa, on the Gulf session to the Jefatura where im patch from Tampico said of Mexico.
were rendered patriotic LONDON. Noiseless sub bestos boxes in sounds rising that rising waters of the San The Tampico Dispatch the boun Ar songs and recitacion by ways may be 1941 big from underneath the train. new type rail, it is claimed Marcos River had washed said that rain had fallen al2 children and addresses by to Londoners.
don uninterruptedly for dit Gonzalo Jinesta Jefe de Politico Twenty experts have been mak has already reduced noise from out the Mexico, Lare most en and Mr. Aubrey Shaw, drug ing exhaustive tests to determine 100 to 60 per cent. The rail is do highway bridge, halting three days and three nighow to eliminate noise. They laid in 90 foot instead of automobile traffic into and hts, sending most streams in 40 gist. special feature of this part think they have succeeded. foot sections, and the sections are out of the capital city: that section of Tamaulipas of the festivities was a demon continous sheet of asbeston welded to make it jointless. The United States tourists com over their banks.
atsstration in callisthenics by a se14 inches thick, was placed. difficulty of mending any affecting down the international ellect number of sholars under the parallel to the tracks, between ed parts of the rail was solved by highway from Laredo would Charlie mother in law has yp Ject number of scholars under the the subway floor and the runn working out a program by which be marooned above that been kidnapped by a number of member ofthe teaching staff. ing board of the trains. This a a section can be cut out and re point, which is about 150 gangsters.
Returning to the school, tha cbil placed in four minutes.
miles south of Monterey. How horrible, do you think he dren had refreshments. They W3The heavy rains, which will pay them off?
LOH re to rest and return later for flooded parts of the city of There no necessity for his do dert few field events on the large Ciudad Victoria, capitai of ing so, he paid them in advance.
playground facing the school Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Tamaulipas, and other smamet building NACIONALES ller towns and outlying farm The horse wag riding wanted The first and most amusing FRANK MADURO Jy.
areas, were the result of the to go one way while wanted to item among these events was CORTEZ ATLANTICO go the other.
cat race. Neither of these two PROP.
tropical disturbance which Who won? Well, he tossed me pussy cats, seemed Frank Maduro hijo swept into Mexico fifty miles for it. egre able to new deal and low PROP.
10 contested the game just Best native lumber they felt to do it. Brown Kitty Mzderas del país. ExisMY DAUGHTER Won by a tail length: tencia permanente en at moderate prices In the foot race (running. nuestro depósito.
George Gayle was winner. Other successes were; Samuel Shed den, Desmond Morgan, and Jahaving left my home without my consent since the mes Kellerman bag race; SALVADOR NAMES PEACE DELEGATION Icil 22nd of Augus) 1956. do not hold myse stes da Gordon, Olga Binns ponsible for her or any Debis she may contract.
ard 102 Anala Ortizege and spoon ra LIMON, SPT. 3rd. com SAN SALVADOR Presi me political convulsions and pre S: RICHARDS It goes to the credit of the Dident Martinez has appointed Dr. occupations of a grave order 11 rectora, doña Digna de Villalo Manue, Castro Ramírez, an out the minds of statesmen this bos and her efficient start as standing international lawyer conference, called by President er well as to don Manuel Porras, ai to head El Salvador delegation Roosevelt, is important becaase WOMAN SPY DROWNS rector cf the Pacuarito school at the Pan American Conferen it involves the hope that Ameriwho promoted and sponsored the ce at Buenos Aires next Decemca once and for all will define CASABLANCA, French beautiful woman in Casae interesting events that added ber. The other members of the ſits situation and consecrate the Morocco. young woman blanca.
DL so much to the pleasure and en delegation are Max Patrico Bre eternal principles of justice. under a suspended sentence She took off her shoes and joyment of both the pupils and nnan and Joaquin Leiva The editorial intimates that as a spy, swan to her death hat on the shore, the fisherthe general public.
Dr. Ramirez has filled many the good neighbor policy will in the ocean.
men said, and swan out 200 The festivities wounded up with government posts including that change the atmosphere of this Fishermen who recoveredlyards before she sank.
another musical and literaty pro of Secretary of Foreign Relatio: conference and points to the so the body said the woman Her husband, it was said, gramme by the school at P. and has represented his country nificance of its coinciding with was Mrs. France Mraguerite is serving a prison term on on Tuesday before the Central American the eclipse of the League of Na Criedling, who last year an espionage charge. Court of Justice as a member tions.
won a contest as the most Sincere thanks are due to of the Arbitration Tribunal at lig Messrs. Manuel Martinez, local the Hague and as delegate lo grocer, Nicolas de la o, Seereta the Congress of International ry in the Jefatura, Jorge Villa Law in Rio de Janeiro. He is Pro lobos and Miguel Soto (of the fessor of International and Puhool start. and Manuel Po blic Law in the University of sl Tras (Pacuarito school. for such Salvador an elaborate provision of freshments for the occasion.
The forthcoming conference is considered of transcendental BANCO DEL ESTADO importance by Diario Latino SOLE BANK OF ISSUE Consumers are now longer at which says editorially: Wien the mercy of local butchers who the world is agitated by supreUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK a EL ATLANTICO at blinking Daisy Richards ON race.
BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Te93 col ofrece al público los servicios de su.
ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Offers the Public the 19 Services of its BRANCH OFFICE LIMON, Importación SUCURSAL LIMON, EN LA IN THE Imports and Exports Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Lumber Deposit Exportación cbear Depósito de Madera Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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