
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 10 October 1936 Sa SOUTH AFRICA BOOMS Jai To Whom It May Concern All persons who are desirous of remitting money to Jamaica, at the lowest Tole possible with the reliance that their remiances will reach home safely. ought to call and see on old and trusted friend A, MENDEZ Limon Send in the remittance clong with the address of the person to whom the cheque is to be sent, plus sevenly cenys for Registration, and ressured the money will reach home salely pir Bers JOHANNESBURG, South Afri, branches of commerce and in thriving communities.
ca Real esiate values and dustry are feeling the effects of Igold mining shaces eontinue to it. Some cbservers say that the NEW MINES OPENED soarbyl Pigat in Sudut Mirica, bu. ding activity wil reach its Twenty new mines will enter and dig fortunes are being made chimax before the opening of the the producing stage this year overn ght by speculators. The Empire Exnis. On the Shafts are being sunk in a numb buying. fever shows no siga other hand, there are those who er of them and payable ore reabating, despite warnings of feel that the discovery and deve serves are being build up. Techo shrewd operators who point to lopment of new gold fields in the cal staffs are bung brought into previous land and stock marke Rand cannot but improve the the country ard the cmo oyant booms present trend of affairs.
of native labor in the mines)
Land is fetching record prices, Johannesburg, in the mean setting a record.
ALEX lo towe un and suburos are opening almost time is preparing for the open Cape Town, which has tagged STRONGER MEASURES FOR PALESTINE daily in what is known as the ing of the Empire behind, is begiming to Show gad belt. The skylines of va The Exhibition Committee is re signs of the boom. Witr tie zor LONDON. In addition. he is reported to te organiz nogi rious Reef towns are changing serving every available accomtification of Robben Island and the 17. 000 men already in the terrorist bands in the hils at as new skyscrapers are rushed to modation for the leadreds of the building of the new floating Holy Land, a division eomprising round Jenin in the Nablue disse completion. The building boom thousands of yisitors expected dock the principal port of the 15000 are be ng de patched to Patrict.
tar has caused a dearta of skilled from overseas. In anticipation Union is expecting an unprece lestine and it is estimated that Mehammed e Shommaa building workers, and burders of the rush, property owners dented period of business acti this total of 32, 300 mon will be notorious rebel leaner, has also and contractors are combing have raised rents and foodstuffs wity ierge enough for he rigid en gone over from Irak along with overseas markets For qualified Where there was only bare And Durban, which has a sub forcement of martial law walch about eighty other iraqis. It workers with the result that eve veldt a few monrıs ago, today tropical climate and is the re might be proc aimed to put believed that the Arab Nations Ty incoming ship bring is quota there are cottages and shops sort city of the Union, is en end to the Arab revolt is facuon are is an io Fava of builders who have been con Township, such as Klerksdrop, joging an unusua) prosperity! Fawzi el Qawacji, a hish. el Quwagji to orgnize a real retracted at high salaries. Ventersports and akfontein through the large influx of tourer of Iraq arnis, recently re voli ton against th: Palestine The building boom, of course, which today are little hamlets rists and visitors from the Transsiered his commission and se oieinment and the British is stimulating trade, and all are expected to aevelop Into vaal c:etiy entered Palestine where treep.
CE inti ܝܝܢ etc.
N9 97 IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCOVERY BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Dr Van de Maele, a 521 studying the possibilities of melisant Belgian Radiologist is 10 dical radio. Ilms for 25 years ported to bave inve. itel 31 ap Remate de una Finca situada en Madre de Dios and was only able to perfect his paratus which is regarded as apparatus by a research subsidy one of the most important medi granted him by the Adnurstracal advances of the present tors of the Belgian National RE las 14 horas del 30 del presente mes de octubre, en la Oficina del Notacentury Scientific Research Fund The discovery, now know25 tario Lic. don AMADEO JOHANNING, sita en la esquina formada por la Radio. Cinemacography, in Avenida 1? y la Calle 3, se rematará la siguiente propiedad. rays to ordinary filan proto THE GOODYEAR CO.
tat Finca Nº 027 Tomo 104 Folio 208 Asiento 13 graphy and produces a picture which shows the different or situada en MADRE DE DIOS, distrito segundo, cantón 39 de la Provincia EXPLAINS gans of the body in actual acde Limón. Mide 50 hectáreas, más para caminos, con los siguientes ver tion under normal or abnormal short while ago a complaint wh lideros. conditions, thus enabling a doc was lodged with the government, tor to see what is going on inside Labour Department against the CO!
