
8 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday October 1936 Among The Foresters of Limon To Cacao Growers Along the Coast tes Queen Mary Leaving Buckingham Palace Os Monday last the Off. cers Court Brock of Jamaica, the intertained the audience with songs There is absolutely no Truth in the Propaganda circulated.
and members of Court Galead of jitial meeting being held on the recitat ons and short discussions by some unprincipled Agents of a Meeting held in Limon the Ancient Order of Forstars 30th September 1896, The Deiega right gaily and humouroualy.
among Cacao Shiprers to reduce prices of this Commodity.
celebrated at their Courtrooms wer Bros. Crocka, Deacon Cooper of St Mark No Meeting was ever beld vor did the Undersigned ever the Fortieth Anniversary of the Chief Fanger; Mowatt, gave a most encouraging address have a conversation with any one respecting such a matter.
Order in Costa Rica, and a most Sub Chief Ranger and San on the motto of the Order UalTO THE CONTRARY enthusiastic and appropriate fineguinctti Secretary. series of ty, Benevolence and Concord; and The Limon Trading Company has always paid and still is tion it was meetings were held, during which In closing this most instructiva, disposed to pay TOP PRICES for CACAO.
During the singing of taethSocialists were initiated. Of facinating and enjoyable funcT. REUBEN.
hyma God our Help in Agca fices installed and the Lodge for tion, the chairman, Mr. Frank past the proces on thrice en merly opened on the 1st of Oc.
Abel delivered his ilucidatory hall where the health of the meni all the Foundationers, only Bros circlcd the Hall. After this the tober 1896. The Officers then ins taller were Bryant in the address followed by the singing bers and the further successes of Josiah Fra Fr, Phillip Mitchell Chief Ranger, Mr. David Hamil of the Foresters Ode. All then Forestry was drunk.
and Alfred Bailey are still acti.
ton, gave the opening baddress of Chair: Cameron, Sub Chief: repaired to the spacious barquet It is interesting to note that of vo members welcome. He was followed by the Brown, Secretary and Secretary, Mr. Ishmael Wade Peters, Treasurer.
who gave short sketches of the This Court opened four others history of the Order in Costa Ri The Progress in San Jose, the ca, which disclosed that the Court Hartiey in Bocas del Toro, the LONDON Queen Mary, af. Details of the decoration of her Jennings, first Duchess or MaWRs opened by a delegation from Ladies Court Mizpah of Limon ter more than twenty five years new home were supervised by riborough and wife of the victor and the Mount Hermon of Siquias mistress of Buckingham Pa the Queen herself. Although May of Blenheim.
19 lace, has moved to the old home fair fashion at the moment de The house was at one time Ar the close of this interesting she first entered as a bride on crees patterned wallpapers with the residence of Prince Leopold historic sketch the Choir render the arm of the lake King Geor floral and abstract designs Queen Mary followed her indivi King of the Belgians. When he Queen Victoria uncle and first COMERCIANTE ed a most significant antham en ge, then Duke of York.
Establecido en la Provincia titled The Forester Son.
dual taste and chose simple paſ left England it became for the The Queen takes presidence in por más de 20 años pers remarkable for their tex first time the home of a widoMarlborough House, yielding her Mr. Bertie Barrett, in his usual Vende al detal, Vinos y Liplace in Buckingham to King ture rather than originality ofwed Queen, King William IV cores extronjeros y del pais, enthusiastic style, gave sketches Edward design abarrotes en general.
of the activities of the Order having acquired the mansion by Her favorite hydrangea shades act of Parliament for the use of MISCELANEA when he rose to the full height Preparing for the change, the of pink, mauve and blue have Queen Adelaide after his death.
Establecimiento esquina of his eloquence, Queen named the French chef been chosen for the private Norte del Mercado.
Amelo to preside over her kitch apartments, Paint work in these King Fdgard VII then Prince Entre 49 The Juvenile members of the ens. He formerly was first as colors has long been a feature of Wales, lived there from 1862 prospective Court Vaz then en sistant at Buckingham Palace. of her suites at Buckingham Pa until he ascended the throne.
lace and Sandringham House and King George was born Norfolk there and made the mansion his NUMER 100 Marlboroven Honca was balit hom until he succelded to the by Sir Christopher Wren, arcnl throne in 1910.
tect of St. Paul Cathedral and Since King George mother BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA of many other famous London Alexandra, died ten years ago, buildings, in 1708 on a site gran. Marlborough House has been ted by Queen Anne to Sarah unoccupled.
