
THE NEW HOSPITAL FOR LIMON NEW LIQUOR LAW Factior al Disturbances Bananas from Trinidad APPROVED Sunday last was a day 0! and Grenada for ruch unrest in London and Pa Tinat decision has at last ris as the result by acto! Germany been taken in this much debated manu. Sauons.
question and in keeping with in London. the Faarist party the West Indian Islands of TriThe cultivation of Bananas in the provisions of the Executie of sur wald mosley a Decree published yesterday in testation in the Jewish and ather nidad and Grenada has increas the Official Organ, the law be sect ons of the city. There wed to such an extent that, accomes effective in ten days.
a strong coraon or policemen in cording to the Port Spain GaThe Law, as non amended att. ndance, but this was broken zate. the Canadian market is provides that all establishments by the anti tascists who attack new unable to handle the entire. which retau foreign and native liquors shall close at 10 the Black shirts caueing se output, arrangements were theberor fore recently concluded to send 95 daily and at noon on Sundays in Paris, a Tlous injuries to a large nuinder confliéto occurred tha surplus to Germany. Pag and holidays. Traders in the 96 Cantons and Capitals of the Pro between members of the Fascist BE vinces, who wish to remain open Organization Raown a On Wednesday, over 100 sus after the prescribed hours, will Cross of Fire Stand the Con pocted terrorists were arrested be permitted to do so on the munists and Sociant Ide ser in Havana, Cuba, and a payment of an additional tax toj vices of 20, www police nad toure quantity of arms, ammunition be fixed by the Minister of Fi uitlized and opt a thousana, pes and subversive literature is connanco sone were arrested: 629750 o riscated. m The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Editor English Section: NATION Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 10 October 1936 No. 114 How selfish is this world of ours. It is this selfish ness in mankind wbich promulgates such constant dissentions among individuals, begets so many bellicose activities among peoples of the same blood, kith and kin, as also ruthless wars among the nations of the earth. And we observe this same characteristic being exhibited among our Corporations and Communities in connection with our hope of having a new and up todate Hospital erected in Limon in the interests of the people of our Banana Zone, There was never a thought until recently, of any hospitalization which should be supported by the Export Tax on Bananas and then only in Limon. The visit of the Secretary, or we should say Minister of Public Health, consolidated this idea of ours and Dr. Antonio Feña Chavarría, ir his character as Secretary or Guar.
dian of the Public Health of the Republic, realizing the necessity of another modernly equipped hospital meet the needs of our community, promised his coOperation to the Board of Public Assitance over which our energetic and progressive minded young Governor, don Ricardo Alvarado, presides, for the erection of such an edifice.
It was arranged that the Supreme government would give the lands where the old Bodega stands near the National Pier, that the Junta Asistencia Social or Charity Board would donate the sum of 75, 000 colones to be augmented by a grant from the Supreme Treasury for the construction of the building; that the Depart.
ment of Public Health would supply the funds for the modern equipment, and that the Municipality and Junta of Public Assistance would run the Institution on the funds obtained from the Banana Tax.
Just as soon as these arrangements were entered into by the parties concerned, we hear a great Hue and Cry! Turrialba feels herself the centre of the Ba.
nana Zone and therefore more deserving of such an Institution than poor Limon, while Puntarenas and Orotina also claim they are in the Banana Zone and bet.
ter suited for such privileges.
How inconsistent ever since the nineties that never to be forgoten industrialist, Minor Cooper Keith Meggs, started planting Bananas at Zent and Matina in this Province and exporting the producto from our Atlantic Pot. In 1898 he merged his interests with the Boston Fruit Company of Jamaica and the Santos and Hippolite Dumois Company of Cuba and brought about the United Fruit Company. During the first decade of our twentieth century, a Tax of one cent gold per stem was placed on the exportation of the fruit from LIMON, the annual yield reaching at this time as high as eleven millions. Some or 10 years ago the government increased the Tax to two cents gold per stem. It was with in this period that Turrialba, in the Province of Car.
