
Identification. Cedulas The Atlantic Vaice THE NEGUS WILLING TO NEGOTIATE TERMS POLE METS UNTIMELY END ITALY NEAR GIBRALTAR WOMEN SUFFRAGE THE REVOLUTION MOVES TOWARD MADRID The general public would be surprised to know the The warfare in Spain is now bers of troops now on their way FOR PANAMA Large number of persons, especially those who claim to nearing its most critcai stage from Morocco and what will surely be the most The Government, in th, mean. be intelligent, who have not yet complied with this rede sanguinary of all the gruesome time, are making every possible quisite of the government. definite attempt has been events which have already ta preparation to withstand a lenglos From the year 1931 the government has been demade to enable the women of ken place.
thened conflict, and have issued hon manding that each male citizen should file the prescribGr. preparations are being a further call for assistance our neighbouring Republic, Pa.
nded annual declaration and carry an Identification card, nama, to directly participate in made on ail sides for the early defending the Capital. It is, how fir yet there are many who have not sought to comply with attack the country politics.
of Madrid. 150, 30 men ever, reported that the seat of y the order. We have, from time to time, enueavoured to are being concentrated in the government may, in view of the At a recent session of the northern section to operate over dangerous situation be transferimpress on our numerous readers, the necessity of obTO National Assembly Major Alfre a frontage of 400 kilometers and red to Barcelona and that impor Li serving same, but our warnings have fallen, in the main do Aleman, the Deputy reprewith whom 600 pieces of heavy tant sections of the military and it on deafened ears and it is only when they get into senting the Province of Panama, artillery and more than 100 pla air forces are to be removed to mit trouble and find themselves refused admission to po introduced a Bill to amend the nes are to co operate.
Valencia or Alicante.
blic offices that these persons seek to procure these law which regulates national The Southern force, who defeat Latest advices state that Genfor Cards or Cedulas. Any clerk around town will fill out elections by providing that All ed the loyalists at Toledo last eral Mola forces have captured these declarations for those who are incapable of perso Panamanian citizens, without dis week end, are now supposed certain positions which are most tinction of sex, may be electors to have reached a point about important in their advance La nally doing so for a colon per copy; yet for this trifling and eligibles, with the limitations midway between that city ant gainst Madrid.
rin amount men keep shy of complying with the regulation.
of the Constitution and the Madrid. They are to be streng. Bilbao is still being subjected There are still hundreds who have not filed their declaLaws thened by additional large num to heavy bombardments ty the derations for the current year. They will soon be forced revolutionists co do so by the imposition of fines, as from January next. the order becomes compulsery and shall, in addition, be accompanied by two photographs for the better iden tification of the person to whom the Cedula refers.
As is well known, the principal reason for having these declarations is that the government may obtain a correct knowledge of the earnings of every man in the country. Under the earlier law, if an individual did not earn an annual amount of ten thousand colones, he was Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic zone not required to pay an impuesto; it has, however, been Editor English Section: NATION discovered that there are many, very many high salaried men who, though their earnings do not pass this mi Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 3rd. October 1936 No. 113 nimum, live very confortably and do not contribute one cent toward the ordinary current expenses of the State.
It is true these pay some small amount of indirect taxes in the cost of their boarding, etc. but by this method their purses are not actually touched, nor does it pro duce an equitable ratio when compared to the contribuFroza Geneva rom the infortions made similarly by the poor labouring classes matic that the EmreHail Se (to nage 9)
lassie is disposed osaerisce cortain ril: in order to assive an agreement with Italy to On Thursday of last weic a ly went off and injured both ci avoid the shedding of more blog!
most unfortunate accident took them.
in Abyssinia. He would be place in Cartago, at the rest The Pole, who was much moling the Delegate states to arrange By recent radio advices its solini. Mor: than a more ago dence of the Conrandante o Pore seriously hurt, was rushed to for a nudate over a motion of noted that Italy has been allow Enginnd sounded the note of lice, dan David Peralta, who is the local hospital where he short the mire under o raatee of ed to occupy the Bal:arle Is. warning to all Powers that any well known to a large mumber ly afterwards underwent an ope the League of Nations, but in 10 lands near Gibraltar as an avia curtaiment of her control in or cur readers in this Zone. ration, but despite this and the manier or form 3023 ha intend to tion Base in return for the 25 Western Mediterranean would It appears that the Comandan other efforts made to save his either abdicate or relinguish his sistance she has been giving the mean an immediate declaration was engaged along with life, his condition gradually grow soverei a tights Rebel faction in Spain. It was of war. Will she back down if Pols. Rafael Lew, in examining worse until he died last Tuesgenerally known that the coding Mussolini alizes these Spanish a revo ver when it unexpected day morning. His remains ware The iclaration is subjecof these Islands to her by the Islands So close to Gibraltar?
taken to San Jose for intermont. ted, it is said tva: 035 nterpreInsurgents, if they succeeded, Italy now dominates the IStations, but the in general be was one of the factors which in land of Majorca where 12 of ber The unfortunate man intes li is that the Ners will be iduced Italy to rend such valus hydroplanes, commanded by Lieu tines were said to have ben posed to recognize he Italian coble aid to General Franco in the tinant Roussini, recently arrived punctured in several places by quest regarding a part Abystransportation of Moroccan tror as the outcome of the conferenthe shot, while one of the Cosina of the League guantes his In keep ng with the arrangements mandante fingirs was so badly sovereiguty and viga over by her huge airplanes, etc. The ces between Franco, the Capita amade by the Minister of Public hurt that it had to be amputat remaid of the se the Moors have also been promised list March, and severa Italim Health, Dr. Antonio Peña Chavartheir independence as a reward Officials.
for their participation in the reria, when he recently paid us an Rossini has demanded the imofficial visit, we lear, that the volt.
mediate extermination of the lef Board of Public Social Assistance It is now left to be seen whatst forces, and many Italian attitude Britain and France Officials have been placed at the truction of a building, for the pur.
is disposed to commence the coas adopt regarding this partial con service of the new Governor, An poses of a Hospital and Dispensary, trol of the Mediterranean by Mug tonis Osorio.
on the lot of land hitherto OCSERVICIO DE VAPORES cupied by the Customs at ihe Sea Wall near the Parque Salidas semanales de Limon para Nueva York The Board will co tribute the con escala en Cristóbal y Habana sum of 75. 000 colones toward the Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón contruction, the Health Depart LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS mint being required to complete para EUROPA and equip same with moden me AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS dical appliances, and to also pro(Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdamy vide Dispensary Car to atted Hamburgo)
Vapores Salidas to the sick labourers of the MuniM. CARIBIA Octubre 10 cipality and other needy cases along the Liny a5 ic being done PETEN de Octubre by the Fruit Company with respect VERAGUA Para GUATEMALA to their employees 11 de Octubre It is therefore expecte that the (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
community will soon be posslesed QUIRIGUA 18 de Octubre of anpother weli app intel HospiM. CARIBIA.
Octubre ini with an up to date Maternity ALVARADO Cia, Ward and another for children, as olto separate apartmen. for the SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS dependents of the Municipal DeAgentes para Limón Puntarenas partment and paupers despite the Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a move which he recently been uiPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas tiate to have de la United Fruit Compeny en los bajos del the governmert Gran Hotel Costa Rica agree to the approp lotion of the Banara Export Tax to construct a Agencia en Costa Rica Telefono 2086 hospital at Turrialba and another TELEFONO 3156 at Orotina on the Partic side, New Hospitai and Dispensary for Limon UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE. HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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