
The Hospitalization Question Banana Exportations Again Improve Govt. Tenants Must Pay Up At their last regular session acqumber of Diputies are of the law which controls As a consequence of the Blow On the 4th, the Peten left City Fathers formally approved opinionthat the two per ceat gug the present Banana Concessions, which was experienced in this for New York with 50. 743 stems; the agreement recently made with gested should not be a fixed pay no changes whatever can be made Zone a short time ago, our Ba On the following day the Tivives the Minister of Public Health and ment, but merely a maximum rither in this or other respects nana exports fell off considerab loaded 26. 000 for New Orleans; the Board of Social Assi tance to: rating, so as to allow a lower rate without the entire approval of ly but we are gratified to note on 9th. the Samala took 72, 848 the establishment of a National to be collected whenever the con the contracting Farmers and the that they are once more on the for Southampton; the Veragua Hospital in thig City il ccaree ditions of the Banan, Industry Company. And is so fas as the improve as during the nine days 50. 835 for New York on the uth.
tion with our new Health Scheme did not warrant the payment of suggested two per cent increase. October 4th to 12th the ve and the Metapan 28, 639 on the Meantime, it is observed that the full two per cent; and that is concerned the Farmers have alry appreciable amount of 229. 066 12th for New Orleans.
the project to increase the con. there are others who do not ap ready submitted their protest and stems were sent away.
tribution of the Banana Farmers prove of any increase, but think have called a general meeting of to the Hospitalization Fund has at the proceeds of the contei all interested to further consider been withdrawn from Congress bution should be. vailable to all what additional steps should be to enable the proposals which hospitals, not only o that of the taken in the matter. The meeting were submitted during the recent Fruit Company in this city. will take place tomorrow afterdebates to be further considered In this connection we wish to noon in the Municipal Saloon According to the Diario lose their rights to the hold by the Committee having charge. ention that according to the here, at o clock.
of Thursday last, the in ings in their possession and of same. It is understood that vestigation which were pro their contracts declared void ceeding for some time in we take this early opportuconnection with the hold inity of bringing the matter, ings of tenantes on the Milla which is of serious import, Maritima and other gov to their attention.
taula ernment lands in this Zone The occupants of the gohaving been concluded, the vernment lands along the Department in charge has Railway are also included heen instructed to see that in these instructions, all outstanding rents be settl The rents are to be paid Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone ed by the 15th of the com the Branch of the BanlEditor Eazli. Section: NATION ing month (November. of Costa Rica in this City, so As we see it is also stated those who need information that all who do not comply Año III Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday 17 October 1936 respecting their indebtedNo. 115 with this requirement will ress would do well to make learly enquiry there.
The Atlantic Vaice Matters International CATHOLIC ACTION URGED מס In consequence of this general Work on Queen Mary Sister Ship Begun Baltimore. call to Catholic to present the truth with kind.
Conditions in the Spanish war Madrid nas again been reavily further increase existing compli laymen to combat communism byness and charity and leave it to fare have now arrived at the stage bombarded with serious results. cations and possibly lead to a gen teaching the truth to the masses the grace of God that it will con when both factions are making More than a thousan dof her re eral outbreak. As, however, she the most desperate efforts for sup sidents have been arrested in con has been informed of the impos Fulton Sheen of the Catholic wag sounded by the Rt. Rev. Mguer in its own light.
Asserting that the principal in remacy. During the earlier daya sequence of their fascist tendensibility of calling an early meet. University in an address to mem ruences of the day were coming of the past week the loyalist: cies and the rumour that they ng of the Committee, it is feared bers of the Catholic Evidence not from the well to do classes were reported to have gained severe preparing to co operate with he may carry her threat into ex Guild at their annual national but from the bread lines, Mgr.
cral victories which nec ssitated the attacking forces.
ecution at any moment. On the conference.
Sheen stressed the importance of heavy reinforcements, including The loyalists at Bilbao are other hand, Portugal has empha Broadmindedness is rapidly go taking th truth to the man 2, 000 additional Moorish troops, said to be rushing preparations ſtically refuted the charge laid ng out of the world, he said, and the streets in order to meet the being called up by the national for the expacted arrival of 50 against her and asserts her will is. With the launching, however, Russian airplanes to aid them in ngness for all her shipments in its place we are living in an zeal of the Communists.