tago, started a small production the output of which is (TO PAGE WAR CLOUDS CLOUDS AGAIN AGAIN GATHER During the past week the fier stop Germany, itąty and Portu she has to maintain the thouscest encounters have taken place gal aiding the regels The Brit ards of refugees who have to the Spanish Revolution as a ish Foreign Ministe: Sir An sough safety thin her borders, result of the efforts of the Lo thony Eden is already in consul Latest advices announce taat yalists to check the advance o: tation With Premier Blum seg the forces of General Mola have the rebels on Madrid Reporta arding the situation and the reached a point 30 kilometrazer regarding the out came of the Committee was expected to have from Madrid, and that practiu: engagements are, however, most taken the matter under conside ca ly all the means of commulite misleading: the lozalis clain ration at a meeting yesterday cation have been blocked in the several victories while the nato In Lesgue and other circ. es South and Southeast by Ge veral nalists report that, having cap the belief exists that shoula Franco. Three nationalist ca tured many important positions Russia enter tire confies Pre lumrs are pressing forward to of their opponents, they ate now inier Blum would be unable to connect the forces of General ready for their final advance longer withstand the efforts of Franco wi those of General On the Capital from all fronts the French Extremists to have Mola to use west of the city Meantime. rebel airplanes have the government assist the loyal from which they are now buis been destroying bridges and isl faction, and that ths would 56 kilometros.
ra Iroad lines. eading on the mean the entry of Germany and Fighting is still being waged city as well as fortifications and Italy, on the side of the Fascista, at Oviedo, where a column of barricades established for thereby launching Surcpe into Moroccan troops have arrived defence. Their planes are also another bloody war.
for the relief of General randa reported to have flowr. over the Meantime Portugal bitterly who has ben holding the town city notifying the defenders that compalins of her economic losse against the persistent attack of ther efforts to ho. it against consequence of being deprived the loyalist for several days them would be entirely useless, or all communication, by land, past.
and so they should surrender in with the rest of Europe, ile order to save a further shedding of blood, SILVER WEDDING The forces advancing from STATE TO ERECT the sectors of Toledo, Serra de On the 4th. instant med Gredos and Guadarrara FOUR MILL are Mrs Paco Gutierrez celebrate supposed to be making steady their Silver Wedding as their The Secretary of State has gainst and to have reached home in San Jose deeded to erect a Flour about 40 miles from Madrid The Francisco de Paula Gue M:ll to dispose of the crop Fierce fighting also continues tu rrez family are essentially L: of Wheat which is soon to be the vicinity of Aranjuez, which monenses and are much loved reaped.
town the rebels are end avoar and respecled in our coinmal It was at first thought ing to control so as to block rail ty: so also is the met genlar that Guanaca te should be road communication between affable Spouse of don Faco, vhol the best locality in which Madrid and the Mediterranean was Miss Mangel and wlose to start operations, but Car Premier Largo Caballero. per father, don Teodoro was me of tago is pressing her claims Sonally directing operation our very zealous citize79110. on the ground that her clithis Voicing the is the The loyalists have mobilized community of Limon, the for the successful ativation around 50, 000 men to meet the TLANTIC VOICE ss 19 tom of this product.
rebels In the different sectores pliment don Paco and Madame around Madrid, and to have also sella on the happiness Wochen Jubilee amid the contased established 30 miles of wire en has been theirs during the past great esteem and loyalty of their tanglements and trenches which twenty five years, and wil pray admirers and friends and the af.
they are of the opinion will that the same providential handsfectionate embrace of their chil prove effective against all at will guide them unto their gold dren and relatives tacks Much concern is fing evinc ed among the larger natioa: of Europe in consequence of Ritssia notes to the Commitee charged with the duty of seeing Barrister and Notary Public the terms of the Paet for hon Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased intervention in the Spanir res to bo agniti able to offer his services in all Judicial and volution strictly observed The Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the Soviet government states he is Atlantie Zone.
prepared to scrap the lack and COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO openly assist the Spanish mov ertinent, if the Coinnitee ce Box 152, Limon art Box 1241, San José not take steps to medias UNITED FRUIT Co.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Vapores Salidas VERAGUA QUIRIGUA PETEN 11 de Octubre 18 de Octubre 25 de Octubre Teodoro Picado ALVARADO Cía, Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos de)
Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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