
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 10 October 1936 Cocomia Sect a Failure ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Bo.
IN THE TRIBUNALS SPACE SOLICITED NOTICE It will be remembered that a a to the General Public few issues ago it was stated Mr. when the people of Lim Samuel Shaw of 28 Miles had first heard about Lavis placed a claim against the Aand his Pentecostal Eaprist, aliua LIMON, LIMON, All persons are warn gricultural and Building Corpo Cocomia, Church workings, they Importación ed not to contract any ration of 28 miles, through the used to leave their homes from y NaBusiness of a Financial Administrator, Mr. p. too a. to see him Exportación Imports and Exports tion, for the sum oy 000 colon jump: but now knowi age 12 riature with my wife es and that the claim was con creased and hardly anyone goes Lumber Deposit Mrs. Henrietta Wynter Depósito de Madera sidered before the Civil Judge of there especially since Mother Limon Lic. don Octavio Rodri Green and Mother Look Down without my knowledge guez and nor suited with costs not agr. e. On the Santa Ito Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased grano and consent, as will of the proceedings.
Ba Truck, however, can be seen Mr. Shaw wa not satisfied not be responsible for the great young Shepherd, with this decision, he carried te same.
wana, operate. utchebas matter to the First Appeal Court OUR MINOR PRODUCTS TRADE terv oneself when going there of San Jose, where the Judges Joseph Wynter.
for Bowen, growing voice, have now upheld the decision of which is similar to that of an In continuation of els efforts nature, financiacy and other in the interest of our nor Pro wise, arrangements are 10 Ulte Judge of the Lower Coul animal calling for rain, misducts, the Agricultural Depart under way for an extension of OUR CACAO CROP The many shareholders of this ment of the International Bank the cultivation with a view of cause much Iright.
Corporation will no doubht, be gratifled to know they are now What a glorious day will be sent a trial shipment of Tome starting regular and larger slip Agents of the different toes to the United States some ments toward the close of ti entirely free of what they nav, that on which the government Cacao Exporting Firms are always regarded as the unreaso suppiest, che prent Sp!
weeks ago, and as the report year.
at present very active along nalle pretentions of this cla rit Working hes: Oscom 01 recently received in connection the Coast and the various Anchuicate Vocomia preachers therewith is of a very favourno. e imant FATAL ACCIDENT sections of the Railway Lines more malice and hatred among obtaining supplies.
The Lawyers engaged in the Santa sad and acelIt was currently rumoured than Messrs. Niehaus mon for Mr. Shaw and the Lirits would Iver believe. The Coffee At about p. on Wednesday, mon Serv. ce Bureau for the Corpherd Bowens claims he knows Sime and Limon Trading a youngman by the name of Va poration Company had held a meet oro about the Spirit Workings MANAGUA, Nicaragua lentin Gutiérrez was going ing with a view of keeping than Davis, while th latter Germany will compete with Ja across the Penshurst Bridge down prices, but on close inaaserts that his profession must pan for Nicaragua cotton crop, when he slipped and fell into the vestigation it was found that Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON secure him anything he desires, which, according to reports is river. The Police authorities this was entirely false and whether by Good or Evil Wm the largest in history. The grow were soon on the spot and ever; Master Altı gays can conhad, apparentiy, been starters will ceive the market or effort made to recover the body ed by some Competitor varse with the Master ahove, higher prices for cotton from but due to the bad weather conAgent for the purpose of Abogado y therefore he is able to cure all German buyirs, but they must ditions now existing in the dis prejudicing the minds of Evl and obtain all good things. purchase German merchandistrict, nothing was, up to this clients of other Firms. ELNotario Público However, the government advanced prices. Germany uses seen of it.
se where in this issue will be Oficina: Altos Pasby degreey discovering that Co the same system with coffee. To The unfortunate youth, who seen an announcement by comia is the work of Devitry date Germany has superseded the was of about twenty two years.
Mr. Reuben of the Linion cual Ingianna and will soon ext. rmite all of United States and France 83 only recently arrived in Estrella Trading Company refuting them the largest purchaser of Nicara from Rio Jimenez on the Old such falsehood. Contant Visitor guan coffee.
but were Lic. Carlos Silva of Li Rola neighbours than the Autho Reich Seeks Nicaraguan dent is reported from Estrella le 13 HORSE RACES (Particularly for Province of Limon. All Parties having Horses capable of competing are Reminded that Inscription in the Registers of the Association is Free and should be attended to immediately so as to facilitate the work of arranging the Programme for the Approaching Races at the National Stadium, San José.
Prizes already available for the Province of Limón: Gran Clásico Costa Rica. 2. 000. 00 Premio Pájaro Azul. 500. 00 Premio Traube.
500. 00 All Preliminary Races. 200. 00 The Association will pay Cost of transporting Horses from Limón and provide Stabling accommodation in San José.
EMPRESA HIPICA COSTARRICENSE Apartado 737 San José Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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