
8 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Satuday Nobember 1936 Deportation of Members Of Pocomania Sect) YA LLEGO!! La Máquina de coser Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER Unauthorized Cultivations on Govt. Lands Guillermo Niehaus Co. SINGER For the benefit of our read upon its timely intervention him, that the meetings of ers we publish herewith the to curb or terminate this ri your sect, which are some Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora the copy of a letter of apprecia diculous worship which in times carried far into Le cambiamos su maquina vieja por esta moderna.
tion and congratulation to time, could only resuult in hours of the night and early SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES our worthy President Lic. wanton destruction of the morning, are characterizAgencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado don Leon Cortes for the ener unbeguiled and be a source ed by shoutings, shrieking getic attitude taken by his of constant public nuisance and general outcries, thump gdvernment and the stand and reproach to those of usings on drums and other holhe took in this affair of Po who have always detested low vessels, posturing and Machine 1936 comiah in our midst. this barbarity: and we fur dancing. in such a manner We also give a copy of ther pray that the govern as to cause grave discom You can sew with it backward and forward, do the British Minister reply ment will continue its efforts fort and inconvenience to embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
to a communication sent him in this direction until the ex persons residing in the vici We exchange your old machine for this wondert new one by Altiman Dabney (Alti) ponents of these wild and ex nity of this Church. It apCNLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH at the time he was arrested travagant notions are com pears that numerous compla in 1933 for the scandalouspletely eradicated from our ints on this point have been Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon ceremonials indulged in by midst.
made to the Police, and that himself and his co religio the latters action, after prenists. Signed by several dozens vious warnings delivered to fied in closing your churen, former Police Agent enclosAs much comment is bepersons. yourself or to your co secre and that such action by ed with your communicaing made regarding the le Limon, Nov. 1936. taries, had been disregard them could not econstrutions of February 10th. am gality of the government ed. All things considered, ed as a breach of Treaty to say that the Minister is actions in determining these Mr. Altiman Dabney, His Majesty Minister sees engagement with His Ma not greatly impressed by it.
people undesirable citizens, Limon, Costa Rica.
no reason to disagree with jesty government.
The statement was made we produce the correspon Sir.
Mr. Cox in concluding that On the other hand, if, as long after the event and, on dence so that our readers am directed by His Ma the members of your sect the Minister hopes will be the face of it, need not neInay judge for themselves jesty Minister to reply as have not infrequently made the case, your services are cessarily be held to demons in what light the Sect is con follows to your further le of themsleves a public nui conducted in a quiet and trate miseonduct on the part sidered.
tter of the 10th instant, re sance, and they for that rea orderly fashion in future of the Police.
lative to your complaint ag son not unnaturally attract there appears to be no reaainst the Police authorities ed the unfavourable notice son why you should expeD. Humber, To the President of the at Port Limon.
of the local officials. In the rience further difficulty. As British Legation, Panama, Republic.
The Minister notes, with above circunstances the Mi regards the statement by a Feby. 17, 1933.
San Jose, His Excellency: We the undersigned, zesi dents of the city of Limon, respectfully beg to approArising out of the investig. no contracts exist and on which ach you through this me tions which have been proceed consequently, no rents are being dium, to voice our approval LIMON ing with regard to the occu paid. According to the rates reand express our gratitude Pancy of the Milla Maritima commended, MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS these should pay for the energetic action talands in this Zone, large tracts two colones per hectarea per ken by the government in Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía are alleged to be discovered und month.
the deportation, last Friday, er Banana cultivation for wiheh. of several members of the Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Pocomiah cult.
The objectionable opeImportación de mercaderia en generai ration of this abominable sect has for a long time been of the gravest concern to the majority of the better think much disapporval, your re nister would recommend Vatican City. world wide Pro Deo committees to all naing classes constituting the ference to Mr. Vice Consul for your consideration the organization, to inelude bouh tions the prelates explained giv coloured element of this Pro Johnson who enjoys his full following expression of Catholics and Protestants, is, ing them a central coordinating vince who have eagerly confidence and who, he feels opinion which he has re being formed by the Congrega organization.
yearned for its radical abo sure, is at all times ready to ceived from Mr. Cox. Shotion for Extraordinary DeclesiNghment: The confounded pay due attention to the just uld they (i. e. yourself and astical Affairs for the fight on practices followed by those grievances of British Sub your co religionists) persist communism, prelates disc osad professing this fanatic faith jects.
in their practices and in defy The organization, the prelatas reached such astounding ing the local authorities, said, will be based on the Pro: proportions, and the weird As regards the matter of consider it highly probable Deo (for God) committees COMERCIANTE antics and the quaint aberra your complaint itself, am that the registration of their now existing in several 10Establecido en la Provincia tions in which they indulge to point our that the inci society will be cancelled. pean countries. They are compor más de 20 años during their ecstatic state, dents which you mention are His Majesty Minister thin posed of both Cathoiles and ProVende al detal, Vinos y LIcores extronjeros y del pais have had such demoralizing said to have taken place in ks it right to wam you that, testants, disseminate anti. Coebarrotes en general effects upon the minds of the May and June of 1932. You in the ever your sect conmmunist propaganda ond keep MISCELANEA illiterate masses, even to the took no steps at the time to. inuing the objeetionable their respective countries inEstablecimiento asquina extent of converting the bring your treatment to the practices to which allusion formed of Bolshevist activities, del Mercado, young girls of its clan into Vice Consul, although that has been made, the Costa The Vatican now sees the deEntre 45 prostitutes and the swaying was obviously the proper Rican officials will be justi sirab lity of extending the of wives into adultery, that course for you to follow. Mo recently an outburst of thun reover, it was not until the derous indignation against following December that is this contemptible devotion to say, after an interval of appeared in our local prers, about six months, that you praying that the government approached His Majesty would take steps to immedia Minister upon the subject.
tely suppress the diabolical These circumstances alone rituals observed by these must deprive your represenfanatics, to the utter regret tations of much of their wei El éxito en los negocios y en la and shame of those of us ght. am to inform you, newho abhor this heinous mysvertheless, that, in complian vida está siempre en espera del ticism. It is therefore with a ce with the Minister insşfeeling of just pride that we tructions, your accusations hombre que tiene el dinero necompliment the government against the authorities at!
cesario en el momento Port Limon have been inves.
preciso tigated carefully both by Mr Usted debe ser de.
Cox, His Majesty Consul at esa clase San Jose, and by Mr. Johnde hombres son.
Mr. Cox now reports Wee. Le his conviction that your alle gations as to undeserved illESTRADA treatment are in substance unfounded and that the Abarrotes y Licores troubles of yourself and your Articulos del País friends are due to the manPrecios Economics ner in which you chose to conduct your religious serLA IBERIA vices. Mr. Cox is satisfied, from evidence produced to Catholics Form Group To Combat Communism EDGAR YOUNG Norte Ahorre. SALOMON CHIN Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismCommunismLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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