EDGAR YOUNG VENTA DE PROPIEDADES. LICITACION SIN BASE Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL KO LOTERIA NACIONAL MEXICO CAMPAIGNS FOR HEALTH EL BANCO INTETRNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA recibirá ofertas de compra de las siguientes propiedades que desea vender, recibiendo ofertas hasta el día 13 del próximo mes de noviembre de 1936.
PROVINCIA DE LIMON Con el orgullo del que hace el bien y del que sabe que LAS LOMAS sabe que es mejor. Ayude al Hospital donde hay su frimiento y dolor que aliviar y a donde TODOS poFINCA Nº 033 Tomo 910 Folio 529 Asiento demos llegar. Protegiendo a los que padecen nos situada en LAS LOMAS, denominada EL RUBI. Mide 120 hectáreas, 29 protegemos nosotros mismos.
areas y 32 decimetros cuadrados. Es terreno parte de charrales y el resto de Compre montes, con los siguientes linderos al Norte, propiedaaes de Andrés Vene sólo gas y de la Suc. de Juan Rafael Jiménez; al Sur, con el río Reventazón; al Este, con el citado Venegas; y al Oeste, de la Suc. de Juan Rafael Jiménez.
MA TINA FINCA 1. 391 Tomo 974 Folio 530 Asiento 21 situada en la Milla 1412. Es terreno cultivado de banano, cacao y potrero, hoy en abandono, que mide 100 hectáreas, más para caminos con los siguien MEXICO, DF. Reports of correcting inadequacles which tes linderos: al Norte, con la línea del Ferrocarril, con un frente aproxima alarming sanitary conditions for generations have decimated do de 850 metros; al Sur, de la Sucesión de Panfilo Valverde; al Este, calle found by health squadrons in the poorer elements of the poen medio, con el lote Ne 50 de Primera Orden; y al Oeste, con propiedad Mexico drive to combat disease pulation and kept the general de David Powe!
and to improve public health health at a low ebbles ahenu.
RIO BANANO have brought an intensification The present drive, the broadest of the government campaign ever undertaken in the Mexican FINCA 3. 205 Tomo 974Folio 298 Asiento initiated several months ago Republic, alms also to dissemisituada en RIO BANANO, contigua a la BOMBA que surtió de agua a la Much of the survey work under nate information on hygiene, to Ciudad de Limón, llamada LA JULIA. Mide 74 hectáreas incluyendo taken to ascertain sanitary, food abate noise and to modernize para caminos. Es terreno de charrales con una casa de madera. Linderos: and hospital conditions, in which the distribution handling 3rd al Norte y Oeste con la finca BEARSEN WEST. de la United Fruit y hundreds of physicians, nuises preparation of foodstuffs terrenos municipales; al Sur y Este, con el río Banano en medio, la finca health officers and waste dispu Under Dr. Herberto Alcazar a CEDAR VALLEY.
sal engineers were deployed, not drive is gro ng on against Insant NOTA. Esta finca por su proximidad a la Ciudad de Limón es de gran por only through the rural districts tary candy shops, bakeries, road venir para dedicarla a lecheria y cria de ganado pues tiene buena ca but on the outskirts of iarge side stands and Itinerant yerdurs lidad de suelo y abundantes aguas.
centers has been complete and, of enchiladas (cheese, onion and CONDICIONES their reports filed with the Fechili ples. tacos (highly spiced deral Department of Publle meat sandwiches. tortillas a) Las ofertas de compra deterán ser enviadas directamente al DEPARTA Health (corn pancakes) and other foods MENTO DE FINCAS DEL BANCO INTERNACIONAL, con indicación de The biggest part of the jobque es una PROPUESTA DE COMPRA de la Finca NY.
b) Toda propuesta deberá ser por lo menos con un 10 al CONTADO y resto lo dejará el Banco en las condiciones de Largo Plazo o sea el de interés y de amortización anuales, con garantía de la Shisma propiedad.
c) Cada propuesta de compra deberá venir acompañada de un depósito de VEINTE COLONES que el interesado perderá si la finca le fuere adjudi Contra mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano cada y no se presentare en el término de 15 días a formalizar la operación en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
ch) El Banco se reserva el derecho de aceptar la propuesta que más convenEXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: ga a sus intereses o de rechazarlas todas.
d) Las ofertas se recibirán hasta el dia 13 de noviembre de 1936.
Avenida Central, San José 16 de octubre de 1936.
Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Suero Butantán Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos


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