
Satuday Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Balkans Question Edward on Hitler Teodoro Picado The San Jose Races have been Dubrovnike crengusa. EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber ATHENS, Gresce. Although, bas become all importast to them ashe wants, and to dismember Barrister and Notary Public the import of his political talles as th, aggresive policies of Ger politically as he has already be was not revealed by King. Ed many and Italy draw together. gun to dismember economically Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased 10 be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and ward after his recent swing Does Britain mean business this the French inspired Little Finten Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the through the Balkans, late advi time in offering her hand to the le and Balkan Entente. Atlantic Zone.
cestdicate that stateamen, press little countries Will she fight 2nd people thsre found. bis, visit to deferd the League legstr nem Knowing the pro German senti COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO an important reaffirmation ti bers, now that her airplanes cxe ment bebind Edward in Britain Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José Britain mounting interest the Balkans tried to learn from in more numerous. Or is her strong the King whether th, the Near East.
Egypt League hant only for Palestine, Recreation was a chief puxpose and the Mediterranean waters, was dead for Britain or not. For lian imperialism, nor cooperate. cerity and Hitler zou might them the question whethes than of the cruise, but it also afforded zouth of Cyprus?
Bri with France and Russia against not be a better protection the King a chance to try his How salient British policy is in ta wil try to save her colonies the two Fascist States, and the the League. They would not be hand at plugging the lake is the lives of these little States by letting Germany involve her Te can be no graver news than greatly avsrse ti being dominated British prestige and it synchroni may he seen from the fact that self in eastward xpansion cannot that for the small powers of the by the British and Qorans if ed with the signing of the An In Bulgaria and Greece in the much longer be avoided. Edward Plalkans.
it would guard them against glo Egyptian pact and the War last tw and a half years the toleration of Hitler plans is re In Edward visits four nations being deserted by the French, or Office decision to send traps to timely appearance of British bat garded as graver than Mussull envisage a new strong British conguered by the Italiang Palestine.
revolu policy, They ask themselves, whetorn by Russian directes Edward talks with the chief ther a synthesis of Edward sin tion.
statesman of Yugoslavia, Greece, Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Turkey and Bulgaria were heid after a Dalmatian cruise. whoNACIONALES se southernmost to FRANK MADURO Jr. PROP.
From Page Our local Association expect had lengthened without notice Into the Ionian and gean Seas, Frank Maduro hijo, ses and so, enable them to having a Meet at La Joya ending in the Golden Horn un decide those eligible to during the second quincena PROP.
omitting only pro Italian of February next, therefore, Alba enter the two Clasicos.
nla on this extensive littorai.
Maderas del país. EsisEighty pounds will be the if our people from this end Such a fretencia development is permanente en minimum weigt allowed and will give a generous support at moderate prices quently the case when the British nuestro depósito.
will be that carried by the to the coming Stadium Meet smallest horse in a race. Thwe may, with confidence, Foreign Office desires to take po weights for other horses will expect their hearty reciprolitical soundings or to archieve has turned the effects that are otherwise unat. Llesh ps tide. no lukewarm support of them. be increased three pounds cation.
against anti governmental revolu To the four little countries of per half inch over the height The countries Edward visited tionary forces.
the Southern Balkans it looke of the smallest horse.
Unlike Grmany and Italy, Trit are those that subscribed most as if Germany is wooing Fran We do hope that all on José Achion Ng lain still stands in the Balkan, c, and grimacing at Russia in or ners of eligible horses and heartily to the sanctions of the mind for human, maintenance of der to split these allies before our numerous lovers of the League of Nations against Italy Comerciante Detallista and that were left most com the status quo. Her parametaj moving eastward. But they do Sport will lend their gene pletely out on a limb by the tias ry monarchy is the kind of go not feel themselves in actual rous support to the efforts Licores, Abarrites, Cristaleria, Artículos de Ferreteria co of the repressive measures But vernment the Balkan countries danger of conquest. It scems ta Mr. Alvarado Piza and his y Electricos, todo se enthey do not blam, Britian much Imitate in calmer times. Her them that th, Nazis would have Associates are making to cuentra en este estableci for failing to press the case of tactful but always dominating their hands full in Czechosiova bring off a successful Meet miento a hand in the Southern Balkans is undefended Ethiopla against Ita and thereby assist in bring kis and Rumania alone, whose wider ing about that 20 less resent:d than any other, as German minorities make ly, because they share with the them PRECIOS DE SITUATION British public the conviction that proved by the restoration of the seem the likeliest candidates for always desired in the inte operation which we have LIMON Mitteleuropa.