About of a further offensive by General th def Dee of that port.
ego of intolerance.
100 representatives of to Spain to be exa ained by a pe Declaring that Catholics must gu. lds attended Franco and Gene al Mola, latest the conference, The successes of the national al Commission as indicated by be intolerant of principles but to over which Justin McAghon of cobles indiente conditions lave irts have created the geatest con Pussia provided that a similar erant of persons, he asked the Newark presided.
materially changed and the loyal Lusion in Madrid and the hope of course be adopted with respect 10 members of the guild, who teach ets are now being hard pressed saving the City is being icat gead all shipments arriving from Rus ctholic doctrine from strret corected the need of men willing Brien Atkinson cf New York on all sides. General Varela, who ually.
sia at the Spanish ports still con ners, not to bother about to work and willing to think in is operating in the west and nor Miantim. the insittende of Rus trolled by the government forces, proving their opponents wrong ordor to do justice to our opporthwestern sectors, is reported to ia for imm diate action on the It is rumoured from Barcelona nor themselves right, but imply tunities.
have reached a point 39 kilome part of the Non intervention Com that Portugal may sever diploma ters from Madrid, while the for mittee to stop the assistente being tic relations with Spain, thus ces zdvacing from the north have fforded the rebels by Germany, eating further difficulties.
arrived within nide miles of Es saly. and Portugal, and her covial. In the Toledo and Oviedo threat to abandon the Puct if this disquietude Italy has decid to sectors the nationalists are still be not done, is produeiag the sped up work in her arms and GLASGOW, Scotland. Work the keel and double plates will be for strenghteding. The fiercely contending to regain pos gravest concern throughout Euro munition factories and to make has began on the Cunarder Numlusid session of these important loca. pean Diplomatic circles, as it is large increases in her naval ranks. er 552 the sister ship of the keel will be two inches thick, com tions.
action would particularly in the air forces. En th believed such Queen Mary. The first consign. pared the Queen Mary gland, too, is observed to have ment of keel plates was lai out inch thickness. The new liner authorized large increases in her on the floor of the designers shops will also be higher and broader.
rearmament programme. France, where the plates will be prepared More than 250, 000 wooden onher part, has initiated an acfor drilling before being placed blocks of Canadian fir will be tive campaign against the Cruz on keel blocks.
laid to support the liner during de Fuego organization as a reSix hundred plates will form her ccastruction SERVICIO DE VAPORES sult of the discovery of their sub versive activities; thousands of Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York rifles and large quantities of other 500. 000 Win Pay Rises in italy con escala en Cristóbal y Habana war material have been contis cated in the raids effected in va.
ROME. Ten per cent salary The pay rises we e promised in LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS rious parts of the country.
increases for 500, 000 industrial a new national work contract that 005 AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS In addition to all this, the de. workers were reecntly aanounced would replace the contract form cision now taken by Belgium in at the conclusion of negotiations in effect since 1928. The new connection with her neutrality conducted in the presence of gov agreement provides for a revised has causrd such a general sensaernment officials. The increases basis of pay for piece workers, Vapores Salidas tion among the nations of west were estimated to affect 20, 000 granting them larger percentages QUIRIGUA 18 de Octubre ern Europe that the political si mechanical and metallurgical er than previously guaranteed.
tuation is becoming and tablishments, large and small.
25 de Octubre nore serious every hour that pas ses VERAGUA de Noviembre an UNITED FRUIT Co.
niore PETEN.
Teodoro Picado New Offensive in Ethiopia ALVARADO Cía, Agentes para Limón Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica From Milan it is reported that the Italian forces intend making an immediate advance against the Ethiopian Tribes who have not yet been conquered as the rains have ceased and the roads are once again available for the trans portation of troops.
Barrister and Notary Public Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and Notatial matters to his friends acd clients of the Atlantic Zone.
COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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