
RE THE MILLA MARITIMA LANDS The recomendations submitted to the Minister of The Atlantic Vaice Europe Situation Still Uncertain a Finance in connection with the rates after which the rentals from the occupiers of these lands shall be collect Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic :02 ed have been determined at one half the amounts fixed Editor English Section: C. NATION by the old Gutierrez and Castro rulings; Banana cultivations are, however, to continue paying the same two Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 31 October 1936 No. 117 colones. Accordingly, tenants of lands used as potreros, for which 75 cents of the colon per hectarea was formerly charged, will now pay only one half of this amount. Cacao will now pay fifty cents instead of one color per hectarea per month and minor crops twenty five cents.
Much uncertainty continues Meantime Italy has dlipatche! co has declared that his heavy As is well known, this matter was early taken up garding the immediate events a number of her submarines to guns are now in striking distance by this Journal and prominent gentlemen were asked to which may arise in the Interoa Spanish waters for the ostensible of Madrid and has notified the co operate with our Deputies in Congress to secure tional situation of Europe 89 purpose, no doubt, of itopping loyalists that unless they sur.
modification of the conditions and terms of the old consequencs of th, Spanish con the material reaching the loya render he will start bombarding Gutierrez Catiro stipulations; and perhaps a small flict. Rus is seems determined to lists and in th she is bei 13 after the expiration of 48 hours.
fore, an issufor, notwithstand. sisted by a flest of forty other The government Cabinet bave, mount of good has resulted from our intervention, but ing her knowledge that Italy and submarines Blonging to the Na. however, decided to fight itt our representation did not carry the weight it should Germany have agreed to prevent tionali ts. Hence we may expect hence we may look forward to from the fact that the few signatures obtained to the the establishment of a Communis to hear of an early clash in the the most sanguniary phase of ne Petition did not have that amount of influence which tic rigim, in Spain, she continues Mediterranean which may lead to entire war bne signed by several hundreds of the occupants of the to supply the government party further and serius consequenue. Foreign military observers are lands would certainly have had.
with all the aid she possibly can. The Natio alists are still pres of the opinion that the resistenca eventually We went around the Coast suggesting that all in it of her ships pand through sing toward Madrid despite the of th loyalists will th Suez Canal the earlier part more detarmined opposition they crumbl: before the greater terested persons should sign a Petition soliciting a reof the week ladn with war ma are encountring. prticularly in ficiency of General Franco for duction of their rental to a rate similar to that collectterial or the forces operating in th Southern Secto where the ce especlly view of the fact ed by the Compania Bananera for Banana cultivations Throzlona, and other shps were government has launched an in that the methods being employand to have the payments on Potreros on swampy lands rported ready to leave th Day. tensive offensive. Garal Fran ed for th» defence cf the cury eliminated for a length of time at least, in view of the danelles on a similar mission.
are most faulty.
fact that these lands had to be reclaimed at enormous cost. We also suggested that a small subscription, say of five colones, be raised from each District to cover Italians Occupy Lat the expenses of a Commission to interview the Executive on the subject. This was agreed to, but as is usual, the The sad news of the demise of Stronghold of a few days ago. His Lord hpi was His Lord ship Bishop Hudsza of on his way to Eelize, British Hon village lawyers generally found in these outlying places Ant gua and Archbi hop of the duras, to attend the conference (whom the Book of Books designate as The Blind leadWest Indies reached us by cable of Bishops during this week, he ing the Blind. discouraged those who saw the feasibiliUnder Wednesday date, 28th however took ill in the United ty and usefulnes of our proposals, with the result that instant, Addis Abeba reports States and died there, that Gore, the last strongho Th: Ho pitalization no Commission went from the Atlantic Coast and no So far as we are aware His of Emperor Haile Se. assie, has influential representation was placed before the PreLord hp Dunn of this Dio.
declared in fayour of the ItaQuestion sident and his staff on the Executive Board.
ceze is wel in the runing for the lans.
