
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Satuday Nobember 1936 New Scientific Academy Oldest Cyclist Journeys to Ex Kaiser Women to Convene Peace Parleys ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Rebel Describes Ardor Ardor of Troops as HOTEL BRITTON VATICAN CITY. Pope Pius DOORN Th Netherlands. ond wife, Princess Hermine, and REMEMBER! what you eat, where you eat, it was semi officially stat d, has Former eiser Wilhelm was vi was invited to luncheon. Here and where you sleep are the most important decided on th creation of an in sited by the oldest cyclist in the cived autographed photographs things in life.
ternational academy of science world, nopagenarian Heinrich from his hosts.
Situated next door West of Limón Trading It will be own as ths Pointfi Werner of Bonn, Germany, who Later Mr Werner cycled to The Co. The old Pensión Moderna cal Academy of Science. The tea Ga Ralway oficial Hague, where he met Queen Wil cre for its creation will be issued accompanied the Kaiser train helmina and Princess Juliana We guarantee up to date and hygiene services in early this month.
in imperial days and always has driving from the palace. Thy sleeping quarters, restaurant, also soft drinks all The academy will be compos Bano friendly terms with him. had been informed of his arrival al moderale prices at Brilton Hotel ed of eminent scintists in biology Mr. Werner cycled from Burn and greeted him cordially, mathematics, chemistry, medio Doorn to see his former mas Bir, Werner plans to return to cine, They need not be Cath ter. He wag cordially receivdby Born on his bicycle.
ol cs provided th y are not at the former Kaiser and his secreligious BUENOS AIRES, Argentina nio: is cha, official Pope Pius will select the first Various women organizations opinio. venty members, who will choose are organizing two peace confer The first conference is being the succersors. Card rpl Pace ences to be held here on the ove 171, phpal Secretary of State.
of th Pan American penc, con organizi Arganise Wo is expected to have suggestiors Terence proposed by President man Uno It will nees Nov.
regarding Americany when he re LIMON, Roocevelt. Both conferanten 6, and It is being support turns from the United States.
LIMON, reli Importación pect to present the resolutions ed by Protestant women to th: official conference in De gious and welfare groups, Such y Chrisember as expressiorg of public as the Young Womene Imports and Exports Exportación war soc eties.
tian Wo opinion of the American nations Associatioa and the The 8:cond conference is spo?
man towerd peace.
Christian Tenperance Bored by the popular committee Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Inutations to both conferences Union.
In favor of peace. whose pris Intimate that this public op! de session dent is Mrs. Alica Moreau Compra de Cacao en The cond will be in grano Cocoa Purchased from Nov. 22 in 25. It is being Justo, widow of one of Argenti Socialists orga sized by women Socialist, va most prominent te. WELL. WHAT. and other Leftist organizations. Juan Justo, no relation Rooth Bread, The organizers of both conteren President Agustin Justo. Mrs comall Junto will preside. This Siscuits Buns, ces expect delegations from Without which you can other American nations.
mitterd has given out the names boats of eating the best. Th; agenda of the first confer of more than fifty Socialist and WASHINGTON. picture shot, along whith Victor Praheadence contains five major Leftist feminine Berlin Bread organizations of the Spanish rebelión in Norwar thnt have signified ther supporthern Spain, seen through the dera and other Basque leaders. Booth Biscuits ings; rst, the danger of as a hostage in San Sebastian, in the world; second, economic Invitations have been sint to he wrote to friends here. In a The Peoples Bakery factors of war in the Americas: women organizations through eves of an officer fighting with the insurgent forces, was fur letter to Luis de Olivares, forWhere you will get the best.
third, wome, in wartime; fou thout South and Central America.
nished by lettes received from the industry can produce.
mer first secretary of the Spaeducation and war, and fifth, or Official conferences, such Romón Padilla y de Sairustegi, nish Embassy and a close friend, ganization of in anti that proposed by President Too: former second secretary of the Mr. Padilla wrote: women sevelt for Dec. 1, are not suiti Spanish Embassy here. It is wonderful to see the cient because the maintenance Mr. Padilla was in Spain on of porce depends on the popular leave when the rebellion broke spirit of the Traditionalists and will of the people, freely and am out in July. He was visiting the Fascists, who have enorply expressed. say th invitamous strength in all Spain, being his parents in San Sebastian. His tions.
