
Saturday October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT Britisn Will Take Aden from India ELECTROLUX CONTROL NEGRO BIRTHS o territory more than 1, 000 miles Pocomania The Pernicious Cult ten away.
on HU BOMBAY. Before the new thiş East. and Aden, already apo its administration SEE constitution comes into force next uort of call and a cable center, From this expenditure, however, THE NEW AIR COOLED April, India, from which Burma will be turned to British naval India will be relieved. Ader will has been separated, also will lose uses.
be governed by the British Colo.
Aden, a possession for the last 100 It was not only the administra mial Office through a British gov.
years. This little piece of territo tre connection between India ernor. There will be no legiala.
REFRIGERATOR ry at the entrance of the Red jar Aden that made it an Indiab ture, but the governor willbe help Sea is greatly valued for its im possession. Indian troops and In ed by an executive council. Aden portance to British Empire com dian money wete Used in its con will become another outpost of NO MOVING PARTS munications.
qust and purchase, and Indian the empire, NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER Recent developments in the merchants were responsible for Though the separation of Aden USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC Mediterranean and the Red Sea its development is a port. And has been ordered for reasons of EFFICIENT have impressed Britain with the father hepsinore than naval strategy, it was suspested need for creating a Gibraltar of SCOO, 000 annually toward the cost that since India is to become a FOR FULL PARTICULARS federation with a legislature re.
SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE sporsible to the people kulpiece TO JOHNSTON from the mainland is doo far 00393 BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON HAMILTON, Bermuda. The Bermuda government plans There is also the bequest of time away for Indians to look after to Canadian, the late Charles Vance have much experience il at this sate factorily. The Bish, who establish Birth Control Clinics to Millar, who left 500. 000 doll lind of care, will manage the af check the growth of the Negro to the Canadian mother who population; this was stated by should give birth to the largest airs of Aden from 3, 000 miles General Sir Reginald Hildeyard, number of children within Governor of the Colony since May years after his death. This reAs far as Aden is concerned, last, at the opening of two dodto transfer to the Colonial Office riod willyrexpire on the 31st. ins. Correspondent to Daily a cuit bordering on the mediae side visitors waiting rooms tant and there are airsady three at least will improve the unity of Sketches published in the Glea, val worship of the Devil, and its st. David Islands.
its administration. At preſent the mothers registeria with ten each, Aden Settlement, where Indians her of Jamaica of the 30th followers wallow, noislly, in the viewing the Colony majur while two others are momently live, is part of British India. The September has this to say of Fo mud of their own moral degra difficulties, be said Bermuda comânia.
Negroes were the greatest prob with their tenth child to enable expecting the arrival of the stork surrounding territory, over which was extremely glad to see Here in Limon we have three lem, because the building boom British protectorate has been them that progras éve and active bo bands. Davis of Cap could not continue to give emto equally participate in established, is managed by the British Colonial Office, The mili.
dy, The Smiths Village Citizens One; Spencer Bowen of Santa ployment for ever, and the Tou the prize GAMMA Association making a noise Rost and Alti at Arnolds Hill. rist business might slump. He Dr. Ingram, Bishop of London, tary an dair forces stationed there bout Pocomania and the damafenlatter man still has the girl, warned that an increasing popuwho recently returned to his diorre under the orders of the British it wreaks on our poor ignorant for whom the authorities are lation would force lower wages cese from a visit to Canada, is War Office. The result is that classes. heartály agree and on seeking, hidden away from her and poorer standards of living reported to be inviting ten mil the chief executive officer of Alden ly wish other Associations wowd parents. When summoned to ex for the Negroes.
lion Englishtuleho migrate to at present acting under instrue Ations received from three sources tear a leaf from the well thumb plain himself, he challenged the He stressed that an epidemic that Dominion, for he says ed took of this Body and join Spverrament by stating of they or a war might prick the Tou The empty. Empire is a terrible. British India, the Colonial Of.
them in a great big protest wanted him they should go rist Bubble, and urged that a fi danger to the world today. But ice and the War Office.
