
or and LUIS WA CHONG EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 3rd. October 1936 MEMORIAL SERVICE ARGENTINE AND LEAGUE OBLIGATIONS THINKS PERNICIOUS CULT SHOULD BE Solemn memorial service after having read the lesson on SUPPRESSED was held by the Costa Rica Bu the death of Lazarus; his theme GENEVA. Argentina proposes rial Scheme Association on Thrus was Memorial as instanced in that the League of Nations seck day evening the 24th. Septem the Sacred Writ, and he deeply become universal by weaken The Editor orgies help to make such mus ber. It was occasioned by the impressed the representative au ing its membership obligat ons, guided ones more firm in the de death of one of its Juveniles, dience with his logical clarity in her note outlining her ideas of Permit me complimenting you lief that all West Indians and Pearl Emanuel, who departed and profundity. Others on the League form, which the Sec on the publication of the recent coloured persons are alike. The this life a few weeks ago. As platform were; the Promotor, retariat published. Her view rung article entitled Pocomania and sect or cult, labelled a religious a member of the Juvenile Le Bro. Blackman; Past Pre counter to Russia, which was ie its Results. It is certainly a sha soup, and led principally by partment, Pearl Jeft a good re sidents Bond, ported, in every essential except me for us to tolerate this igno George Sigismund Davis, are cord of consistency is conduct Goulbourne, Hylton, also rant and dangerous cult in our factotum, no other than this sa that both agree them thod of and efficiency of service; 80, Sister Violet Poyser and a fer change shoulu not be amendment midst; for while a certain angm Pocomania under an in tribute of befitting sympathy lady officials.
of the coveant, but interpreta le looks down on us as an infe. sumed name. This man and his to her parents, other relatives, Bro. Hylton made special pra tive Assembly resolutions.
rior people, these practices and group make the little village of friends and fellow Juveniles, the he, Bro.
Bond and The League universality.
Pacuarito appear, at times, one Promoter Management Commit Bro. Goulbourne also gave ad the Argentine note, which confi bowling mass of monkeys, wud tee decreed a solemn memoria) dresses and offered their sincenes itself to generalities, says, bulls and other animals all mix service, which was attended by rest condolences to the bereav should be insured by means of ed in a stampede. Apart from her parents, sp. cial visitors and cd relatives. Ero. Blackman gave formulas permitting the adheren GUACIMO GUAPILES the noise, these people who are the entire band of uniformed ju a short digest of the history and ce o return of all countries out mostly ofthe more ignorant and veniles, their guardians and lead operations of the Society. and de it, or at any rate formulas Cantina, Licores uncultured, usually keep up their ing officers of the Society thanked the visitors in general should be sought for insuring the orgies until far into the nig Extranjeros y del país.
Quite a unique programme was and Deacon Cooper in particular cooperation of these countries in often until daybreak; with the arranged and Sister Irene Camp for participating.
efforts aimed at the mainteDance Tienda bien surtida result that they sleep during the bell pathetically played the The Deacon pronounced the of peace.
Abarrotes en general Teater part of the day while hymns on the plano. Bro. Bencdictin and the function clos The note oppozes undertakings forest and respectable people MoCatty füled the role as Chair ed with he Dorology at 59 going beyond those that all mm PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA are at work and have to suffed man and, after opening the ser o clock.
bers of the League are in a posi their slumbers being disturbed te vice with prayer, explained the. tion to observe, in order that in coming jater Ame. ican conferen at night by these superstition purport of the reusión. Deacon HYLTON futu. e no article of the covenant ce and pestiferous schemers in ta Cooper gave a special address Secy. Committee should fail to obtain simultancous Argentina would democratizedesd a lot of loafers and va tu collective execution. It would the council while reserving im Th different practices arsh inake optional covenant provi portant questions to the Assem procedures of these hateful sect ho sions shown by experience to be bly and would maintain the equal are fully set forth in a reci do Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard no longer in keeping with reality of all States in the League.
issue of the Jamaica Dally Cle ou NACIONALES ties.