recruited, most of them from father, Alejandro Padilla, was Th, program consits of three the working classes which have maior themes: first maintenance for nearly ten years.
the Spanish Ambassador here reacted against those who are traitors to their country.
of the status quo in armaments: Escaping from San Sebastian, second, free trade among all At San Sebastian the enAmerican nations, and third, free column known as the RequeMr. Padilla joinco at once the thusiasm at our entry was e rculation of men and dets enormous and pout even those tes Tradicionalistas, made up throughout the co tin nt.
who should have been mourof Carlists, at Betelu. He served ning the loss of their most The following questions will with this force through the beloved had one word of grief be studied under the first theme; Increase in army and navy ex Fuenterrabia, where the Loyalist glory to die for the renovation capture of Fort Guadalupe at to utter. raying that it was a penditures in th, last fifteen RAZONES QUE HACEN EL CASTILLO forces had imprisoned many yeurs, comparison by countries of this new Span hostages, including Mr. Padi EL MEJOR JABON with expenditures for educat on la brother Alvaro. Although cannot bear to give you growth of public debts, state of the names of so many friends most of the Rebel offeers among El Castillo es puro health and education of young the hostages were executed, Al hostages or killed in battle.
who have fallen, either shot as men called up for military servi El Castillo lava más y mejor varo Padilla was spared.
ce standard of living of the la Mr. Padilla remained with his You can tell my friends in boring classeg and rural popula column through the capture of El Castillo prolonga la duración de la rop America that they will see how tions in American nations, and Irun and San Sebastian.
Spain, very shortly, will be a El Castillo no daña las manos reasons that have led to incrcaHis father and two sisters settled country where all enter8expenditures in tion for war.
prepara were imprisoned by the Loya prises will floorish.
lists in San Sebastian before its Under free trade the conferen capture by the Rebels, but were Rebel sympathizers among El Castillo es económico will discuss tariff walls the Spanish colony bre seem und their efect on the cost of living the foreigo diplomatic corps, released on the intervention of to be convinced that the inCompre Jabón EL CASTILLO y exija los cupones a su factors behind the protectionist which had takeo refuge in Fransurgent forces will shortly have pulpero. Cambie los cupones HOY mismo por una polisy.
military control of all Spain.
and the Influenec of ce just across the border. The They look for the establish: acción en La Proveedora y Ramón Leon Agencia foreign capital.
former Ambassador was about General Frank Herrera Under the third subject full in to be sent, with other hostages for a year or more while some ment of a military dictatorship tellectual relations among Amerito Bilbao when the foreign cision is reached as to the CONCURSO can nations, the possibility of diplomats obtained his release ultimate form of government Por cada compra en valor de Diez céntimos en Ja pacifist education, the part to be a uncle and chief of the Increasing and amplify ng them, Jorge Satrustegui, Mr. Padi Spain is to have. None of them bón EL CASTILLO usted obtendrá un cupón, y cada played by schools and causts seen to expect former King Aldiez cupones serán car biados por una Acción. Esta Requetes Tradicionalistas, was that limit liberty of thought fois) to return to the throne.
Acción servirá para tomar parte en el gran sorteo que the Americas.
se verificará el dia 22 de Diciembre de 1936.
Use el mejor jabón y gánese 500 GRAN CONCURSO El Castillo deja olor a limpio in Premios: de (500; de 300; de 200. LUIS WA CHONG LA LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI 7 25 cajas jabón a escoger 15 10 8. 9. 10. GUACIMO GUAPILES Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del país.
Tienda bien surtida Abarrotes en general PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA distribuve en cada sorico, do vecesjarmes, la suma de 88. 230. 00 en los mil seiscientos noventa y reis premios que contienen sorteos, con una emisión apenas de catorce mil billetes.
Hágase la comparación con las loterias que circulan clandestinamente en el país y verd que la nuestra reprota mayores ventajas al tenedor del billete, quien pare hacer efectivo so premio no está sujeto fluctuaciones del cambio, apaga de descuentos, y a las fuertes primas que se ocupan de coles beyoclo que las leyes y los deberes del ciudadano condenan.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanySocialismSpainWorking Class

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