
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón GERMANY UNDER ARMS YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiecto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 1936 PERU TRADE RISES Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
ITMA, Peru The foreign com Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office merce of Peru during the first cina dentro de los primeros 10 días six months of this year reflects before the 10th of the month not only recovery from the world de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this reguest and do not slump but also a return to pros Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which perous conditions which reached de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
theit peak in 1929 Exports tonnage figures are the highest recorded since 1929. The declin in the value of commo.
dities is indicated in comparing the figures of this year with those for 1927. In the first six months of 1927, 798, 000 tons of exports were valued at 138, 056, 000 soles, In the last few years political, me hardened to the courte y cree raising the teren compulsory Minister of Economics and press in the same period this year, bombshells have exploded with events military service in the Reich from dent of the Reichsbank, discussed 1, 258, 757 tons wire valued at increasing frequency in Europe. Recently AdHt er took a step one to two years. In Germany the Franco German relations only 141, 696, 807 zoles.
After each explosion tension of which a few years ago would lay decree is expected to raise the Ger Premier Bum and members Sis spread throughout the Continent. prec piteted a major European man Army from the present is. Cabinet. He argued for tronontie Greece Bans Communism there has been talk of war; tension crisis. few hours after he had timated 600. 000 to 800. 000, he cooperation between Berlin and has essd. until the next expo contributed to the peace of Europe strength of the Kaiser army Paris as a prelude to political un ATHENS, Grecee. King George sion Gradually the people of Euroby amouncing a German embergo which went into the World War derscanding. After his talks with sanctioned a Ministerial decree pe, thoughfaring war, have beco on arms to Spuin he issue oe The French put the figure ouch the French Ministers he had lind establishing new laws for the higher; they calculated that Ger words for them. got the impres defense of the State. The decree many would have 365. 000 soldlession of having to deal with intel outlaws communism and provides Hitler decree was combined igent and capable men of good for heavy prison sentences and SINGER 1936 with an increasingly violent Nozi faith Dr. Schacht returned 19 Ger ines for any one publishing pro.
press campaign against Sovint Rusman to reportito Horr Hitler on his paganda against the State. All Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora sla. larger army was declared Paris visit.
bookshops have been ordered to Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por sta moderna.
ntcescary to combat the Bolshevik Continental developments did deliver anti State literatura with SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES world menace. Moscow was bia not disturb London. ut least in twenty days.
Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado med for the world ills. Dioscow outuparily. London still hos that The decree also providing for newspapons replied that Gerinaay Europe problems will be settled the establishment of concentration Wis leading Europe to a new at the Locarno conversations this camps for all political offenders slaughter With an eye on Berlin Autumn condemned for Communist and Machine 1936 the Sovitt Government offered a other illegal activities.
in for League reform wheresy, You can sew with it backward and forward, do mitary sanctions against an agre embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
250 might be quickly put into efWe exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one. fost ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH In Paris, which was irritate by Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón.
the Berlin deeree, Premier Clum said th:t the government has e ken and will take all necessar measures to guarantes the security of France.
El más surtido en Matina Hitler move makes the Nazi THE BLACK CROW ammy the strongest force in Western Europe. According to Frouch (By Cuneo)
estimates, the military manpower have been setting quite tired But to further my observations of the Europsan nations taking of the quiet, peaceful conditions on this particular worthy. He is the new German increase into con around me. Not that do not like a viry unusual human type. He is sideration, Ines up as follows: By «Jat peace. But too much of peace, always seing things in the negaToday we are in serious need of, ed at the Methodist School Hall as of things in glaerc. is good tive or Icoking at them through a Germany 365 000 for nothing. shou like to see glass Carkiy To m every black Italy an uplift in our intellectual life. each alternate Thursday, as from 10. 000 something unusual happen, waaich man and woman is a black crow Russia very alsquieting state is our back September 3rd. at 30 All 200. 000 ward tendency. We must review are warmly welcomed. We aim to need not be war. For in these It would appear, therefore, that he Funce 551. 000 with regret the policies which can improve education generally, to days of wars and rumours of bas very little idea of colour, size Poland 2CG. 000 assist domestie tranquility.
