
ON MATTERS EDUCATIONAL The Atlantic Vaice The Conflict Still Fierce With the Neutrality The Franco Government From the advent of our most energetic and affable Director of Schools, coupled with the efforts of his colleague, Miss Trejos, Directress of the girls departDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlanticzone ment, as well as the vigilant supervision of our Inspec Editor English Section: C. NATION tor, Professor Abel Mendez, education has been given a wonderful urge in the Province.
Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 14 November 1936 No. 119 The Commercial Course and Night School have afforded our citizens the opportunity of gaining immen se improvements educationally and ethically. The children, too, of our Day schools, have been showing themselves most apt in inculcating the efficient training As was foreshadowed in our greatest of nsive to break through large number of Moroccans to handed out to them. The private schools, under the last article, the fiercest fighting che defences and gain admission to strengthen their activities surveillance of the Inspector, have also made marked has been taking place on the out the Capital; having failed sn far round Madrid.
improvement as our coloured teachers have taken the skirts of Madrid for the past in thl; respect General Francois In view of the reported inclinaopportunity afforded by the night classes given by the week. With the additionat for said to be extending his operation cth, French government to Directors and their staff, to obtain matriculation.
ces sent to their assistence from tions in other directions, pa cu go to the lassistance of the SpanMan, being ambitious, is naver satisfied to reman cther sectors as well as the re larly in the north, so as to com ish government, the anti omceipt of more material from Rus in one stage of life and endeavours to climb and climb pel the government to meet his munists are stid to have threaten sia and elsewhere. the loyalist torces from three sides, thus died to overthrow Premier Elum until he reaches the stage Eureka. In keeping with are now offering the sternest re viding and consecquently weak.
should he actually do so.
these ambitions, it is felt that are yet two things lacking sistance to their opponets andering their defensiv strength.
in our dear Province which the Department of Educa are yet in possession of the po Menutime advices coming tion, headed as it is by such a progressive mind as that citions which dominate the enThe government, which is now through from the foreign Press being operated from Valencia, is Reporters indicate that condi of Professor Segreda Dobles, might grant us: first, a trances to the city: they have o teen able to recover some ported to be making arrange tions are becoming most serious Secondary course for those pupils who have excelled in of the points of importance they men to launch an extensive in Madrid, especially with regard the Primary schools; and, secondly, a Technical Branch Toet dring the earlier period of counter offi nsive from that sec to focd supplies, which has comwhere those who have not attained that proficiencyhe last offer sive. The Nation tor with 10. 000 men who are now pelled the Junta of Defensa to par excellence could be drafted and taught Trades to Tintve, therefore, not yet enurdes concentration. On their place all sources of supplies unenable them the better to face life problems.
tered the City as was anune part, the Nationalists are belley der strict military control some days ago but it is being ed to be bringing up a further Vfith regard to the first item, there are many exceporthalerhiected to pimnet tionally smart children who have passed very creditable. Embardment by their examinations under the tutelage of our able Staff, but lans with consequent serious are unable to be sent to the interior to the existing col. loss of life and much property Committee leges to continue their studies on account of the finan tortion.
All nations have been advised cial condition of their parents. With respect to those The fighting has been hºavist by the headquarters of the Rebel who could be sent, their parents, in many instances, to thnh of the City wher the London reports that at the seg feeling that at the age of 14 or 15 they need that special Nationalists have launched their sion of the International Non inOr Nationalist Faction operating In Spain, that so soon as their guidance which they would not obtain among strangers terventoin Committee held on the forces enter the Cepital they of differant habits and customs, do not send them, Pope Pliess Admitted the instone the debates were of would call for recognition by the while those who are sent suffer a natural setback throu a very nature Powers that be and immediately The Russian gh the lack of that parental care and affection to Representative proceed to arrange diplomatic openly accused Mussolini of being relations which they were accustomed.
VATICAN CITY. The Vati a satellite of Hitler and declar In view of these unfavourable conditions, we can Authorities admit that His ed that the foreign policy of Ita.
