
2935 Saturday 3rd. October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Teodoro Picado COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY be ly ate unded Fábrica de Hielo Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO LA FLORIDA Paris Adopts Big Arms Plan JGA out dopisimulavitenisa repenting sites only the game LITTLE ENTENTE PREPARING BRATISLAVA Rumania. The wili seek the answer for the ques leading statesmen of Rumania, ju tion: Shalı southeastern Europe Barrister and Notary Public goslavia and Czechoslovakia, met follow the military, economic and Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased here for what is regarded as one political policies of Russia ad to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and of the most important conferences France or those of Poland end Ger LIMON Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the of the members of the Little En. many Atlantic Zone tente.
It was reilably stated that the COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO It is learned that the conferees Little Entente is studying a huge cooperative armament plan wheBox 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José reuder Jugoslavia Czechoslovakia The law says: and Rumania each would contribute material and workmanship, OUR COMPETITION Every merchant must and in addition would so nize keep books. If you must their individual armies that they start a set of books or cou act as branches of the same wish to get your books unit in any emergency mbi Excelsior gained another point 92 for wickets.
in order, can show you This proposal is described as the frce when she beat Unity by 106 runs The Motive Power now has the simplest method at Little Entente answer the Bo The victims took their defeat like points with a game yet to play, lowest cost. Write to Arearmament of their neighbors, at a soldiers and stood it to the end. while the Pathfinders have with partado 146, Limón.
especially the Italians and GerFábrica de Hielo the The Excelsior placed a very strong games on hand Information Given free of. Charge mans negde on the field while the Unity, While this game was in progress at Venta de Leche bith only eight members present, noticed that some of the egware forced to close their inning Motive Power players were indulgHAPPENINGS AT WESTFALIA y Maderas with but 16 rues for seven wickets. ing in a scandal on the field. The peerd. If this is what the Unity intend was certain y no reason for this There is a case in Court where a trick which resulted in the aen satted doing next season, it would bi let and wish to call the attention of cder the Queen of Westfaan being arrested and lodged in Jail turk ter for them to keep out of the the Captains to the matter. Sneh coolies has accused two Fical We understand their story is an ting Competition. It is all right for offenders should be renoved from Guards of extorting thirty colones entirely different oue and that them to face their opponents with the field so as to set an example io from her by a thraat.
they are charging ler for Bribery the members they can sesure ral our younger players It appears that these two men and Corruption. S02 under her than give the point away wit On Monday, the Vandrers met PARIS. The popular and in the execution of their duties these Laws.
hout an effort but if they cannot Campbell Sporting XI and played under the Liquor License Law went This is the second thine, within governmental demand for streng TIF do better its just as well they keep to a draw, all in favour of the iston Sunday to the estab ishment a few weeks, that ths Pun house whening armaments has become cer team, Campbely won the toss and asked for a driak which a Keeper has been caught rapping overwhelming here and the CaOn Sunday the Motive Puwer ard decided to bat on a perfect served them. They thereupon ac its evident the limbs of the aw binet agreed to measures that Yurt met the surprise of their life in wicket. Hayling was dran bow cused her of an infringement of th are carefully watching her. 2a, are France answer to Chancelrepite their return metch with the Sur led by the first ball from Downer, Liquor Law and advised her to get with this new stunt of hers the lor Adolf Hitler action in ralsog tidora. At their first meeting, the but Smith and Brown sot ready to go to Limoa uader charge, Westfalia Trweilers Rest will ing the German conscript term Sen. Troas had them all out for 14 runs, together and played all the bow. She paid the men the thisty colo have to sell its stuffs right to to two years, but on this occasion the Merrtants lers to a frazzie. In this they were nes to squash the proseation. On governmental requirements. NO It is sold armaments rade o asmonstrated their ability to withs followed by the others who hitted Monday morning, however, he adoping this tinde palain tənd the Shock Attack Fergu freely until the whole side was out cuses these Guards of extition by the French are going to rely phi et son of Motor Car fame made 26 for 194 runs marily upon qualitative strength yot in an hour while H, Carriugton On the Wanderes going to the rather than quantitative.