The Legislative Special h nours of Archbishop of the There were those who said. Oh, we will not sign Shortly after the fall or Admittee to whom this matter was contracts for the lease of these lands, the government West Indies; the appointment is dis Abeba it will be remembered again referred for further cons! usually governed by seniority of that those Ministers of State who must come and value our cultivations and pay us for were still loyal to the Emp. ror deration have submitted onsecreation and he is, we usthem. What a Farce. Now, according to the rulings, fled to Gore, in Western Ethio their new proposals to Congress, derstand the senior Bishop of the they MUST sign contracts for four years or get off the Under the new plan, it is pro.
jurisdiction Dunn pia, where they coatinued Bishop is, to Officiating in Ju lands if representations are not made. They MUST pay function in the name of the posed that the contribution by the by the way.
Flanlr Empire. As a result, hoiteve of should remain at the olca ir consequence of two colones per hectarea per month for Banana cultivations. The occupants of potrero lands, who have more the offensive recently com suggested two por cent, but thet niet of Bishop Hardie, who than ten hectareas, MUST pay the full amount of so far thurn to his ocne from Eng menced by the Italians, the city the procods, in 75 was a tacked and occupied Atlantic Zone is co cerned, inculata in failing health cents per hectarea monthly. What advice, will the vilfew days ago, when a majority be made available to pav the cost Archb shop Nuttall held toe of lage lawyers now give their dupes? Will they fight the of the Ministers were slain and of the hospitalization of the Ba tire for many wars in Jamaica government at an enormous cost for ruinous lawsuits the rest taken poisoners rana workers in tho e national ter his death the harur conducted by unscrupulous lawyers, or continue their The attack was made by na ho bita wher this 9frvice is fell to Antigua. Now that tigrumblings as to the many impositions taken of them, tive troops under the command rendered particularly that in gun is gone on whom shall the of Prince Hallu who surrendered relatha and the New Health Unit mantle tall?
or will they make sensible representation AT ONCE to to the Italians at the talsing of to be erectd in this city.
the Minister of Hacienda?
Addis Abeba.
There are those, too, who of their smartness believe PRIMATE OF WEST INDIES DEAD the Nigus now a TO PAGE UNITED FRUIT Co.
SIX YEARS MORATORIUM ON ALL DEBTS Co operative Marketing of Caczo Crop SERVICIO DE VAPORES As a result of the meetins following two years and She In view of the very gratifying results which their co operative wa ch took place some days ago balance of 30 per during tne between members of the execu sixth and last year. Interest system of marketing ou: Cat 20 tive Council and various Lesis would, of cource, have to be paid produced last season, the manalative Representatives, or has punctually in keeping with the gement of the local Brauch the Banco de Costa are maka been agreed to extend the pe existing laws.
Tod during which all private This new plan will it is expec arrangements, we learn, to again debts shall be paid to six yearsted secure the early approval undertake sales during the coon the following terms 10 per of Congress, and there is no liming crop cent of the amount to be paid kelihood of its being vetoed by In each of the first three years: the Chief Executive.
twenty per cent in each of the Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS Vapores on Salidas Copcrament Change BaLana Inspector VERAGUA QURIGUA. PETEN. de Noviembre de Noviembre 15 de Noviembre Teodoro Picado Barrister and Notary Public Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased to be again able to offer his services in all Tudocial and Notariel mallers to his friends and clients of the Atlantic Zcne.
COMMUNICATIONS MAY BEJADDRESSED TO Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José. view, it is said, of his iur.
por la personal interests in th industry, the Executive has decid ed to love Mr. Ignacio Cruz, Si tus po itions Banana ins.
puet runt the provisions of che current Concession. Mr. Cruz is a well known resi dent of the Old Line. We brave had no information yet regard.
ing his succes or. ALVARADO Cie.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Par otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Frui: Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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