
36 Saturday 10 October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 Jamaica Uremployed Stage Demonstration Ahorrel! recent issue of th Gleaner ed the fact that as Jamaicans reports the staging of a Wor, were now decarred from scek kers Demonstration in Jamaica sing work in La American ancient Capital, Spanish Town countries, as Tormerly they Several hundreds of unemploy should be provided with a :V nd men and women marched nood in their native land Llong the principal atreets of the The Officials of the local d1town to the Public Square where vision of the Public Works De addresses were delivered, th: partment were interview dana speakers emphasizing that the arrangements made for a dopunemployment question had ſtation to meet the members of reached sucb critica: stage the Parish Boara.
that a large number of blebo The proocsson was headed workers were without by a large banner which bore the means of proviamg thema. the words Humor Peace selves and their familles with March, We Want York. The the daily requisities, nor could encre demonstration was sala many send their candren to Mr Richard Hernan, two pros ales with school for lack of food and proto have been most orderly.
Je sur clothing. They also str ss El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres zce arra on 92 uc usb 03 Banco de Costa Rica 40 SUCURSAL DE LIMON בת מצול To Cacao Growers Along the Coast THE SAN JOSE RACES.
slag the revolution terminate in SALOMON CHIN hapes far and J03 916 91 There is absolutely no Truth in the Propaganda circulated, by some unprincipled Agents, of a Meeting held in Limon among Cacao Shippers to reduce prices of this Commodity.
No Meeting was ever held tor did the Undersigned ever We have rectived a communica pared to compele. Fe Would, ty of reminding them that clhave a conversation with any one respecting such a matter.
tion from Mr. Alvarado Piza, also wish to hav the pedigrees matic Influences must be borne TO THE CONTRARY Apartado. 737, San Jose, in hich of all the horses so that they fin Gr at care should be ta The Limon Trading Company has always paid and still is ha aks the co operation cf horses may be properly classifica. Mrken of the horses orng up from ears disposed to pay TOP PRICES for CACAO.
from this Province for the Races Piza, says that the Guanacast mon to avoid chills and colds REUBEN.
to be held in that city during horses are not good list and their stablings should be the Civic Fiestas at the close of but as it well known that the inspected well in advance.
50 the year.
breeders of that province have RECOGNITION OF GRAND LODGE SESSION Mr. Alvarado Piza says inat always interbred theio sbok with REBEL GOVERNMENT әonpoud ues snpur эт The Grand Lodge of the so far the following horses will foreign importations, Peruvians, Americans, English zsəo 198 1M NOR UM General Franco, the Die Mechanics Order will hold be competing fiftdən from Gia Chueans, nacast, five from Cartago, three and Panamanians, they sures Berlin Bread tator of the Rebel faction of their Quarterly Session at Jose and three or fuor from would not import animalstol com Booth Bread, the Spanish Revolution, has e Hall of the Concordia Heredia Alajuela and Purtare mon stock for brood purposes.
intimated to the British go Lodge on Saturday the 17th.
Lovers or the sport will do The Peoples Bakery the nas; Since the receipt of vernment that no agreement instant. It is hoped, there letter we learn there will be se well to co odoráte krotosza Biscuits Buns, whatever has been made to will be a full attendance a3 ty mak this meet a great sucess Without which You can concede any territpral vi some important matters, aff venteen from Limon.
Some very enticing Purse will so that hereater there may be isəq əy, Suues to sjeog ghts to any nation, and that cting the well being of the Booth Biscuits be given by tb Committee CI interchanges of V1: its of horses the integrity of all the AfriOrdur, are to be discussed.
the Annual Fresta, the higan stand kors men all over the WELL. WHAT. can territories of othe) net ons will be respected by de ng 2, 000 colones as the Clas public, and thus causaRating to the Insurgent party should sic Prize. As transportaion and be the Grand Passtime its Stables will also be provided by serves in Costa RICR.
