
PRIMITIVE OPERATION SEEN ON SKULL LA, Peru. Astrancar from Soviet slavery and to the skull of a mummillest When in 1981. iter the By Spaniard Jepubl. waid in Congress preserve the Christian civi Inca went northward toward Romunicipal elections, the Spa that the continuance of prolization of the country. charter, Minn. in a commercial nish republie united par Leftist groups received was secutions by the govern Should the Reds triumph airliner.
ties. combined with the So due to heavy spending of ment would oblige his party in Spain, there will soon foll The scull shows a wound ma cialists, won the majority a Soviet money put at their to rebel against a govern ow similar revolutions do undoubtedly, by a club or wto provisional government was disposal for the express pur ment which could not or other European countries, ne during a battle attendint upon formed presided over oy Ni pose of establishing a Com would not protect the people quickly plunging Europe the inea conquests.
ceto Alcala Zamora, iormer munist régime in Spain, as against, murder. That in ge into war. Europe, exhausted It also shows signs of any opeMonarchist and head of the predicated a long time ago neral terms was the situation by the World War, could ration by primitive Indian aur Moderate Republican party. by Lenin.
early last July.
not then successfully aid General elections were then The first step of the new The climax came when the White army in Rusia, gcos, noted for their skill in the trepanation of cravlums.
called, from which was born government was to put out on July 16 the leader of the out today the civilized na The consignee of the situll is a government, several im of office President Alcala Monarchist party. Jose Caltions should not and must th Peruvian archaeologist, Hr.
portant portfolios in which Zamora, the real Kerens vo Sotelo, the day following not permit the triumph of clo Telo, now at the Mayo Cu were held by members of the ky of Spain, followed by his attack on the govern communism in Spain.
le in Rochester Socialist party.
prosecution against all the ment for failing to uphold other parties, including ra the Constitution, which gua Since then anybody could see that a major revolution was coming, with the Socia list party resorting to more «SINGER» 1936 and more extreme measures Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora to prevent it. The reaction Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna.
of the people to the new LIMON, government natural.
was LIMON, SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES This government fell and Importación Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado new elections had to be call y ed. The new Catholic party, Exportación Imports and Exports combined with the Modera te Republican party, won in Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Machine 1936 the new balloting and form You can sew with it backward and forward. do ed a coalition government Compra de Cacao en embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
representing the two par grano Cocoa Purchased ties.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
The Socialists, not resign ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH ed to losing their power, aid «Singer gency al the North side of the Market in Limon ed by great Communist pro diea republicans. Assassinaranteed protection and sepaganda, organized strikes Lion was the order of the curity to all Spaniards, was all over the country for the day, with no step being ta taken from his home at sole purpose of creating di ken by the government to o clock in the morning by sorder and making the go bring security and peace to the government Guardia vernment task more diffi. the people.
de Asalto and shot soon af cult. Through their newspa Many Congressmen from terward near the walls of pers they asserted that they the different parties asked the cemetery.
would obtain power through for security and justice, The indignation was such revolution. The revolution but the Socialist government that the persecuted parties finally broke out in October firm in its policy of annihila decided to die fighting the 1934 and was suppressed by tion of the other parties, government rather than to the government troops wi paid no attention to these be murdered.
The aryny thin a few weeks.
requests and declined all which in 1931 accepted and The skillful propaganda responsability: Jose Marie obeyed the Republican réof the Communists continu Gil Robles, leader of the gime could not last July aced and won more followers Catholic party, which accept cept the responsibility of from amoug the Socialisted and cooperated with the seeing a destroyed Spain ranks. As a result the Socia under a communistic régi Jist party split, following the two leaders Franci co Lar me. The leading generals of army decided also to go Caballero, the extremist, the accepting the Communist ent against the government.
principles, and Indalecio The called Rebels Prieto, leader of the Socialist are not fighting a govern moderate group. The govern ment respecting the Consti ment task became inLIMON tution and lives of the peocreasingly difficult and Con ple. They are fighting Reds, gress had to be dissolved.
who usurped the functions New general elections Fábrica de Hielo ef government long before were called in February of Refrescos the general fighting started.
this year. In these 356, 000 It is repeatedly stated in votes were cast for the unit the press that the support ed Leftist parties, represent of the national movement is ing all Leftist groups, such almost entirely Fascist. Oth as Left Wing Republicans, ers state that it is MonarSocialists, Communists, Achist. These statements are narchists and Syndicalists.
not true. The movement is!
The Righ iet groups LA FLORIDA essentially national, with ceived 4, 570. 000 votes.
only a percentage of Fascist Owing to the vagaries of and Monarchist groups, by Dios the exiting electoral system Fábrica de Hielo far the greater number conA building in Madrid destroyed by the bombing planes of the the Leftist groups, although having 200. 000 fewer votes, Venta de Leche sisting of the civil popula Nationalists, it was occupied by government troops.
tion of all classes, who rea The adjoining building in which the seldiers slept was also obtained majority represenlize that it is a tation in the new Congress.
y Maderas fight for damaged.
theit very existence. They Moreover, the heavy vote the Many lives were lost.
are fighting to save Spain COSTA RICA SODA harticipate in de movem WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
reEDGAR YOUNG Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We bes, call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads.
This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th. of the month Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
COMERCIANTE Establecido en la Provincia por más de 20 años Vende al detal, Vinos y Li.
cores extronjeros y del pais, abarrotes en general.
MISCELANEA Establecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado Entre 45 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismExtremistFranceLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainWorld War

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