
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 1936 ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Jamaica Loses Two Worthy SonsBritain Richest Citizen and to represent the parish EL ATLANTICO LIMON, During the past month Lightbody was greatly ad some time previously. Mr.
LIMON, Jamaica suffered the loss of mired and respected on all Ewen was regarded as one Importación two of her popular sons who sides. He also did much in of the Island foremont le were prominently identified popularising Montego Bay gislators.
Exportación Imports and Exports with her politican life. as a Tourist Resort.
By these deaths two va The Hon. Philip Frazer Among those who attand cancies new exist in the Is.
Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Lightbody, who owned and ed the funeral ceremonies land Legislature which it edited the Northern Times. t)e following day was the is said will be difficult to Compra de Cacao en a weekly Journal, died at Ion. Guy Seymour Ewan, adepuately fill.
grano Cocoa Purchased Montego Bay on Sunday. ne Custos of the parish of The 12th. September. Mr. Lignt lawny as well as its legisla body was elected to the Le tive representative since the WELL. WHAT. gislative Council of the Is year 1913.
On the fo Howing Friday, Booth Bread, year who 18th. Mr. Ewen. wno Biscuits Buns, Without which You can The British Treasury bas, unt paid into the Treasury 1991 and served continuous was a Lawyer, attended the been enriched by the sum of was on account of Death and time of his death. In view of at Montego Bay, and white ly in that capacity to the Resident Magistrate Court boats of eating the best.
Berlin Bread fourteen million (pourds Legacy Duties.
sterling consequent on the Dr. Gui tianni, one of Cos his persistent efforts for the addressing the Judge short Rooth Biscuits betterment of th eeconomic y after the opening of the death of England weath ta Rica wealthiest men, is The Peoples Bakery jest ctizen, Sir John Eller stated to have left an estate conditions of the Island par afternoon session, he sudWhere you will get the best.
ticularly as they affected denly collapsed and died.
man, Shirpowner and Finan of the value of two milli the industry can produce.
the working classes, Dr. He had been in ill health for cier. Apart from his holdig3 colones, over which mucli in other countries, the estate comment and dissention are of the deceased was given as taking place. How does tas 26, 685, 000, and the ranio compare with that of toe MUSSOLINI WEARS MANTLE Weevil Threatens Englishman?
Cotton Crop HAILE SELASSIE GAVE AWAY MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Nica ROME. Premier Bealto prosperity. the Ethiopian said ragua cotto erop, the larges: on Maduro Lumber Yard Depósito de Maderas soini centiy wore a mentie once Mussolini thanked him.
record is threatened by the bou NACIONALES owned by Haile Selassie.
weevil. Many piantations are in FRANK MADURO Jr.
The mantle, decorated with fost d, and the government as aplion mane, was draped over tre pointed a commission to study the PROP.
shoulders of the Premier by Ras Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON situation Frank Maduro hijo, Gugs, who deserted Haile SelasSprinkling and spraying app sie during the war and now is Goratus has been ordered from the PROP Best native lumber vernor of Tigrai Province. In the United States. From the sea Maderas del país. ExisPalazzo Venezia Ras Guia pri Abogado y the cotton crop merchants had ex tencia permanente at moderate prices sented the mant e given to him pected to pay for foreign merchan.
nuestro depósito.
by Hale Selassie in the years when Notario Público dise and create a favorable trade he was st Il loyal to the Negus. He Oficina: Altos Pasbalance, also gave Mussolini a Shield and ather colorful decorated ornaments cual Ingianna Under Italy banner Ethiopian populations will enjoy pose and Imagine 15, 000 guineas American, opened the biad.
being paid by Miss Doro hy ing with 5, 000 guineas, Lord Paget at auction at the Dua Glanely carried it up caster Yearling Sales for a 13. 000 and Mrs. Glorney to LIMON yearling from Lord Furness 14, 000, but when Miss Glltown Stud. He is out of get raised it to 15, 000 all On the 20th. September Ly Messrs. Dixon and Bir Golden Hair by Fairway loud speakers ceased, and the New Castle Division ton.
Fábrica de Hielo Mrs. Corlette Glorney, an the hammer fell. The cilt brought off a Pleasant Sun At the close of the prewill soon be heard from at day Afternoon Funtion; it pramme Mr. McFarlane y Refrescos Donald Enow training qnar was got up mainly in the thanked all who had in a y ters at Ogbourne and from interests of those who were way helped in affording where he is visualized romp unable to participate in the them so pleasant an after ing home with the Derby previou: Cordert. Mr. Wee. Le say two years hence. Gordon jresided and the Among those who contriThe previous record auc Choir and individual Artis Luted were Mrs. Lewis a. id ESTRADA tion price for a yearling was tes who contributed to the Mrs. Dixon; the Misses Cal13, 000 guineas paid by Mr. programme, which consisted vin. McParlane, Lewis, Mc LA FLORIDA Abarrotes y Licores Harmsworth for Hearteaze, of Recitations, Solos, Duets Kenzie, Brown, Hewitt, Saw Artículos del País although Price Aga Khan and Songs, acquitted them yers, Sealey, Panton, Henry Fábrica de Hielo Precios Económic paid 17, 000, by private ourselves most creditably and and Medford as also JIasters chase, for his National year were highly appreciated by Bermudez and Venta de Leche and LA IBERIA ing Colt.
the large audience. Very Picketts.
appropriate and inspiring y Maderas addresses were also given Special Correspondent.
en The Value of Horse Flesh COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY ta Another New, Castle Function TI SALOMON CHIN FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Italy Involved in Palestine Ahorre. LONDON. Charges thatria) ambitions and convert Italy is encouraging Paies the Mediterranean into an ine Jewe to favour Italy as talian Sea had been discoa possible mandatory powervered. Some time ago, the for Palestine, replacing Bri dispatch further stated, Itatuin, have been made in alians had conferred with dispatch from Jerusalem ieumofficial Jewish represerthe Da Heraid. It wastatives in Egypt making ser steted that full details oi atain proposals which were plot furthe Italian (npe then rejected.
El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres To Cacao Growers Along the Coast There is absolutely no Truth in the Propaganda circulated, by some unprincipled Agents, of a Meeting held in Limon among Cacao Shiprers to reduce prices of this Commodity.
No Meeting was ever held ror did the Undersigned ever have a conversation with any one respecting such a matter.
TO THE CONTRARY Ths Limon Trading Company bas always paid and still is disposed to pay TOP PRICES for CACAO. REUBEN.
Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandItalyMussoliniWorking Class

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