el contributed a useful 21 The side wickets they were only uble To Whom It May Concern Having a population of only Tema was all out for 91 runs.
to accumulate 16 runs for All persons who are desirous of remitting money to Jamaica, 40. 500, 000, France cannot hope Ho When the Motive Power went to the loss of four wickets when at the lowest rate possible, with the reliance ther their remi to compte with Germany the wickets the Merchents wie was stopped It Tiances will reach home safely. ought to call and. see 40: old 600, 000, 000, so she is building Be able to destroy three of their ple. looks ir Tass is and trusted friend more planes, tanks, cannons and tortor, ces for only 11 runs, but it was much of his effectiveness, but we MENDEZ love ad urtos machine guns.
ered Graves and LeRoy who stopped are hoping Se will shortly return make the rot, assisted by Lawrence and to his accustomed condtion Limón PARIS.
White, and pulled the game out of Tomorrow the Merchants and The Cabinet consiSend in the remittance along with the address of the the hole. They eve tually won the the Irons will meet at full strengin person to whom the cheque is to be sent, plus seventy cents derer a plan providing for consevenly truction for Registration, and rest assured the money will of additional frontier match by three wickest but it will we see another surprise?
reach home safely.
fortifications independent of the sa surprise. The scores were, Surtidora 91 all out, Motive Power SPECTATOR famed Maginot line along Germany border and increase in Loo. ooocacouco.
socoooooo boty the number of technicians attach TES ed to the army and the air force.
On returning from his recent bomba visit of inspection to the Islands El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en of Malta anl Cyprus, Sir Samuel Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan al Hoare. First Lord of the Admimorzar cómodamente. Compre su tiqucte en el tren para ralty, informed the British pub que sea atendido a la llegada El precio es c250. El Res lic that the fortresses of Malta taurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina. CiAV. SO NOTICE were not to be demolished and garros, y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
tire Islend given over entirely to Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and faP. Sullivan a civil population as had been socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member statsd sometime ago, on account cia de Costa Rica, para pagar of the only reliable Burial. of its proximity to Italian Air los gastos de entierro. Estabases. He said these ancient for Llecida en Limón, el de Mayo Sociely established in Limon de 1928. NEWSPAPERMAN IMPRISONED May 515. 1928.
tifications were to be so moder nized as to be able to more efTiciently resist any foreign atFrance and Italy Resume Trade he lot of a new permaa is protests the payment he is hodin tack.
ced a hard one, the truph safe keeping: With regard to Cyprus Sir TARIS France and Italy the first between Italy and en berarding an vil teed is exposed The most path is part o: 3, is Samuel announce that was visually reached an agrement former sanctionist country, is ex led by him, he is hated for it, thou a affair is to see the priater dog intended to strengthen its de for the resumption of trade rela pected to be signed soon.
the refrain from pabaing it, his going li me sadly without his mirs ſenses and place the Island in a trong interrupted by sanctions It would clear up the propaper will not be bought as it is tér or his umbrella. By the expre position to effectively safeguard during the Ethiopian War, it was lem of transferring funds due to Sl to be Subs.
ssion of the eyes of the pillow the eastern trade routes of the learned in anthoritative quar French exporters for shipiaents Fuy some reason the off ce of one can appreciate the bereavement Empire commercial relation ters.
of goods.
the Express Prinsry was raided he fee ships.
The agrement, describe as on Monday last and Tickets pur reports to be Chase Tickets, were and in the making the portie Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la the was taken to the Jailbos dorsonol ata de su recibo que dice: We beg to call your atlention to our remark el the back Amploping that night and to the Poof receipt which reads.
lica Judge the next morning ly Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ere him he wes find 50 colones cor cina dentro de los primeros 10 días Babsing the printer and the presumed before the 10th of the month 2001. verder of such Ticksts. As he re.
de cada mes jyith es usd to pay the fine he was seat Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which es back for another night lodging de tener que coriar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
she te famous College Righty or merr provaly, we are isform this The Judge reduced the fine wenty five colones bat asar till Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas denim as losing ate The Future of Malta and Cyprus Restaurante Siquirres Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association com a a Be not od lako Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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