no longer guide us unto success and to war, auch a calamity ceases to 213. 000 or shape He does not kiow animal Great Britian confiss our weakness in the kaow. provide the means of studies being be unusual affair. Onge, right forms. He does not know what a Rumania y 11. 390 ledge of Jurisprudence, Medical underts ken in Law, Medicine, Asto here in Siquirts, saw two meu back crow is in all the forty odd Czechoslovakia 100 000 Scienfie Restarches Tight lag. One had a blow to de years of his poor life. Truly and prudent and the Sciences as well as to pts.
he Yugoes avia 197. 300 physical treatment. As live, and am quite sure that muc be a man of very subnormal in Belgium members mote our general welfare. These 33. 500 before that blow rached home tellest asd of bodily strength next While Europe looked to its arof the human family we are behind measures, will, without doub. se in technical devolopment cure us loftier rocognition.
ever it did the striker was settling to nothing to have allowed a mies peace talks took place in PaThe time to grasp this benumbing his black crow to roll and tumblers. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Gerna situation is imminent. Our boys pretty uncomfortably This is an age of the greatest haunches. That was something him about in the biack dust and struggle, and only the survival of unusua. ad the thing delighted dirt of a machine shop and to have and girls require our best attention the fittest shall e cape the Breakme. To see a man getting down had his white hide so badly beatin As, financially, we are unable to ers ahead. Now is the time to esJosé Achien Ng on his posterior under the shock up withal. No self resposting white store up fortunes for tham, it is me together in one whole. Link up imperative that we get together with this Society in the interests of the very blow he was deliver man would ever have allowed such ing a damnable thing. But after all Comerciante and, in one rnss. eredt a struct of our youths, and in the course of Detallista uze, what Negro, bo he a white or educationaly. socially and time we shall be richly repaid for Licores, Abarrites, Cristale morally, to redound to our poste any inconveniences we may edBut am act alone in this on black crow, or a John or a Jim ria, Artículos de Ferreteria rity counter in laying the foundation.
cern over the disturbing influence Crow. would stand to hearing his y Electricos; todo se en With this awakening Thought, Help us to save our youths. Ttie deof the pactul atmosphere of my white boss find a canine mothar cuentra en este establecisurroundings. The white fore naa for him These are tre acts miento a a Society has been founded in this grading wolves sre at our doors, Province designated Tochnical De even in our homes. Help to bring at the machine shop here had been so much alarmed over it that he PRECIOS DE SITUACION velopmet of the Coloured Race of our wandering boys and girls to Costa Rica. Membership is open a place of reformation. Let us Join decided, a day or two ago, to put Four years ago or thereabouts LIMON to all irrespective of creed or hands and hearts to do a great an end to it: he Fired one of there was brought to me a problem.
tionality, and meetings are conven service to ourselves his Negro subordinates on the am woring it a school book grounds of 30 reason whatever. fashion: An oil drum 53 12 iaches Then things bcaa to happen. in height, with a diameter or 37 COMPRE and uickly to Asharp pas and 18 inches, contained, when sage et arms tween this impe lavire en its side. oil to the height LOTERIA NACIONAL rious lord and his ex suSfitted of 20 and 58 inches. What was the into set 1, during which his hat quantity of Sout in the vess?
Con el orgullo de que hace un bien porque ayuda al HOSPITAL DE Was sazed by the irate Ngro, torn This was the kind of mathzanatics SAN JUAN DE DIOS y al ASILO CHAPLII, en donde hay sufrimientos y up end dumped. Then an all night asciated with the job for which dolor que aliviar, y porque lid, sabe que de las que se expenden en el país truce. Next morning witne. sed act this man is pard. But could he do es la mejor por las siguientes deducciones: 11, which ended to leave our fu it? No. black crow had to La Lotería Nacional, o del Asilo Chapuí, da al público 128 premios, la remen a sorry miss of broken, bruido it for him. Surely, he is unuque más se importa sólo da 107 premios.
sed, bleeding sh. That again was sual. the most unusual idea Con nuestra Lotería saca usted más dinero gastando menos con something unusual To me it was have ever seen mouatid on two 00 puede sacarse 6. 000 y en cambio con la otra, con 00 apenas delectable white human legs. That why he se saca 500 stis y curiosity Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EN PASSANT The Dawn of a New Thought on a

    BolshevismCommunismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyNazismWorld War

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