Since this would mean maintain ner and reproduced in this FRANK MADURO Jr. It urges harmonizing the Briend in the unanimity rule and since of the Blackman of Marem Kellogg and Saavedra Lamas Russia already opposes almost all 1936: it may do good to republth PROP.
pacts with the covenant and genthe Argentine proposed reforms, ish them here. enclose a copy tid Frank Maduro bijo eralizing Article IV of the new expectations of a deadlock at the of a memorial sent to the SecreIre pact Argentina proposes for the coming Assembly are growing.
tary of State praying his energe bu PROP tic action for suppressing this Maderas del país. Exisevil and requesting the expulsion tencia permanente en at moderate prices CACAO STEALING AT NEW CASTLE of the principals from the coun nuestro depósito.
try. als, send you a copy of The peaceful aristocretie villatrict. Suspicio, then Pll on Mr. circular from the Gobernación ge of New Castle was full of com. Brown and, in company with the Limon, ordering the suppression No On motion On Thursday the 24th. Sop Superintendent of Cacao, the Over of the damnable cult.
timber when Joel George seer of the District Mr. Byer, Fu need have fear of them except Tho Albacea in tlie Estate af was about to be applied to the per Brown, alias Any Brown, a fer reman Calvin and the Agente Prin these of equal susceptibilities and Charles Bennett (To y) is gráivalyties responsible, owa brought mer trader in merchandize na arcipel de Policia, Mr. Luis Carba. o inclinations to which, unfortuna Browa home tely, a jarge number of our peo coming isto her rights in the West it out on Monday last and delivered gicultural products, was discovered Scottie went to tha falia After Death Transaction it to the lady from whom he got to be the Cacao thief of the Dis where a vast amount of this pro pls are subjected. thus making W2 tet. Cow belonging to the Estate it, and who was bound to hand it duct was located. Brown, unable to their presence all the more dan the which had beea hidden away for over to the Albecea along with to For many months the small set give a reasonable account as to gerous.
ma We trust you will not cease more than a year and wu: bing recent calving. Another cow, which tlers had been losing their cacuo how he became possessed of same dilige. tly searched for, has Jadwes riported dead, has also been and the pickers on the cultivations bowed his head in shame and ed In your noble task of calling the denly turned up. It was common mysteriously reco cred very much of the Company would find the mitt his many depredations and public attention to the undesirknowledge that the animal was alive heaps they had gathered conside promised if he were pardoned he able presence of these false prosomewhere betwe he Westlas Gradually the laughies of rably reduced. But who would would quit his professional traits. fessors of a so called religion property of Mr. Sime and The Cacao, large bags, was seized and so help to get the govern the deceased man and her mother are suspect Mr. Joey Brown?
Bearesem East farm of Mr. Su coming into what was his; they rious that Mr. Sartor(esi had to sery weighed 369 pounds. It was inscription in the Registry However the matter got so se and when taken to the Conurisment to cancel their deceptious geant, taken there by cne Samuel claim, however, that a piece of Brow on the instigation of a Pub Coconut farm and the pigs are yet cbtaia the services of a wat:binan brought into Limoa by Mr. Byer. releglous entity. a thing that house Keeper of Westfalia As, ho to be accounted for to guard the heaps picked and As Brown soon began threaten is entirely false and misleadingwever, the law cu cattle Lifting thrown on the ground. As this ing to shoot Foreman Scottie throu watchman could not maka cap gh whose ingenuity he was Siquirres, Oct. 1936.
ture, Foreman Scottie, a bora de caught the Company had to inter Petgrave, tective set himself out to discover tere in the matter for the pro this thief or Cacao Burglar tection of her property and Clie the person was termed in the dis Bife of her employers, so the arrest WELL. WHAT. of the man Brown was ordered Booth Bread, but he has blazed the trail for pas.
Biscuits Buns, tures new leaving a wife and thrce Without which You can children behind him. Such are boats of eating the best.
the ways of the urgod y. In the Berlin Bread meantime, the Cacao pickers of Booth Biscuit Beverly and Philadelphia are hap20 py in the thought that they are The Peoples Bakery trap BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE rid of a great pest the Cacao Bir Where you will get the best.
glar of the District the industry can produce.
UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK ofrece al público los Offers the Public the BARCELONA GETS FORD CARS servicios de su BARCELON, Spain. Syndi members of his staff inspected calists and Socialist workers in Chim. The trucks were turnedy the Ford Motor Company planta over immeuiately to army of the here prisented twenty armored ficials and sent to the Aragon trucks to Luis Companys, head EN LA front in the north.
IN THE of the Catalan autonomous gov By a government decree this time ernment, after a jubilant parade Barcelona branch of the Bank through the city.
of Spain carmarked 50, 000, 000, The fast, heavily armored pes tas for war expenses cars, each topped with a macht transferred All kinds of Bank Service para toda clase de 30, 000, 000 frank ne gun turret. were driven from Its accounts in Paris be servicio bancario Rendered through the Barcelona streets to to the credit of the government a broad square before the Cap Council tol where Mr. Companys Rod When Rogues Fall Out what Happens. or Su be as Read THE ATLANTIC VOICE BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA pape Fo Services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon and Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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