This from of grunting, Tot him and further that neither Cn nanc al reserve be created to the question show is be going armament, the new status of Aden Taken together with British renor Police that Bermuda would not have to to get them?
ling, groaning beastliness not on mandante, Governor means a great increase in British is a terrible nuisance to res dare enter tits bome. He threaask for funds from Great Britain. Nothithstanding these facts, naval power in the East. The com ectible citizens trying to win tens everyone who dares to ese (Dally Gleaner. Governor Hildeyard proposes snio murications East and South thering the birthrate of his Ne Africa, India, the Far East and Little sleep. but it is la durect pose him with death by thunder gro populace in his clinics at Australia will henceforth be well cause, am perfectly certain, of and lighting. It is certainty veBermuda; though on the outmuch of our socalled Religious ry strange that the authorities The ungodly fleeth where guarded appear to be taking no serious break of a war these will Insanity. have witnesse de be man pursueth. How strange is notice of this diabolical cult pocomania meeting only a few the ingenuity of man. Here is they who would be conscripted to weeks ago, just off the Spanish which is baving a mast detalhe Governor of the Bermuda 18 fright sideby side with the EnTwon Road, in Kingston: it is mental grasp on the more igno Tands, with no faith in the prn.
glishman as they are known to wicked abominable practice of rant of our cltizens. woman vidertial care of an Allwis: Crea be quite as valient and more de READ was recently brought from 28tor he proposes to equalize pro pendable, in tropical climate Miles to declare what she knew duct on with the fathom the ways of THE ATLANTIC VOICE needs ther of bilan. of the whereabouts of this child by the establishment of Matermody0 and of her Pocomanian belief. Inity Clinics for the control of She acknowledged being a nem births among the Negro populasri it amrot GUACIMO GUAPILES bir ard of having been cured of tion, and what shall occur in a serious illness in bey abdomen those Clinics only he alone dus Cantina. Licores by the man Alts; but that she termines. 29 tot going ty Extranjeros y del país. had not got the child who was LIMON While this Governor worries 18 28903 900 Tienda bien surtida upot Atlis temple hidden away: over the birth rate of this class Abarrotes en general The police, however, scem power of his populace, we find Mus.
99 991 on to make an arrest and solini is offering premiums Compra Cacao Material de Traevia PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA search the surroundings of the births among the population of pc for the abductdd girl. bis conqusred Ethiopia.
Importación de mercaderia en general to no Canone LUIS WA CHONG Guillermo Niehaus Co.
MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS 1:ss on Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Regarding the criticisms of The Ball BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Mr. Editor should also Pears crant me space in your Ball that Brown first played for vziuabic Journal to reply to to the Construction and then Criticlemo, o Cricket by The for the Excelsior. It was after the Ball appearing in the seas of the close of ths 1934 Szason that Mr.
Sed instant Dixon left the Exoesior and, takI would like to krow at whating with him some of the players time Mr Dixon was Manager mentioned above, formed the Path prior to the formation of the Pathfinders. But does he know enough finders, and where he learnt his cf Cricket to touch anyone?
Cricket so that he could teach Mr. Editor, it The Bull wishes to Smith, Brown and Gozdon? bowl, we will enjoy the fun even if should also liks to be advised as he e tertains us with short pitched to the time when the Pathfinders bumpars or bodylints, but we reme into existentes so as to enabefuse to accept a JALL. Where Manager Dixon to produce Phil is the Nursery of which The Ball Brown, Brown, Gordon, Espeaks? Where are its products?
Hardison and Smith? Does the, Are Robinson and Swed the good Baš not know that these pla products? If The Bathinks so, yers, along with Manager Dixon, then he is cnly a Bro Daller play.
came from the Excelsior and were ing at Cricket, taught by Mr. Sutzon Bore bet became Captain Subscriber EN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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