France was the sabotager within monarchy in Greece.
rests of the Grand Pastime the Lague.
Italyvis now inactive in the So calm are they about thEach of these countries except Balkans, content to give Fitnea Nazi danger that Greece, Bul Bulgaria, whose Queen ta Italian, free hand as the price of keep garia and Yugoslavia have alrea carefully minded no bim out of Tyrol. Trance dy given large arms order to Per Edward through both influe, has been nullified and statesman bylin and even Turkey, Russia press, that the little rations bad Dr Hjaltar Schacht penetrat friend, has been dickering with ing economy and her fully upheld their obligations un position orman engineers for the reforti der the anti aggressor clauses Is leo whkened hy Balkea. distication of th Dardanelles of the Gineva covenant, and at trust of her belief in th League Yet for all their avowals of the invitation of Anthony Eden, and firepicions of her connection menenderro and Dan Balkanisma th se countries need and are seek the British Foreign Secretary had with the Soviet Union.
Thus the big nu stło in the ing a great non exclansionist evin risked attack by their migh El más surtido en Matína ty neighbor by entering into chan elliries of Fegrada. Athena wer upon whom they can ry. secret agreetn nt to uphold Ancora, and Sofia has become the Put of Britain to tolerate Ger British feet in the Meditora VUI Fdward Allaw. Hitler to bn expansion, eastward Om more intimet with Mwen that nean.
even though Armed.
In return the small now. rs Jini. to. expand eastward as far he will not interfere with TE Tried to ascertain from Edwari On Sunday last the Sea. the Champion Club of this visit the meaning of Britain son was to a very the Second Season. Camptain new larmament, a probem that Sulton must be complimenManagua, Nicaragua. Presi, er the open exchange market. resumed balling to complete ted for his individual perfodent Carlos Bienes Jarquin has collections sent to the National their inning commeced the mances in this match; his 32 Mother of decreed that 80 per cent of the Bank must be paid in foreiga exprevious week; they had five runs and steady determined or change.
wickets in hand to make play saved his side from Countries having barter defeat.
thirty runs to retain their acchased by the National Bank cords with Nicaragua will be) Champioship honours. With The presentaion match will However much the women of for governmertal needs, The subject to new regulations.
a fight to a finsh, on both be played next week when other groups may be opposed to bank will pay for foreign ex The National Bank shipped sides, this was accomplished: the Cup will, we hope, be the production of large familles change with blocked cordobas. 75, 000 worth of gold by airplane they made the necessary runs handed to the Champions thoze of the Inca Race seem to Seventy per cent of the for to the Federal Reserve Bank of and ten more for four wickets. for safekeeping: be of an opposite opinion, reign exchange received by ex New York to strengthen the euExcelsior is therefore again According to the informatio porters will be allowed to entul rrency reserve.
given by representatives of the Pan American Grace Airways who recently returned to CristoNos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back bal from the Republic of Pera.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
We are told of a woman, a native of the vileg eof Guano, known This bill must be paid at our office by the name of Pichincha, who cina dentro de los primeros 10 días claims she is the mother of us before the 10th of the month de cada mes six children, with only one set Be so good as to comply with this request and do not of twins. The youngest only re Le rogamos recordar esta cláusulas y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which cently attained majority.
de lener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Pichincha is now ninety. wo years old, but is stil in the en.
joyment of excellent health and eyesight HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes DO niar Cricket Competition Closes Nicaragua Gets Exchange thrilling finish. The Excelsior Fifty six Children Nicaraguan escorte will be sur Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es


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