
Satuday Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Pocomania Witchcraft Sect Broken Up Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association de 1928. México Favors Roosevelt and LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION based it yer, As briefly announced in our cond Comandante, the capture none could approach this underJast issue, the excitement and might not have been effected in ground passage but the HernaAVISO NOTICE consternation caused in Limon the manner it was, as the orda no Terrible. his wife or the a little over aweek ago by the nary regular Policeman seem to Secretary of the Troupe.
Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and faarrest and detention of Altiman have been somewhat affected by The girl, who is between 13 socio de la Sociedad Beneficen mily by becoming a member Dabney and his crew of Magi the mystery supposed to be and 14 years of age, has declared cia de Costa Rica, para pagar of the only reliable Burial cians engaged in this Pocoma hanging over the Holy Place that the beast Alti had been in los gastos de entierro. Estania devilry, which the trickster However, Alti Temple was in the habit of drawing blood from blecida en Limón, el de Mayo Society established in Lim on had the presumption of inscri vaded and ramsacked, and the her arm which he would at times May 51h. 1928.
bing under the laws of the coun girl, who svas the subject of the drink, and at other times throw try as a religious Cult designat vexatious cause celebre. dison live coals as a sacrifice to be ed The New Jerusalem Revela covered in a dugout. She had accompanied by a dancing ceretion. can hardly be described: been kept here for several years mony around the fire amid giband had it not been for the on a smal wooden frame which berings in a language unknown pluck and determination of Se served as her bed and when she to anyone but perhaps himself.
cret Service man Stephen Clar required the attention of her Mexico, Despite Me as was Woodrow Wilson prior to Dozens of trunks and suit cake, known as Va pa ala, and guardians she had to summon ses, well packed with wearing xico official policy that com his re election in 1916. He is Rural Policemen Drummond and them by a bell which she would aparel, costumes, robes and re: ceeaing in other countries of the nent refuses war and that ment from here on political pro proud that the America. Coatia Harris, who accompanied the Se ring by means of a cord; galias of every deseription, with Western Hemisphere is andesi mentarily there is peace from numerous brass emblems, carySeeking ings and hierogliphics, were also rable, the leading newspaper, Canada to Argentina.
found. All the fa. thmul ones Excelsior, discusses the impor the continuance of such a state tance to Mexico of the result of affairs, he has convoked the seem to have sold out their of the American Presidential forthcoming peace conference earthly belongings and given the election in an editorial to be held in Buenos Aires.
proceeds to their Shepherd as The election of Landon or Communists and anti impeofferings and to have also dethe re election of Roosevelt rialists have no faith in that posited their clothing in this Sanctum for safekeeping as Alticould in no manner de regarded gathering. They contend its had given repeated warnings as decisive for Mexico destinies a means for Roosecelt tú afirm owerful the supremacy of the United that Limon was to be destroy but might exereise a ed by fire and water, but that influence on our economic, poli States over the Spanish. Ame.
his Gods would not allow tical and social life, the edito rican nations in view of the ditany ficulties that threaten bis coudharm to befall his sanctum; it wal declares.
could not be approached by any It Rooseve wins, it is pro try, possibly not immediately, thing profane.
bable that silver will continue at but which should not be Ofera good price on foreign markets. looked.
We be ieve that laeks found In may therefore be supposed for Roosevelt has made great that the authorities and others purchases of it and would contion and that the present Presi.
HERE WHAT have committed the serious tinue to do so. But if Landon is dent of the United States is hoavoid MRS. GUNNARD NELSON crime of Sacrilege by storming elected, it is virtually sure that nestly seeking means to OF CASSETON, and desecrating this Holy of he would modify the silver policy the danger that is fast enc! slag Ho ies. and dragging out the BAKOTA, WRITES: of the United States Govern the Old World and save AmeetPriest and his band of Takers ment and prices might decline ca from it. am very glad to have a chance to tell you bow by force of machetazos, Nodging to such an extent that the ex.
very much my Keronco them safely im Jail and return ploitation of many mines would Electrolux has helped me Stage Manager. Have you be impracticable.
