
1356 MELBOURNE SENT AN INVITATION BANANA TRADE SHEWS LARGE INCREASE LUIS WA CHONG To Cacao Growers Along the Coast Resulting from all the defenders were men, mie life of our Province.
Page Saturday October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE COLUMBUS DAY IN LIMON ed to enjoy the balmy chowd of vacationits who destr brezas of La Uvita wer taken to that Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association The Festal day the 12th. of also take place, passed quietly Island in Launches provide by October. whes the discovery of this city.
the Ladies Auxiliary of the the Americs by Columbus is The pupils of the several Knights of St. John for a day AVISO NO TIGE coumemorated and lebration schools had their demonstrations outing. others were e tertained in honour of the Spanish Racand pleasures; and a inmenen with a Picnic at Portette uder Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and fathe auspice of the Costa Rier socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member Buried Scherr Association. All cia de Costa Rica, para pagar of the only reliable Burial went merrily, and throughout the los gastos de entierro, Estaday our blecida en Limón, el de Mayo Society established in Limon streets were throng de 1928 Mry 1923 perple Among the other matiers con in tiative of the Board Fresi with a happy band of sidered, at the meeting of the dent, Mr. Spyer, why sug who seem to have thoroughly entrs Costa Rica Cricket Huard held gested and discusced the matter joyed themselv in their on the 14th. instautas a sit of with officia of the Melouine pective ways.
a Sporting Eleven from the Me. Club during his recent stay in bourne Cricket Club of Kings that land.
Following on the impor against, 2, 228, 382 stems, or ton, Jamaica The Board recived the prepe Lant information given our 750, 172 counts, for a simiThe possibility of such a visit sa! with much enthusiasm ard TOLEDO TOLL readers in our last issue, we lar period in 1935.
taking place is credited to the a formal invitations been PUT at 300 now find that the Statistical Shipments from this Port sent. It is suggested tha the Department of the govern during the current period Team soald ccone during the ment has released a most totalled 2, 813, 103 stems as month of January next and HENDAYE. France.
interesting statement res against 075, 595 last year, should consit of 15 men seudwhile the quantity sent forinz ox firstclass Fo Sallers Reports from Toledo, Spain pecting our Banana Trade.
The statement said 2, 300 government figh discloses ward from Puntarenas. with a view of having a game o GUACIMO GUA PILES gainst a Cocta Rica combination ters were killed in the cap: that during the nine months, 1935 were 66, 914 and 214, ture and cleand up of January to September of the 045 this year. Sixaola is also in San Jose current that city by the Rebels.
year, Cantina, Licores 3, 114. 368 shdwn as having exported Our Readers will be kept fully Extranjeros y del país.
Nine government mili stems, or 2, 562, 612 count 85, 873 stems during the 1935 informed of developments, and tiamen who took refuge in a bunches, were exported period and 87, 220 this year.
Tienda bien surtida the hearty support of all Cricket seminary after the occupathroughout the country as The total exportations dur Abarrotes on gereel luciasts is asked from nowtion by the insurgents were ing the nine months of the on so that the venture may not reported captured and kill the flames.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA present year therefore dis only materia tze but thai it may ed after holding out nearly Eleven Russian officers close an increase of 885, 986 te assured complete success.
a week. The Rebels set the and two French artillery offi items.
building afire after a siege. cers were said by insurgents In view of the activities Reports to the border said to have been found among the last defender of the se the government dead after still being conducted by the minary was killed after be the capture of the seminary. Company and private farThere is absolutely no Truth in the Propaganda circulated, was forced out of refuge by the buildings from cellers our Zone, we The insurgents searched mers in various districts of are looking by come unprincipled Agents, of a Meeting held in Limon to rofs to locate the civilians forward to further increaimong Cacao Shipsers to reduce prices of this Commodity.
and soldiers left behind af ses with consequent greater No Meeting was ever held or did the Undersigned ever ter. in have a conversation with any one respecting such a matter.
TO THE CONTRARY The Limon Trading Company has always paid and still is disposed to pay TCP PRICES for CACAO.
ing of the Internationai Co mmite which took place yesterday in Lona. AT though tension From Page during past few days, as a re uilt of Russi tit edge the conquest of Ethiopia and the sovereignty threde, has somewhat abated, it over by Italy: and she, in her turn, be placed in a posi is nevertheless feared that tion to hand back to Germany the sandy strip of territo the Committee will not be ry which was allotted her as her trophy of war. Would not her friendship with Germany, if cemented by the foreign intervention in the visit of Count Ciano, be amply recompensed by her warfare. Germany and Italy have declared their readi approved lordship over Abyssinia. SIX REASONS WHICH MAKE CASTILLO ness to counteract any furBut to Britain honour, is all lost? She has been ther assistance Russia might THE BEST SOAP accepting all sorts of insults from the Italian dictator, be disposed to afford the Mussolini; she has bowed her head innumerably in the loyalists, while the Soviet Castillo is Pure interests of peace and her hatred for bloodshed. But Union has since stated she what would be her position, as an honourable selfrespect will not abandon the non Castillo washes more and better intervention pact but will ing nation, before the weaker States of the League of henceforth be guided by the Castillo prolongs the life of Clothes Nations were she to tolerate or acquiesce in such an actions of the other nations, arrangement? Would they not all recognise, more for who are parties thereto.
Castillo does not injure the Hands cibly than ever, the farcity, the hypocrisy, the villainous London cable, however, de Castillo leaves a clean smell manipulations of the stronger Powers, principally En clares that twenty six Rugland, in utilizing them as the means of fostering their ssian boats loaded with war Castillo is economica!
material are ready to sail commercial relationships, their economic prowess and for Spain in case she decides Buy Castillo Soap and receive the Coupons from your their dominating influence in the political affairs of the as a result of the Internatioworld? We are confident that British and French stat nal Committee meeting; to Grocer, then exchange them NOW for a chance at esmen will not allow themselves to be outwitted by Mu abandon her obligations of La Proveedora, Agencia General, Frank Herrera ssolini nor his son in law; and we hope to see some de nonintervention.
finite actions adopted with regard to international po Meantime General Franco CONDITIONS has commenced a more inlitics at the approaching conferences in London and Lutensive and determined offFor every purchase of the value of ten cents of CASTIcerne by which the stability, honour and integrity of ensive on all fronts and is Coupons will be exchanged for one Chance. This Chance LLO SOAP, you will obtain a coupon, and each ten all concerned will be secured and maintained.
meeting with much success, particularly along the Weswill take part in the Grand Drawing to take place on tern sector where they have the 22nd December, 1936.
reached a point tweMy miles from Madrid.
PRIZES: 1st. 500; 2nd. C300; 3rd. 200; It has been reported that the government will transfer 54th 25 cases of Soap to be selected its seat to Barcelona, in view 5th. 15 of the fact that the troops 6th. 10 at its disposal for the defen7th. ce of Madrid are unable to 8th. withstand the attacks of the 9th.
El más surtido en Matina experienced fighters of the 10th. nationalists. is generally believed that Madrid will be captured shortly.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas uel misterio de Cultura y Juve International mani. terhemelom created Use the best Soap and gain 500 able to effectively prevent GRAND COMPETITION HOP LEE LUNG Estable:imierto de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes


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