
Saturday October 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Spanish Rebels Using Tactics of Wellington Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association AVISO Explosions in Manila CABALLO BLANCO se BURGOS, Spain. Generals is now great confidence and moEmilio Mola and Francisco Fran By George Axelsson rale is excellent. In the pericd NOTICE co say they are planning to take since the revolt broke the volunMadrid in the same way that Madrid. In that case, pass the teers have been whipped into Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and faSir Arthur Wellesley, later the mountains, fall on his flank and shape with astonishing rapidity. socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member Duke of Wellington did.
cia de Costa Rica, para pagar rear and crush him.
For the most part, the army of the only reliable Burial They would have no alternati Perhaps the Emperor could is being fed off the country. For los gastos de entierro. Esteve, for despite what develop have done it, but his marslials the purchase of supplies from blecida en Limón, el de Mayo Society established in Limon de 1928.
31. 19. 28 ments there may have been in could not. These mountains pro outside the country the foreign armaments and military cam ved too much for them and the balances of Rebel leaders have paigns, in so far as they concern war was fought along the seven been freely surrendered and bar specific cities, they are like mat roads that spread out from Megold has been obtained by meltBomb hematical problems, They can drid like the spokes of a wheel ing jewelry contributed to the seldom be solved in more than To capture Madrid, Welling cause. This bar gold is used MANILA, The explo The police rounded up several one way. Hence, in following Welton placed all his faith in a for minor purchases.
sión of fifteen credely made suspects, the most important lington methods, the generals decisive thrust from the south. Of paper pesetas the supply bombs in various parts of this being a Spanish Filipino inestiwho are directing the Rebel for and when he captured Talavera has been plentiful, since, when city caused the police to believe zo, who was caught with a suitces declare they feel sure of de la Reina, seventy six miles the civil war began, forty two terrorists had plotted to start a case containing bombs. He is victory.
1: from the capital, he felt that the of the sixty branches of the Bank wide conflagration.
reported to have registered at Along the same raods and val battle had been won, as, indeed of Spain fell into Rebel hands leys where Wellington outman it had. On the north he was although the Madrid govera in the important store or One of the bombs was planted several cheap hotels and lodging the houses and left bombs in them.
oeuvred and out fought Junot. content merely to hold the moun ment remained master of the Parsons Hardware Company, The Mayor of the city recelsed Ney and Massena, they believe tain passes which were easy 16 gold stock.
owned by British and Swiss in an anonymous letter saying Olie They can outmanoeuvre and out defend, and prevent Napoleon Retall prices within the Rebei terests. It caused a fire that ie city would burn but he pais no fight the poorly equipped Loya. marshals from making that out areas remain exactly as they sulted in a loss of 000. 000 ye attention to it, thinking it came Jist forces. For it is all a ques flanking movement that the were before the war. Profiteertion of highways and valleys in Emperor had ordered from Vien ing has been prevented by the in the vicinity of the official re sos. The Parsons building was from a crank.
this mountainous country. na threat to shave the heads of The situation is believed to Napo. eon knew that. From Ever since the beginning of any who attempt it and parade sidence of President Mamel be well in hand and known raQuezon Austria he wrote to Soult: the present civil war these pas such persons through the streets dicals are being sought. Wellesley will most likely ad ses have been held by insurgents Another, the explosion of vance by the Tagus River against and Talavera has been captured which was witnessed by this corFrom there the road is level aad José Achion Ng respondent, cut the principal Founding of Dental College comparatively easy, and that water main supplying the nortEL Henceforth it will not be neis why the Rebels are confident hern part of the city, apparently cessary for our young men to that they will be able to make Comerciante Detallista with the design of hampering so abroad to learn Dentistry as an early entry into Madrid.
Licores, Abarrites, Cristalethe Fire Department. The dama. the government has Instituted a Meankhile, the cleaning up ria, Articulos de Ferreteria ge was SO Serious that this College here for the purpose.
Cantina Posada enprocess will be continued along y Eléctricos; todo region was without regular wa The Banco de Costa Rica will cuentra en este estableciter supply for more than twen supply the funds required for the north coast, where the fight miento a y Cafeteria ty four hours ing recently has shown that the the upkeep of the institution.
An expresiou in a crowded lodg Those who desire to enter the bravery of the Basque nationalFelipe Wing Ching FRECIOS DE SITUACION ists and the Asturian miners is ing house injured only one per profession should, therefore, enLIMON not sufficient to atone for their son, and prompt action by ce counter no difficulty in properly Apartado 395 lack of officers and arms.
cupants prevented a fire from fitting themselves for their Among the Rebel troops there gaining headway.
future livelihood.
Australia Increases Gold Output SYDNEY, Australia. The Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard impetus given to Australian gold NACIONALES mining by the increase in priFRANK MADURO Jr. ces and the invention of machiLIMON, CAR.
nery which has considerably LIMON, PROP.
cut mining costs continues to Importación Frank Maduro hijo, lift production along, maintaindy ing the steady increase in our Exportación Imports and Exports PROP.
Best native lumber put over the last three years.
Maderas del país. ExisFor the first four months of Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit tencia permanente this year, Australia producto at moderate prices tota ed 336. 467 fine ounces vanuestro depósito.
Compra de Cacao en lued at 11. 776. 345, an increase grano Cocoa Purchased of 105. 771 Ounces over Cast 1933 year figure No small parts in Australia increased gold output have bern at about 30 Wednesday af he would not dress himself ile during which many jobless. played by the depression years, ternoon the upper vicinity of Li was wrappid in a sheet and ta ported thremselves by panning Sunge aastoot ve With their score at only ONE man wis thrown into great ex ken to the Cuartel along with his gold Power and the Excelsior met to run the Excelsior lost Johnson citement when it became known ent Body Gurd wcowe el decide who would be the season and Kerr; but Walker asd that at Inst the author ties were dressed in fantastie costumes.
Champion Club Cup Hayling Wea, however, attacked the ditermined to get hold of the fa. The girl for whom the police won the to and decided to bat bowling and did some bard bitmous Pocomania Chief Aiti. were in s:arch for some tinae on a perfect wicket. Le Ray and ting. At the call of time p.
The Police car with detach was also discovered.
Allan opened and with the score ment of policemen weat to the Sutton and Walker were still lat Residents of the vicinity af.
GUACIMO GUAPILES et 33, th, iatts was clean bowling with the score at 58 fer the Pocomania tronghold at Arnold forded the Police every assistan.
led By Johnson for L Ray wickets.
Hill to effect the capture of the Full particulars will be given Cantina. Licores was the saviour of his side, and The game will be continued to.
motirous group but thy so resis in our nixt sue of this unuzunl Extranjeros y del país. his inning of 56 runs was the Te. morrow and should lafford much the efforts of the guardians ocurrence as well as such infor Tienda bien surtida sult of sound crickket. After he interest, of Law and Order that the aid mation as we may by that time Abarrotes en general left the entire side was out for Speitor of the detectives and scal obtain respecting the anticipated 87, none of the others being ab Guards had to be obtained. Altideportation of the entire group of PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA to withstand the lows of Maz.
was eventually captured, but as these fanatics.
ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME EL ATLANTICO en Great Consternation. Alti Captured CRICKET LUIS WA CHONG 160 Year Old Paper Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, step which them de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
LONDON. Wanderers cft Piccadilly were ab e to see how the first news of the American Declaration of Independence was published in England more than six weeks after it occurred.
The London Morning Post dis played in a window of its West End office an issue of Auz.
1776, containing a two column news story of the declaration, le ceived from the former colonies.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón besos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarEnglandSpainTerrorism

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