Now, therefore, that the figh would auggest to our local Educationalists that they Hohneys the Pope is suffering ly was subservient to that of the ting men of General Franco hafrom an attack endeavour to obtain for our Province a similar opportuof Bright diNazis of Germany.
Ve forced the way to the outOne of his feet is so innity of higher education; as we feel the heads of their The Committee approved the skirts of Madrid, several nations, flamed that he is unable to yalk, department would be favourably disposed toward any proposal to establish internatio in sympathy with the rebel moalthough he insistis in giving au nal agents in Spain to preven: vement, have already recognized proposition which tends to advance our people. If diances and doing other work th entrance of munitions and this government, amoag which do not require much moother implements of war destinthem being two of our Central To Page vement, ed for either of the contestants.
American States. El Salvador The cost of this service is to be and Guatemala Costa Rica na INTEREST GROWS IN THE NATIONAL BANK borne proportionally by each one of the most pacific nations the 27 nations forming the ComEn from her abhorrencs of blood SAN JOSE RACES mittee.
shed. lag not and cannot yet reThe proposal is to be sub cognize To those who have been fol financial considerations of Mr.
any belligerent move.
lowing the propositions and pug Lindo and his associates. Fortu ject to the approval of the Span ment in any country until ahogestions of Dr. Max it will be nately, he was able to induce ish government and Generai (lute sovereignty is establish From the information hava observed that the name curl the then government, under exFranco.
been receiving, it is pleasing to International Bank is bein President don Alfredo Gonza. cz note that the greatest interest is!
usanged to that of the National Fores, to take over his xtures being evinced on all sides in Bank of Costa Rica, and real. y. and carry on the banking system the Races scheduled for the end from the scarcity of gold dep for the country. The time has of the year at the San Jose Stasits and consequent instability now arrived when the misnomer dium of our monetary system, the is apparent to all, and as the Fo lvs horses have already SERVICIO DE VAPORES Bank could not fill the role of or tils srohnure of coregistered and it is expected that an international banking institu lones are to be opened to foment this number will shortly be con tion.
agriculture and aid other in pro Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York siderably increbsed as ther, is a vements win the country, the con escala en Cristóbal y Habana likelihood of some more Piirses The inauguration and naming sequence arises that the ap of attractivea moun heinz ad.
of the Bank originated in 1914 propriate name should be the LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS vted to those already annouaced. when Mr. Cecil Vernor Lindo re Nation Bank of Costa Rica There is also a movement on frot turned here from a trip to Eu.
And with the change of name AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS we indestard. to bring some lor rope with the dea of establish also comes a change of the ses from Panama. In the man ing such an institution as a me Board of Directors, on which Vapores Salidas time it is gratifying to observe dium for a huge monetary ex will now be found some of our that the larmest rumhofen change: backed by European ca ablest men on financial mat PETEN pital. The Great War, however. ters, headed by the very nun trhnt have heen from thi Pro 15 de Noviembre vinca spart from Guanacaste intervened and frustrated the who officially brought the Inter VERAGUA 22 de Noviembre national into existence QUIRIGUA.
29 de Noviembre president Lic don Alfredo Gor.
zález Fores. The fo mer Manag ing Director, don Judo Patia, Barrister and Notary Publ: who was taken from the people ALVARADO Cia.
Bank of Cartago, is retaired on Former State Secretary of Public Education is pleased the management as General Ad Agentes para Limón Puntarenas to be again able to offer his services in all Judicial and mini trator Notarial matters to his friends and clients of the Under such able management Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas Atlartic Zrne.
Wo are conf. dent that agriculde la United Fruir Company en los bajos del COMM INICATIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO ture in all its branches, will be Gran Hotel Costa Rica greatly assisted and exploited Box 152, Limon, or Box 1241, San José and the country receive much TELEFONO 3156 benefit res new UNITED FRUIT Co.
exTeodoro Picado Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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