Norte y Oeste, propiedad de la Cimarrones Fruit Cº.
the body of a patient, and elimi Goodyear Rubber Plantation Sur y Oeste, propiedad Sucesión don Ramón Castro Fernández.
ine nating the uncertainties of a company, who are carrying out an Es terreno de charrales y montes.
diagnosis under ordinary pre operations in the Cairo District BASE PARA EL REMATE.
sent day conditions. 1. 953. 35 for noncompliance with the ret the.
Dr. Van de Maele had been quirements of the law which No se admitirá postura que no cubra la base y los interesados debethe controls the payment of wages the rán depositar el 10 de ella, pudiendo pagar el resto del precio en las ma condiciones de Largo Plazo, sea al de interés y de amortización WAR MATERIAL FOR In replying to the complaint be anuales, con garantía de la misma propiedad.
the Company state that their lasta LATIN AMERICA bourets are employed on thet Para más informes véase el Boletín Judicial 222 del 30 de Setiemnel basis of an eight hour days and bre de 1936, o en el DEPARTAMENTO DE FINCAS DEL BANCO IN Reports that substantial quan are paid after the rate of 65)
TERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA tities of war materials are moy cents per hour. Wages are paid GE ing to Latin. American coun monthly, but should an enipogee de Setiembre de 1936.
tries has been atttracting wide require a cash advance this can!
th attention, in American expost be had each Monday. No orders ve circles, despite the fact thathel are given for the purchase of ments, according to one vers. on, and a reduction of ten per cent nave been contracted for by cens is made from all salaries and PARIS. The Soviet Union is BERLIN. Old currency noies tral American nations in advan wages for hospital zation purpos manufacturing 000 airplares that had been placed in the inci In addition to ise impos:as de ce of the opening of negotiations, ses.
a year, Louis Breguet, Irenen nerator at the Reich priating ce tl. given our range nicure for the settlement of national builder, said on his return from plant not long ago went up the es by the success markers boudary line disputes. Other ex José Achion Ng Russia with a French technical stack and fell in near by yards. Los tais nat. onal product on the porters insist the goods are in mission Residents of a few houses bergish market, we note that. tended for trans shipment to Comerciante Detallista ship Factor es in the Soviet Union hind the printing plant discover inyorlant fruit company in Del recent reports of large are producing twenty tunes mire ed their gardens were being sluza has en ercd into a contract Spain and point to recent reports Licores, Abarrites, Cristaleria, Artículos de Ferreteria airplanes, motors and accessories vite Mr. Orontes Cutierrez, cof large shipments from Mexico to (To page 12)
y Eléctricos; todo than France. he said.
Cartago, for a su piy of 300 What country.
este estableciThe movement of the The factories are German machinery and employ boses per month equipped miento a prinelpally with Enbiish the rial has been too recent to ap abcbut 200. 000 persons working in and The Orangs will be of three shifts. One factory emplos cla sey known as Valencia, May pear in trade fgures, it was said PRECIOS DE SITUACION ing 25. 000 workers is turning el ard Jaffa, and will p:obay but will show up in a substantial RAY RIVEALS out dai y four bombers capable be from the well known Hava way in September expor LIMON staof 248 miles an hour.
rro Piantation.
We beg 10 call your attention to our remark of the back en 18 Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reeds.
year old youth with seven diamonds in his stomach was held Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Sy wington police Jolin Andrews was accused of cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month Stealing two diamond rings and de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not at watch. When Andrewa said Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which he had swallowed one of the de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take rings and sold the other, authorities Xayed his stomach and located the ring set with ode one the decat dacht de smaller ones Soviet Union Build 5:000A Harvest of Currency Belgian Firm Contracts rumors lacker verification Ship merchandise in ang commissary Planes per Year Notes our Oranges se encuentra en mateCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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