Jo hundred different ways.
ing the girl to her parents from succeeded in solving the Besides its being food For us that has whom she had been used by the nonnons myshas given me a chance to have such a vari importance as Mexico is one of tery of Miss La Bede missing grandmother and robbed by costume?
exy in meals. As for having Priest Alti, Waterman Black the exploitation of many mines Detective, company, find it won Not yet, but we chore apy more. san pis wood and the Priestesses Gwen would be imparcticable.
hope to do so shortly as we have ſtoren malade so long ahead dolyn and Gladys. For us that has enormous im found this handkerchief of the of time there Deodo be any last minute rush to fix portance, as Mexico is one of person whom we suspect stole them so they ll be lah.
During the night of the follow the word principal producers it.
ing Thursday, the officers of the and our mining industry is the stage Manager, Why, that Jaw went to Davis Balm on the most valuable we have.
nohandkerchief, its the costume Camp One Road to see what Roosecelt is now a pacifist, itself.
was happening there but the RUNS ON Shepherd Davis was not to be KEROSENE en Balm but he too was not to (COAL OIL)
be seen. They then went to the for Air, General Giuseppe Vaile capacity for 250 wirplanes and JESI, Italy. Under ScrotaryForli, his native provisce, with WITHOUT MACHINERY Balm Conducted by Mrs. Red NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT where they found scme has nuthorized the start of work 700 aviators. Forli Tikewise par18 NO DAILY ATTENTION tients undergoing treatment, on what will be one of the largest near the middle Adriatic steps will be taken later with re military airports in the world Fast bombing plane from gard to these.
It will engage about 1, 000 work either airport would be able men for more than a year. When to reach vulnerable points in Yu EROSENE Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes Meantime Altiman Dabney, completed it will have capacity goslavia within an hour.
Temperature regulator with Electrolux peode freesing his wife Gwendolyn, Elizabeth for nearly 300 arplanes and 1, 000 brings to farm Robinson; Ruth Austin; Ruth aviators, homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux and conveniences that have made Cook; Gladys actually pays for itself with its Grey: Noe Johnson and William Parkinson the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on It is twenty miles back from lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
along with three children have the Adriatic coast of Ancone.
and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate 50 been deported as undesirables.
refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple The authorities are determined Military circles say it bas Yu protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no to get out all the leaders of this goslavia particularly in view.
ice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless superstitious Pocomania Sect This was also the case with the delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner does with the view of ridding the airport inaugurated by Premier LIMON greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates de community of the pernicious and Bonito Mussolini last month it work.
preciation due to moving, wear false doctrine.
Nor is that all! Electrolux runs parts. Electrolux requires no Fábrica de Hielo for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water.
filling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature, y Refrescos QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency ConPARIS. Reports of German tion with French military leaders tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every troop moveme ts in the Rame along the German border.
land a few miles from the worthwhile convenience Savings that French fronti have been receiy DETZ, France. Unconfirmed pay for it ed in Paris.
reports that Germany is heavily 1 informed circles said the reinforcing her garrisons along LA FLORIDA re was no confirmation of the re the Rhine (xcited this border JOH KEITH Co.
ports from Metz, Franee, that a land city.
Fábrica de Hielo Agentes Exclusivas w division of German troops Germany, the rumors continu Agento Limón: JOHNSTON had been moved to Kais autem, ed, now has twelve army corps, Venta de Leche.
about fifty miles from Mete. each composed of three divisions Official quarters, however, we in the proximity of the Maderas French Te keeping in close communica frontier.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a found: they also visited the Bow 1, 000 Italians Start Work On Huge Military Airport COLDE OFE. COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY REICH TROOP MOVES ON RHINE FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO Co.


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