MAT: their favour. Neither Gerth Committee there should be The following arfor of the horses sont A VACATIONIST bolig many, Italy nor Portugal has Wee. Le Tin reason for Limon not from this sideBariam Knight represented at this meting by been gifanted, he further RETURNS ESTRADA stated, any promises in conBarland Queen. Big Blady Ane display of animals, nection with the Spanish IsIn order to properly arrange and Rob Roy :by Mga Lion tards.
Abarrotes y Licores his programme Mr. Alvarado i of Guac mo. Almirante Bayan It is, however, noted thai Artículos del País za will be pliased if all intend Glona by Mr. Roriefo 67 Asiq As we previously announced yres. Melba, Camtopia Germany has intimated her ing visitors will let him have the Precios Económicos Mr. Aubrey Spyer, who had un willingness to acknowledge names of Lor ta by Mr. Domar o fortunately been experiencing, their hors: their can the establishment of the ReLA IBERIA heights and th: distances HU Mitos. Sun Lad by ME. health, left here for the Liefer volntionary government.
over which Sey are prekine. Cdor Concm Springs for rest and change 306 py Mr. Ward of Pacuarto, Kon He has now returned to resw ye N9 98 tucky. ana LA his several activities and we are Clarke of Mte, Verde. Le pleased to see him looking the and Love by mu to Pasita ear picture of good hea.
po BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA men. Tico by Mr. Secil Nation o: Indiena. waigi noping Apart from hic general avocation in our Banana ledustry. Mr.
REMATE. DE UNA FINCA SITUADA EN LAS LOMAS shall also is tho Sunnylevet spuer has always evisced the Mr Humphsys. troma cabe greatest interest in sport and it and one or twa oth sidebar HACIENDA SAN ANTONIO war especial y due to its as Sc: Irom the wings oforbinen. ties that our Crete: at 115 is noted that thosem teded toe opportuno con las 14 horas del de Noviembre entrante, en ¡a Oficina del Notario Lic. Traube will ge Wetes. peting for the cos ed Cal.
don FRANKLIN MATAMOROS, sita en la Avenida entre Calies y 4, se re 500 colones cache geq 20 OF Al lovers of the game are therematará la siguiente propiedad, situada en el distrito y Cantón 3os, de la Provin tion among winners from humon forc, particularly pieased that cia de Limón.
and the National Airways Comhe has been spood to be thee Finca Nº 035 Tomo 910 Folio 503 Asiento pary will also donate one for min an sng the ahi ia que es terreno sembrado de banano en una extensión de 17 hectáreas, en mal winters frova Suanacaste.
for the clos of the present Com estado y el resto de bosques y charrales, con una CASA de habitación montaIt is now left to the trainers petion Sca and the award.
da sobre basas altas, que mide 10 metros por 14 metros y DOS CASAS para of Limon to shaw the matte in rcfth Cu The victors peones que miden: una 8, 90 metros por metros; y la otra 6, 30 metros por the preparation of the norges The UTALI CE jing 5, 40 metros, todas en mal estado.
and we teke this early epportunileg Einni MIDE 135 hectáreas, 105 metros, decímetros cuadrados, lindante: Norte, propiedad del Banco Internacional y Tarry: Sur, el río Reventa.
zón y la línea férrea al Atlántico; Este, ei río Reventazón y propiedad de Costa Rica Burial: Scheme Assoration Tarry: Oeste, el camino de Pascua mel río Pascua y el lote 68.
BASE PARA EL REMATE C4. 914. 85 San No se admitirá postura que no cubra la base y los interesados deberán de AVISO: cious positar en el acto del remate el 10 de ella, pudiendo pagar el resto del preNOTICE cio en las condiciones de Largo Plazo, sea al de interés y de amorti Seguridad en el Hogaste Szeureuse zación anuales, con garantia de la misma propiedad.
socio de la Socieced Beneficmily by becoming Para más informes véase, el Boletin Judicial 222 del 30 de Setiembre de cia de Casio Lico per rigd 1936, o en el DEPARTAMENTO DE FINCAS DEL BANCO INTERNACIONAL.
los gastos de enrere. Estof the only relil Sunil blecido en limon, clo de New Sicily estab ish iman de 1928 de Octubre de 1936.
May 5, 529 200 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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