
INTERNATIONAL MANIPULATIONS The Atlantic Vaice another means of dominating the political situation BANANA PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION FORMED NEW AIRBASE met beNew Public Health Unit an daTeodoro Picado During the Abyssinian struggle it was known that Musstilini strenubully endeavoured to place Prince Staremberg in the position of dictator of Austria as his henchman, by means of the Heimwehr Guards of that country and thus secure the friendship of Hitler; but Devoted to the interests of the people of the Ailantic zon these plans were frustrated by the visit of the then Prin Editor English Section: C. NATION ce of Wales, in an incognito trip, through Central Europe and which culminated in the staggering blow of Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 24 October 1936 No. 116 Schussningg when he declared himself dictator and disbanded the Staremberg Heimwehr.
Today, as es in Europe. He sends his son in law, Count Ciano, to Banana Berlin to cement the bonds of friendly relationship bet cisco Castillo Secretary, is As an outcome of the Willle Hug. Treasurer and ween himself and his associate dictator of Germany.
The populace of Siquirrez will ing of the Danana Producers of Messrs. Edmund Taylor and Ro not be outdone by the progres The Count will be conferring with Hitler Foreign Miis Zole which was held in uw gelio Gutiérriz sive march of civilization wit nister on topics of vital importance to both countries, Alunicipal Saloon Bust Sunday Consideration was also given to nessed in other communities. An particularly those having to do with the domination of afternoon an Association to be the matter ct Hospitalization. aviation ground is being providthe Mediterranean and the claims of Germany for the known as the Atlastic Banana anda Committee was named Bed, the lot having been secured recovery of her colonial possessions.
Producers Association has been interview the Board of Social by reason of the usual generosty formed.
Assistance of this City As Belgium has practically declared herself off the regard of the Compania Bananern de Th, meeting was largely attending th conditions, facilities, etc. Costa Rica and the work is also Lucerne Pact, these conversations may possibly lead to ed, and Mr. Ricardo Villafranca, they were prepared to accord being executed by this Italy, great a new Treaty of a quadrupled nature between who presided, explained that the Banana Producers of the Benefactor of the Pepublic Germany, France and England. Such an arrangement (the pricipal object for the gath Zone and their workers in would naturally secure the stability of the League of ering was to decide on some do nection with the cont mplated Nations, and seriously operate against Communism, es finit plan of action to further change of the present systeza.
the Soviet pecially in view of the recent activities of The goneral interests of the indus With the rounding of such inbe given the Zone major try and those who were closely Union in the Spainsh revolution. The aim, therefore, is presentative Association is dustry and confer greater associated with it, and that in felt that a further impotus will nefits on all concerned.
to exclude Russia from participating in the future conorder to carry this into effet ferences of Lucerne thereby destroying her alliance with he thought they should form France and dividing entirely, the collective security of and association.
Eastern and Western Europe. With the combination of The suggestion was novy Jisthese four principal Powers of Western Europe, there cussed, and it was eventually We are confident our nunerts In a most interesting statewould ensue the most sweeping reforms imaginable in agreed that the Association be readers will be gratiffed, as we men given by Dr. Chavarria inaugurat:d as stated above. The ar to learn that it has been European politics. But could such an understanding be cur Minister of Public Health, following were appointed its Pro definitely decided to estabi si is tu nounced that as a result of effected without further dishonours to Britain and much visional Board of Directors Mr. entirely new Public Health fusther confer nees with our Mu complications with France, where internal disturbances Villafranca, President: Mr. Fran Unit bere.
nicipality and the Board of cimilar to those now taking place in Spain are already cia! As istince, it hes been tl. reatening?
fintely agreed to establish such France, at the offset, would have to renounce her an insut 01.
military alliance with Russia and in view of the theaten The bullding is to berected ing attitude of Germany it would not suit her to do so Barrister and Notary Public th y cinity of the City Park Et on cstimated cost of one hun Then Italy would naturally assist Germany in her efFormer State Secretary of Public Education is pleased dood tsunad colones; work Forts for the recovery of her colonies which would be 10 ba again able to offer his services in all Judicial and il commenc immediately against the interest of Britain, Fuance and Belgium, Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the th Board of Social Assistance who gained them at the expense of much bloodshed and Atlantic Zone hevur ared to supply tho financial indebtedness which is yet an awful burden, COMM INICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO funds.
particularly to the Britash taxpayers. And in this con Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San Josá The building will be so nection the claims of Japan in Eastern China would also truct:d as to enable it to ineet have to be taken into consideration. If Germany regainall the riquirements of a mo.
have bellige dr medical Inst tution antel world into such a calamity?
eventually cperate us a national Nothing! What recompense would the Allies have obh apital to meet the growing re Much concern is still obtier neutrality ohiligations. qur ments of the Province.
tained for such ruthless shedding of Blood. Nothing!
served in the diplomatic cir they both retute de cha Can half of th inhabitants of Finally, the nations would be bound to acksow)
cles of Europe as a conse and in turn Chat the e tire Province, The Adan quence of King Leopold of Russia has herseli corimit tic Voice offers its sincere con To Pure Belgium repudiation of the violations by ding the gratulations to all who hayva military alliance between hipanish governme. Portu assisted in bringing about this country and France. In view pal reply wouli, it is ex of the alliance of France acted, be delivel by her dicis on which will undoubt dly, with Soviet Russia, the King representative at the mecl lb of th: greatest beneft to our is suspicious that Belgium To Page people ad our general health will be utilized as the via conditions SERVICIO DE VAPORES for the transportation of roops of belligerent tions and possibly cause his Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York country to be draw into con escala en Cristóbal y Habana another war, so he decided to revert to absot cuttie LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Próximas salidas de Puerto Limon ily as was the lon posi AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS to prior to the Gt War para EUROPA rance is very sceptical of this decision, she re(Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Vapores Salidas members it was just such Hamburgo)
ad opportunity which the PHOENICIA Octubre 28 PETEN 25 de Octubre Faiser seized to clar!
forces on their muren CORDILLERA Novbre. VERAGUA. de Noviembre TIE in 1914. Britii St.
regard it as a Cle QUIRIGUA de Noviembre Inw to collect security Pura GUATEMALA. Western Europe and a (Puerto Barring y Livingston)
lomatic victory for Hit ALVARADO Cía, it ambitions. They also CORDILLERA Novbre. swar it will nullify the Locar: Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas no Treaty and be a prelude SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS for withdrawal from the Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas Lrague of Nations Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse de la United Fruit Company en los bajos de)
Germany and italy have Gran Hotel Costa Rica replied to the Nerven HAPAC. LLOYD tien Committee motos charg TELEFONO 3156 ing them, at the josiane of Agencia en Costa Rica Telefono 2086 rssia, with violatior 01 COed her colonies what would she ha res last for her buildings Resulting from Spanish War UNITED FRUIT Co.
na HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE has תות НАРАС Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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