
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 1936 The Newest Dictator Youthful Rogues Practising LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION cash pan In cathedral crowned Burgos, Twenties Franco, then a enlaNor hern Spain, the Rebel gene nel, built up the Legion, urta At about 30 last Saturday ra have designated their com red it with money wrung from night two youths from the Santa manderin chief. Francisco Fren Madrid, disciplined it sternly. Rosa district. Willie Lemon, co, as dictator of Spain, Srtor, In 1934, when the conservative alias Regon, and George Brown, dark round faced and back. republican government was con. entered the shop of the Chlmustached, dressed in tan army fronted with revolt in the Astunes: Manehow at the Crossing.
uniform with a scarlet sash, the rias, Franco led the troops that Gorge wert into the drinking sa latest of the supreme Fasc st ruthlessly crushed the miners loon and called for a drink an leaders said to his fellow of and workers. Leftists called him while this was being served him ficers. The Butcher. Rightists spoke Rigon jumped the counter and In this solemn moment of him as an Iron Man and grabbing the made can only say, with the upright whispered that he would be driuking spirit of a soldier, with the lo Spain dictator. Manuel Azaña. good his escap: Hi UERES WHAT to ARS. GUNNARD NELSON yalty of a gentleman and with then Prime Minister, cautioned parter was held and taken my hand on my heart, that you the ambitious Franco and sent the Cuartel. Next morning our DF CASSELTON have placed Spain in hands that him off as military governor to Detectives raided the home of Re IL DAKOTA, WRITES: wil hold firm. shall try to the Canary Islands. There Fran gon mother and captured him am very glad to have a ralse Spain to the position she co organized the present revolt. The tin with th, money was al chance to tell you how once occupied. shall do so or which began when the Foreign so found.
very much my Kerosene The two Rogues are now in sa Electrolux bus belped me die in the attempt, relying upon Legion landed from Spanish Mo In a hundred diferent ways.
the junta at my side to help me rocco last July and advanced fekeeping awaiting the senter. es Besider it being food arrive at a noble and united Northward on Madrid.
of the Alcalde, to thereafter en.
waver, it has given me.
che nee to have much a vari Spain under one flag. a Spatit the chain gang for work on my in meals. As for having nish Spain the road to the Cemetery.
company, find it Lon ehore any more. can ox Thus was assumed a power The Chinese recovered his cash frouen salada so long ahead Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON of time there beedn be yet to be made good against the pan and eighty one of the ninety sny Isust minute rosh to ex Madrid government for which four colones he said it contained.
abem so they ll be frenb.
General Franco had long been preparing Trained in the old Abogado y monarchical army tradition, he first came into prominence as Notario Público the leader of the Spanish Foreign RUNS ON Legion against the Riffs in Mo Oficina: Altos PasKEROSENE rocco. In the early Nineteen cual Ingianna (COAL OIL)
WITHOUT MACHINERY NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT NO DAILY ATTENTION Sweeping assu rances about the future of Morocco and the Balearic Islands EROSENE are reported to have reached Plenty of ice cubes National Electrolux LONDON, 28. The Temperature regulator LONDON. Westminster AbLondon from General Francisco Lalour Councu demanded day sorth Electrolux speeds freesing brings to farm bey will be closed to the pub that Great Franco, would be dictador of Britain cooperate bomes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux die beginning Jan. 1937. to al with the French Government in Spain.
and conveniences that have made low the Office of Works to pre starting an internacional moactually pays for itself with its General Franco is angry, aythe famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on pare for the coronation of King vement to make munitions and parently, at stories that he has Jux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
Edvard, which is to take place ocher war material avallable to promised choice parts of Spas The and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate so May 12. The only exception winche Madrid Government.
nish territory to Italy and GerCouncil ripresents organiz; la refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple be the tiny Chapel of St. Faithbour in Britain and in isted that many. He is said to have telegrap protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no which will continue to be availalth Spaniards shoul! he givenhed to his representative here: ice cubes you want.
new moving parts to wear. wickless ble for private devotions.
al the couns called its full contradict categorically al.
delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner does Telts to engage sa international sehood spread about supposed greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates deThe organ already has been cmerce, including the rarchase promise of bases in Morocco to work.
preciation due to moving, weardismantled for thorough recon of ammunition.
any power National Spanish Nor is that all! Electrolux runs ing parts. Electrolux requires no struction, but certain features movement will respect treaties for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water.
more than 200 years old will be in force with all loyalty.
filling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature.
retained. Virtually the whole of Similar assurance was incluthe nave and transepts will be QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX ded to cover the Balearic Islanfilled with wooden galleries, 50 No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency Conme reaching to the lofty triWee. Le Diplomatis at Whiteha said forium. These galleries probably tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every will be covered with blue matethey had no knowledge of the ESTRADA telegram and were certain it worthwhile convenience Savings that rial with silvered threads.
had not passed through off cial Many monuments, some ponTotes y Licores pay for it channels. It was reported, ovederous and graceless, commemo Artículos del Pais ver, that a copy was handed to rating statesmen and other wort JOHN KEITH Co.
Precios Economics high British officials with a hies almost forgotten, will be Agentes Exclusivos request that it be conveyed to removed to make more seacing LA IBERIA Prime Minister Stanley Bald.
Agente Limón: JOHNSTON win.
Franco Denies Land Deal With Germany or Italy COLDE OFF Preparing Abbey Request Open Trading LONDON. for Coronation for Madrid SALOMON CHIN ds.
DICTATOR IN BRITAIN SCOUTED BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA UNICO EMISOR LONDON. It can happen know of no potential dictabere, was in effect how Sir Jom tor in England: do not believe Simon, the Home Secretaryscis even Wales could produce one, posed of the possibility of a dic and the fellow countrymen of BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE tatorship in Great Britain when Robert Bruce, Robert Paris, he spoke at Perth.
John Knox and Jenny Geddes STATE BANK The first thing to observe will no doubt be able to decide about communism and fascisn) for themselves whether a dicta.
is that they are both forexgn tor is likely to come out of Scoofrece al público los Offers the Public the products. he declared They are tland.
servicios de su not natural products of British We have no quarrel with otServices of its soil at all. Britain breeds many her countries because they lords of men, but British soil is adopt either of these systems, a very bad breeding ground or but the plain fact is that comdictators munism and fascism are equally Who is there fit to be dicta opposed to democratic self goEN LA IN THE tor in this country? Who is vernment and therefore equally there that the British people repugnant to Brit sh ideas.
would accept as dictator? Fur And when we see the vio ence one thing is quite certain about and confusion which the clash para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service a dictatorship, whether Com between these doctrines has pro munist or Fascist, that it will duced in some other lands, we servicio bancario Rendered need a dictator or a group of jare determined to give them no dotators.
sort of encouragement here.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon


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