
Saturday October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Cricket Season Nearing its Close Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association 40. YEAR GAIN IN MALARIA CAMPAIGN Read THE ATLANTIC VOICE Priest Crucified in Spanish Strife he was The last game of the Capix, dreds of the Pathfinders admirers a very fine example for a Club tures was played last Sunday when ran on to the field and removed with a Nursery the Pathfinders surrendered to the batsman andas they refused to Well, the Motive Power now AVISO NOTICE the Motive Power. The weather slow the game to be continued ties with the Excelsior and as it interfered when they should have the Motive Power won Is id that the Irons have never Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and famet previously, but on this socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member DC This action on the part of the shewn their best against the Ambi cia de Costa Rica, para pagar casion the Irons showed their Pathfinders reminds me of the days tious, we are wondering if we shall los gastos de entierro. Esteof the only reliable Burial worth and did it. Batting first, when some of our old Olubs were be afforded surpirse like that of the Motive Power made 94 of active and there were scandals on the Irons of Jamaica against the blecida eg Limón, el de Mayo Society established in Limon de 1928 May 5th. 1928.
which LeRoy was responsible and off the field. This is. ertainly Kangaroos, for 37 by forceful all around cricket. Or the others, there was lit le short of a regular procession due to the bowling of Smith and Dixon, Erskine and Brown pened for the Pathfinders, but the latter did not stay. Lawrence Washington The control of age project is presented to the Drainage for elimination of ma pletely in six or seven days.
the Motive Power Stumper, played mala ia has been advanced forty Public Health Service for final laria. transmitting mosquitos, As the aquatic stages in mos.
the piece of his life when he sayers through Federal drainage approval, according to Dr. Patran, Dr. Parran pointed out, is a high quito development under favor hered the ball which dismissed Smith before he got sted. The projects accomplished in the last the proposal is first taken up byly specialized drainage problem. able conditions require from sight three years, Surgeon great surprise, however, was Cun Thomas Parran caid. He credited cerned.
General the State Health Department con Such drainage works generally to ten days, the removal of these are not as extensive as agricultu waters within a shorter period ningham who pinned himself down the former Civil Works Adminis The State Health Department ral drainage systems or flood con prevents the metamorphosis of and played sound criekst; this was his second appearance, think, for tration, the Works Progress Ad. surveys, the health and technical tol works, for they are designed the eggs.
the Season ministration and the Emergescy aspects of the project, then the to disipate residual waters comOn Robinson taking a very low Relief Administration with the ac necessary data are collected and complishment compiled and a project applicaball there was en unanimous appeal to Umpire Drummonds, Dr. Parran estimated that 22, 000 tlon is prepared.
but The State WPA administrator he pointed to the other, Umpire, miles of ditches have been cons.
Isaacs, who, not apparently understructed, eliminating 340, 000 acres must approve the project, with of breeding areas ured by mala special reference to labor, mate.
tanding that part of the play pointed back to Drummonds Robinson ria transmitting mosquitos and af rials and other operative featuwas finally given out. When the fording protection from maintia res. The application then is for last man went to bat only 20 runs to about 14, 000, 000 persons in six warded to Washington for review were required for victory, but teca States.
and approval by the WPA and By Josep Lee Mason before he could do anything, hunPefore a malatia control drain the Public Health Service.
CUBRALTAR. Arriving from his pulpit while Gibraltar this correspondent mo preaching before a large congre tored to Algeciras and obtained gation. They crucified him on the the nece isary safe conduct to church door and then his brother proceed to Seville. General Quel was brought out and shot within po del Llano, one of the insur his sight.
gent commanders. granted the Half. way between El Saucewriter a special permit to ac jo and Almorgen, the retreatlus company the troops under his Communist forces, equipped with command on their advance. modern riflas and machine guns gainst the Loyalist forces.
of French manufacture, ambus joined a column of more than hed che of Major Redondo com 1, 500 men, commanded by Major panies. The Loyalists followed up Redondo, which was advauring their attack and succeeded in on Osuna, El Saucejo and Al driving the Insurgent column out morgen, the last town being a of El Saucejo after a battle in bout seventy miles from Seville which the Loyalists artillery, ard fcrty eight miles northwest posted in the hills, proved mest of Mala. Five field guns, anar effective.
mored car and a machine gun Shortly afterward, Major Redetachmant accompanied the col umun.
dondo column made a vigorous counter attack and EI Sauc. id Travelling in motor lorries, the was promptly recaptured.
Tue column arrived the same evenLoyalists were so disorganized ing at Osuna, which had already that they were also driven ont allen into the hands of the InAlmorgen after a sharp figüt.
surgents. The next day it went More than 150 Communist prito El Saucejo, eighteen miles soners capturdd, all ot south of Osuna. During the adwhom faced firing aquads at dawn vance, four government airplanes next day.
bombarded the route.
While accompanying a patrol After a battle lasting half a searching houses in Almorgen day, the Loyalist militiamen re We found three nuns of the Care Lo que dice el ex Presidente Herbert Hoover, de los Estados treated under heavy fire from melita order in a house that had Unidos, acerca de las ventajas de poseer una póliza de the Insurgents machine guns, been ransacked by the ComThe Rebels had mora than a munists. Two of the nuns were Seguros de Vida: hundred casualties, but the Loya dead. The third, Madre Roge, lists undoubtedly suffered much was alive, but her face had beat more heavily.
alashed with knives. El seguro de vida ofrece a los hombres y a las El Sauceo was captured and At Almorgen was also found mujeres la oportunidad de precaverse contra los cama large number of prisoners to an insrugent soldier who had bios de fortuna, siendo además un excelente medio de ken. detachment commanded been gouged out his fac Was ahorro o inversión. La amplia difusión del seguro de by Lieutenant Medina was the munists. Both of his eyes had vida este país es un factor de imponderable imenter the town. As we been gouded out, first his face was portancia en nuestra vida diaria y es además uno de slashed and his fingers had bez passed the parish church we saw los elementos de mayor trascendencia en el desarrollo cut off.
the body of the priest, Father de nuestra vida económica.
Jose de la Cora, crucified, head down on the main door. The boHERBERT HOOVER dy was clad in ceremonial vestmonts. The body of the brother, Ramon de la Cora, was lying in front of the church door. He had COMERCIANTE Establecido en la Provincia been shot dead by the Compor más de 20 años munists. In the church we found Vende al detal, Vinos y LiItht graves had been torn open cores extranjeros y del país, and valuables in the coffins stoabarrotes en general.
MISCELANEA Establecimiento esquina From tha townspeople, the Norte del Mercado writer learned that the ComEntre 45 munits had dragged the priest Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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