
Saturday October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11. Raiding Houses of ill Fame Agricultural Pursuits EL ATLANTICO were and Best native lumber Guillermo Niehaus Co.
in scarce and could not be found when searched for by the Police It is said thet this ilicit tradOur agricultural experts are can compete only by suporiorily ing was of long standing and full The local y known as the duct of other proibited pas details of the proceedings were pressing government officials in the quality of our product Back Star Line Corner was the times. The premises were Suursupplied the Commandante by for a more intense cultivation hence the Administration of our conmotion scene of much on rounded and resulted in George some one closely connected with throughout the country as also Agricultural Department is en Sunday last on account of the McPherson, the Treasurer of the administration.
for arranging with shipping deavouring to teach the people raiding of the premises and a the Organization, being arrested Companies for cheaper ocean how and when to plant as well partments occupied by a trade and lodged in safekeeping as he freight rates, Mr. Porras, who as the adaptability of soils for known as Cuba. The PSlice was found with the stamping has been in London and has uiso different plants. It therefore seem to have rece vad informa. machine and tickets of the game 400 SPANISH PRIESTS visited New York inves igating looks as if some serious thoughts tion regarding peculiar maripu in his possession on the prethis phase of our comercial lite, are being set in motion witir reslations on this famous edifice mises. Mr. Cuba, the owner of LISTED KILLED deplores the fact that we expor pect to local agriculture.
of berty in connection with the the establiment, made himselt tation rates new charged on our Up to this we have merely sale of chances and the conwithout VATICAN CITY, More than commodities are by far the most been taking chances 500 priests and nuns have been excessive in all the world. It is due regard to scientific knowlfor edge in connection with 40 Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard killed during the Spanish lyu well known that the raies Cacao from Africa to pean midity or general requisites and war, an unoff. cial butauthoritat markets are about one NACIONALES third the seasons for planting and re.
ve compilation showed.
those demanded on our produc, aping Soon, however, the necesFRANK MADURO Jr. of this number approximately due to the diversity of liners on sary instructions and protec100 were priests or male church PROP those trade routes, and so tions will be afforded those who oftcials, while the rest it also is with Coffee, Pineap) 3, Cedicate their efforts to this Frank Maduro hijo zuns. The Bishop of Barbastro Citrus and other products. Ho most vital department in the PROP.
Siguenza, Segovia, Jaca wever, it is suggested that we economic life of the country, da were included in the list Maderas del país. ExisO dad tencia permanente en at the compilation showed nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices least 600 more were missing, ma ny of whom are believed to be In civilien clothes hiding LIMON Splain. pproximately 1, 000 MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS oin. rs were declared to have fled the ccuntry.
Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia MANAGUA, Nicaragua. The, and to establish a free hospital The number of churches and Nicaraguan Government, seeking for the laborers. Schools chapels destroy:d was set Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo must to stimulate th: gold mining in be established and teachers paid, whīe between 300 and 100 Importación de mercaderia en general dustry, has granted a concession by the company.
othersbav, been sacked, used for an American, to explore and work The government will allow the barracks or hospitals or convert mines in th; regions of ed for other purposes by Ler7 Agua free importation of mining maFria and Santa Risa in the deterials and exportation without partment of Leon Still und. rtermined was the fate any exchange restrictions of 70 The concessionaire agrees to per cent of the gold extracted of 101 Agustianian friars who The newly installed President consequence of the political cam establish a mill with a capacity over a per od of twenty years. Madrid and later were sent away much debat a question of our 11 ur on in his previously were imprisioned of Panama has asked that the paigas then existing here and la of 100 tors. daily, to buildpass the concession is not transfer country. He exable roads to the minis, to em able to foreign governments.
under a military escort, mitation with his country remain pressed his conviction that the pley, 75 per cent Nicaraguan Presidint Carlog Brenes Jar In abeytince until later on in his matter would, at an early seriod labor, to pay for the policing quin has announced that liberal Racial Trade Bars administration when the new bo settled with the same cardinli of the mines and the vicinity concessions will be given to Commercial Treaties tween ty as now exists betw en both those desiring to work mines. SAN SALVADOR Both DI the United States, and these Ro Republies. Don Alajendro AlvaSalvador and Guatemala have re publics shall have been ratified rado nevertheless feels that our cently prohibited certain by all parties.
negligence in conn. ction with the from engaging in business in or In his remarks on the subject, question is similar to playing der to protek hallonals from President Arosemenu referred to with fire, while our present MIAll are looking forward to a Power. Play is scheduled to conmigrants.
scmpetition from foreign In:the negociations which were onnister of Finance, don Flul Gurgood game tomorrow, retween menee at 10. 30 a. sharp and Toct while was Miniter of dian, is confident that is view don of certain rimarks which the Estoel ior and the 101 Salvador has prohibited the Foreign Affairs and Lic.
More in care each side be unable io establishment ent rprises Raul Curdian occupied a a Smilared between the President of Pa complete an ioning the match ow: a or managed by ratives of Position here whete nama and himself no afculty José Achion Ng walbe continued the following Palestine, Turkey, China, Lyblos reston exchatiewers propes whatever will be exp rieeed Sunday. Shou two innings be Syria, Egypt; Iraq: Hindusta ed und acested, but the final arriving at a satisfactory and 5:Comerciante Detallista not then concluded by each Club, the one wh ch leads in the first or Armenia, even thouga such grzemnts had to be delayed in noficial solution of the problem, Licores, Abarrites, Cristaleinning will be declared the wn persons may be natucized ria, Articulos de Ferreteria Der of the match and the Seai In addition to thes, tonals y Electricos; todo son Champions the prohibit on in Guimala Up cuentra este establecimiento a Both teams cre in the pink of is to Afghans and Poles and form so we hope to see someth races native to Africa, An ex ON. THE GUADARRA Muntadas was faster, hoFRECIOS DE SITUACION ing out of the ordinary The cotto may be made in the ea MA FRONT. The youngest wever, and he flew directly time for ay on both days, ire of enterprises eng and flier in the Spanish Rebe toward the Loyalist, plane LIMON nece sery, is from 10. 30 am to in evelopment of natural rearmy, Jorge Luis Muntadas with his machine gun going pm 18 years old, brought down full blast. Suddently the Lohis first Loyalist plane afteryalist plane motor stopped a thrilling aerial duel high and the machine crashed in over the Guadarrama Moun to a wood on the slopes of tains.
Alto de Leon, where all that Muntadas was out recon that remains is a tangled noitring over the Loyalist mass of wreckage. rgt lines when he was surprised Muntadas has been flying BANCO DEL ESTADO by an enemy plane at the only for a year. After to SOLE BANK OF ISSUE 10, 000 foot level. The Leftist day fight he declared that plane headed directly for he had decided to make flyUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Muntadas, but he escapeding his career when, as a being hit by an amazing young, schoolboy, he read of ofrece al público los Offers the Public the series of barrel rolls to with Lindbergh flight over the in 400 feet, of the ground.
servicios de su Services of its The Loyalist aviator went. EL all races THE CUP COMPETITION pass or certain se enYouthful Flier Wins Fight Souces BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE had disposed of his ad CABALLO BLANCO EN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon straightened out and climb ed almost vertically to ward the Loyalist plane, cutting off its retreat.
Again they came together, this time with Muntadas high above the Loyalist plane, which turned about, rely ing on its speed oescape.
Cantina Posada y Cafeteria Felipe Wing Ching para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Apartado 395 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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