
The European Wrangle The Atlantic Voice undoubtedly give them every Roosevelt Re elected by Large Majority Haly Sends Foreign The San José Races the After having to fight their the Fascist elenie. and to way over almost every inch establish if poi. le of ground traveraed since independent reg.
launching heir extensive the aid of the Russan ComDevoted. o the interests of the people of the Atlanticzone general advance a fortnight munists; and as Germany, Editor English Section: NATION or so ago, the revolutionary Italy and Portugal are only forces have reached the im awaiting the taking of the Ano III Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday November 1936 No. 118 mediate vicinity of Maurid Capital to officially recogwhere the most bitter phase nize the government of GeE of this horrible warfare has neral Franco, they will then now begun.
Since last Wednesday the assistance openly in all sub Minister to Central city is being subject to fre sequent operations to comquertt bombardments from pletely subjugate the oppos The Presidential elections Governor Landon total was the land and air, which ha ing factions. The authority held last Tuesday in the Uni a little more than 15 000. 000; Europe ve caused, and are still caus of the Non intervention Com led States of America not President Roosevelt there fore From Rom. it is stated that ing, heavy death tolls and mittee would then be thrown only closed what has been secured a majority of almost Count Ciano. Italy Foreign Mi serious destruction. The go to the winds and what wqald described as the most bitter 10. 000. 000 votes.
aister, will be leaving today on vernment forces have been be the attitude of France at ly contested elections since It is expected that the Deà visit to several of the Capitals making sternuous efforts to such a time? She has so the close of the civil war but mocratic Party will be able of Central Europe. This additional check the final attack on tnafar been able to stave off the rested a record in thepoto count on 328 seats in the trip of the Court is regarde in city proper, but so far these demands of her Communis litical history of the country House of Representatives and diplomatic circles as an indiahave been unsuccessful, tre tic element that she go to by giving iha succesalul can 74 in the Senate with 90 and is making to strengthen her po authorities are however de the aid of the Spanish loya didate the most complete vic17 for the Republicans.
Termined to resist to the ut lists, but could she then con tory evir obtained.
tion of the efforts which Italy Mr. Roosevelt will proba sition with the nation, situate In sarst and have conscripted tinue to do so and if she did The figures released so for every available citizen and not, what would be her po indicate that approximately bly go to Buenos Aires to the parts as well as in the rushed him to reinforce their sition with such a large force 42. 000. 000 voters went to the assist in the formal opening Balkans, and doubtedlesaly as a lines of defence. la. ge of German arms concentrat felis and of these, nearly 26 of the Pan American Peace counter move in connection with majority of these are, howed just across her frontier nilions voted in favor of the Conference on th 21st. De th recent tour of King Edward.
ver, said to be devoid of the in the Rhineland. Democratic Candidate, while cember inscriptions collected for slightest knowledge of min litary requiremenis and so In addition to all these may not be able to afford complications which might much material assistance in result from the Spanish reholding back the Nationa bellion, Mussolini Milan lists.
speech has provoked much indignation, particulary in some!
Several terrible encourt France and the Balkan coun further particulars regard tion Programme of Six Pre. 20 per horse.
We give herewith The following Inaugura the race after the rate of ers have occurrd in the air tries. The disapproval of, ng the programme being liminary. Event has been over the city win the loss of Britain has also been express arranged for the Races to a number of new and mo ed arranged in which only hor The Clasico Traube dern war plants by take place at the San Jose ses from Limon will compe open to all horses not includ both contestants.
Stadium during the months te. The ist. 2nd. 3rd, and ed in the Class the win The general outlook is of December and January 4th. Races are open to hor ner to get the Five hundred According to a radio rcertainly ominous and no one next. These by arrangements ses eligible for the Traube Cuiones presented the port from Gibraltar, the Kus dare anticipate what sian Military adviser to the the next few days may bring apply only to horses from Prize. in which the winners Cerveceria Traube, with a this Province.
will each get 200 and Prize for Second place congovernment is of the opinion forth.
su that there is no hope of ynythose taking second places sisting of the total inscriping Madrid and as General 25. The Entrance for each tions collected at 20 per Franco is also firm in 5th and 6th. Races are open belief of its early fall, he is stated to be already forniti Al the opening of the Bri by a woman, Miss Florence to horses of Class eli The Gran Clasico Costa lating plans for th: gerern tish Parliament lost Tuesday, Hersburgh, member for Dungible for the Pajaro Azul Rica an Inter Provincial ing of the country.
King Edward delivred his dee; she is said to have been Prize. and in which the Race in which only the hor speech is which his govern hearlilly ch ered when she winners will get a similar ses taking First and Second It is, however, generally meri policy was fully outli gave assurance of the inten amount of 200 and those places in the Clasico Pajaro believed that the captioned. He reiterated the de. lion of the woman of Great placed second C25. The En Azul and First Place in the Madrid will not cring this termination of Britain to Britanin to wholeheari y sutrance for each race is also Clasico Traube will repre sanguinary strugg. to an co operate with all oiher Po. 25. Each Race will be over sent Limon. The Prize for pport the governmeni pro This Race is 000 with end, but may rathe: prodluwers under the auspices of gramme for the defence of a distance of 800 metres.
ce further complications the League of Nations in the nation.
The Clasico Pajaro Azul another for Second Piace and of an internali raj chahe interests of international The King indicated his inmade up of the total amount racter. The Barceiria autho peace.
tention of paying a visit to the winner of which the rate of 50 per horze is open to horses of Class collected for inscriptions at rities are known to be pre History was made when India some time after his will obtain the Prize of Five paring to at aire t the traditional reply was made coronation The Preliminary Events hundred Colones presented have been arranged for ti Increase in Bananas for the best horse of by the Cerveza Pajaro Azul purpose of affording the les this pert Committee a knowledge Class from this Province, of the possibilities and guia According to an item in a San with a Prize for Second lities of all competing norJose Dally, we learn that a large Place consisting of the total (lo page 1)
increase in the output of BanaSERVICIO DE VAPORES nas on the Pacific siue is expected from the beginning of the Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York coming year.
con escala en Cristóbal y Habana Starting with about ten car oads per week, the supply has gradua Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS ly increased until at this time forty odd cars are required to para EUROPA AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS transport the fruit weekly to 21 (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdamy this port for expo:tatation. The Hamburgo)
Vapores Salidas government has, however, been Informed, it is stated, that from CORDILLERA Novbre. January next no less than se QUIRIGUA de Noviembre venty cars will be needed for KRETA Noviembre 13 PETEN.
15 de Noviembre this service VERAGUA 22 de Noviembre This means that within the Para GUATEMALA next two morths or so the out(Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
put will have almost doub ed and as appreaciable increases CARIBIA Noviembre 30 ALVARADO Cía, are also continuing in the proution on this site, there is SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas every indication that ere long Our Banana trade will once more Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse. Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas have an outstanding bearing on de la United Fruir Company en los bajos de)
the country economic conci Gran Hotel Costa Rica Alon and so long as all HAPAG LLOYD shipments are made from this Port TELEFONO 3156 Age, cia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 We will of course obtain relative benefits.
his KING DELIVERS PARLIAMENTARY SPEECH of these races is 25. The horse.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE out Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFranceGermanyItalyMussolini

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