
Saturday 10 October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE ELECTROLUX dee YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser 10 Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER»
WEEK OF CRICKET On Sunday last the Surti stuff. They have lost all of the Construction did so THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT dora made their final attem. their matches this season, me excellent bowling for the pt for the season and losul but they played the game homesters, while the Sportthe Pathfinders. Nothing for what its worth we wishing Veteran, Parchment, SEE of special interest took pla them better luck next sea ws again on top with 54 ce during the game, but we son. The scores were Surti not out by hard hitting. The THE NEW AIR COOLED noticed the appearance of dora 41 all out and the a Youths are not living up to new bowler by the same thfinders 88 for wickets, expectations, they are going of Smith who surely has Brown being responsible Lackwards. We would ad REFRIGERATOR something in him. We should for 49 not out.
vise them to get together and like to him take On Monday the Pathfin try to regain their earlier tome practice so that the det: journeyed to Estrada reputation. The scores were NO MOVING PARTS Merchants may, next sea where they met the Britan Britannie 77 all out, PathNO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER on, have some one capable nie The Youths lost the finders 45.
USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC of producing the poisonous match by 32 runs, Lewis On Tuesday, Campbe:1 EFFICIEN took his team to Matina wh re he was engaged by the Parchment men. The come FOR FULL PARTICULARS side batted first and were SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE «SINGER» 1936 all out for 89 runs, due to JOHNSTON Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora the bowling of Sruth, Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna.
Surton and Campbell. When BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON the visitors went to the wiSOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES ckets, they had only a ma NATIVE CHIEFS CONTROL GREATER PART Salg Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado lier of 55 minutes at their disposal So Campbell and OF ETHIOPIA Wade opened and went for LONDON. Ace wding to Cap Minister at Cairo warned BroMachine 1936 the bowling and at the call in Brophil, or the Ethiopian Me phil that if he ventared again of time the side had accudical Corps, who lew to Ethio over the border his plane would You can sew with it backward and forward, do pia to report on the exact status be shot down.
embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
The law says: of affairs for the League of Na Brophil brought severelmesWe exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
tions union and the thiop. ansages to Haile Selassie from Gore ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Every merchant must Association in London, guerrila which state that the Galla and keep books. If you must warfare against the lialan in Amharic Chiefs are remaining Singer gency at the North sid: of the Market in Limón.
start a set of books or vaders is continuing and harely loyal to him, and would Sup wish to get your books one. fifth of the country is a port him if he returned. Fifty in order, can show you rectly under Fascist control Galla Chieis claim control of BOLIVIA BUILDING SYNDICALIST REGIME the simplest method at The aviator few across the 50. 000 square miles of Western lowest cost. Write to ASANTIAGO, Chile. The Colonel David Toro, president of border, from Malakal on the Ethiopia with a population of newspaper El Mercurio publish the military junta in Bolivia, in partado 146, Limón.
Sudanese frontier, five times. On 000. 000. The Italians have not Information Given Free of. Charga each flight Italian war planes yet set foot in that area. an interview at La Paz with which he said the new govermentj sought to create a Socia:ciased him. Finally, the Itanaa ist State in Bolivia entirely gir mulated 65 for 6; with 20 ferent from past administraminutes more they would Depósito de Maderas tions Maduro Lumber Yard certainly have won the The aim is at syndicalization match.
NACIONALES of all national activities and es The Competion is now FRANK MADURO Jr.
talishment of a par iamentary nearing its close and we are PROP.
body that shall be purely func wondering who will win the LIMON tional. with no contact with po Mug.
Frank Maduro hijo, Hitics Tomorrow the Motive Po.
PROP Best native lumber Colonel Toro said relations wer and the Pathfinders will Fábrica de Hielo Maderas del país. Exiswith Chile would be placed on a meet in the final game of tencia permanente y Refrescos mutual concessions in trade the season to decide which at moderate prices customs and transportation. He should meet the Excelsior.
nuestro depósito.
declared the working classes If the game be a drawn one, would have more influence than the Excelsior will be the broader econom! footing, with Champions. We were thinkat present.
ing that the Youths should The compulsory labor measur beat the Irons, but we have tot even Regarded as fit for exportation but is never es, recently decreed, he continu hec noticing something theless accepted to afford satisfaction to the cultivators LA FLORIDA ed, will soon give the tin min which has brought about a concerned.
ing industry the necessary work change of this opinion, Puntarenas and Orotina have only come into the ers, and new agreements with Should the game be a win, Fábrica de Hielo the London tin pool soon will will the winners be able to Limelight within the past four years and their monthbe closed, thus improving the take care of themselves Venta de Leche ly production has not yet got into the five figures mart export figures.
against the Excelsior? This gin, nor has the fruit been fully tested in the world Maderas Vastcolonization schemes is left to be seen and so we markets to know if it meets the tastes of consumers.
with further immigration, are are all praying for good What claim have they, therefore, the privileges being considered weather.
which are rightly those of the Province of Limon. It is however pleasing to note the protests made by our Governor, don Ricardo Alvarado, and our Municipality against these claims, and it is confidently hoped that the Executive Council will soon confirm the arrangements previously made by their Secretary of Public Health. And as furthering our claims in this respect, it BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE is gratifying to know that the Cia. Bananera de Casta Rica is disposed to relinguish her contract with the UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Municipality for the hospitalization of the poor of the Province in view of the serious strain placed on the lasofrece al público los Offers the Public the titution by the terms of the existing concession for the care of labourers sent there by private banana farmers; servicios de su Services of its the difficulty experienced in properly maintaining patients at the charges fixed in her contract with the Municipal Boayd as well as the lack of adequate accommodation for the growing demands of our populace. It is EN LA IN THE understood that the Company has offered the Board the sum of one hundred thousand colones as compensation for determining the contract, which amount would naturally be appropriated toward the erection and equip para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service ment of the New Hospital.
servicio bancario Rendered It will be interesting to know what claims the Municipalities of Turrialba, Orotina and Puntarenas will be making on this pew offer.
on BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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