
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 14 Nobember 1936 Vatican Wage war on Reds YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser LD of Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER»
a Guillermo Niehaus Co.
VATICAN CITY state of war campaign to make Catholics be society and his words serve as the LIMON exists between the Vatican and lieve an alliance, or at least col pattern on which thousands of the Soviet Union.
lateral action, is posible betwen priests fashion their sermans.
MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS There has been no dec aration themeselves and Communists, The Vatican is busy at the same of war, and the fight is carried not in the political field, then at time in organizing more mat Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia on so silently and unostentatious any rate in humanitarian enter weapons for this anti Communist Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo ly that most people are hardly prises seeking to alleviate the sur war. The papal Pro Russia Com aware of it except when the Pope terings caused by the economie mistion, which was origina ly gr.
Importación de mercaderia en general utters one of his denunciations of depression.
ganized to aid Russian emigro. is communism. But war it is, never The Vatican believes this can now actively carrying on propa theless, paign has met with particular suc ganda and has established be Catholicism and communism cess in France and was largely ches in Poland, Belgium and Cze COMMENTS ON CRICKET have always, of course, been po responsible for the Popular choslovakia les apart and have never made Front victory in the last elec. The Pontifical Oriental Insti any secret of the fact that they tions. The way in which the Vatute is conducting an extensive ate irreconcilab. e enemies. Hither tican is fighting is shown not on inquiry into the Soviet régime and By Mirror Hayling but was short iived: heto however the Vatican has limitly by public condemnations ut is publishing its findings in Lt.
gave away his wicket, nervous, ed itself to protesting verbally tered by the Pope but by the plac tres de Rome. with a view to giv Ce 1936 Cricket Seasor came cok it. Wynter, the last man against actions of the Communisting on the index of forbidden ing editors throughout the world to a close Sund vy before the kept his side up nicely. Exce: régime, but recently it decided to book an dnewspapers of Bre material for combating Comm.
last when the Excelsir deieated sior was at this im seven runs campaign actively against com Nouvelle, the leading French press fnist theorieu.
the Motive Power Dy oue etket behind their opponents; Hayling munism and has called on all chantpion of collaboration be. Associations such as Pro Deo and ten runs they therefore re. then late cut Scott for Cree Catholics to organize against twden Catholics and Communists which was started in Switzerland tain their Championship hoWynter playing down the rest As the Vatican lacks temporal in welfare work.
an dis now spreading actively to ncurs. The game occupied Uno Babb again trundled and Cailos jurisdiction over the peoples it The Pope himself is the prin other countries. are being organdays and was marked by the pulled him for two, chen traight seeks to mobilize against bolshecipal instrument in the Vaticnnized under the clergy. The priests throughout. The fielding of the drove him for two successive vism, and can influence their ac fight against communism, as he indeed, are the backbone of the Motive Power team was good, Tours and a two. The fielders left tion only by creating public opie commands wide atteniton. He ne anti Communist campaign, and and their bowling stead but not be ground at this juncture.
ion favorable to its thesis, its cam ver overlooks an opportunity to the Vatican supplies the necosan deadly, while the Excels or ba condemn the Reds as a threat to lry Cadership and coordination have to express my great paign does not aim at enlisting men were in no undue hurry for dissatisfaction with such ac troops to fight communism with runs.
tion. It is not the decent thh. golethal weapons but at enrolling It would not be fair form to do, and the quicker the rac voters to keep communism out of to say, after so well contested tice is stopped the batter it witheir respective countries by SINGER) 1936 game, that the Excelsior came be for all of us. The batting side means of the ballot box.
Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora through with flylag colours for are the ones to take th: initia The Vatican feels that it is not Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna. CO the obvious reason that on the tive, Hayling and Wynter veresufficient to denounce commuSOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES by second day they batted on a heartily congratulaied.
nism as a negation of divine laws raly affected wicket, and 11 should have mentioned ar but that it is necessary to awaken Agencia «Singer» al costado Norle del Mercado ho Captain Hayling had done the lier that due understand tothe peoples to a belief that no right thing they probably would some criticisms levelle at himcompromiae is possible, com th have won. Lawrence shou hare on the fir day Umpire Jones munism has become a strong fee bowled in place of Scott, he did not turn up and Capt. Ber. tor in several countries, Machine 1936 spins the ball from leg, at a good nard of the Unity very bialy Particular emphasis is laid on You can sew with it backward and forward, do ba length, and is most troublesome consented to fill the position; he this last point, because of what embroidery, mending and hemstitching work. to On a sticky wleket. There vras did so ably.
the Vatican calls a hypocritical We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
also LeRay Captain Sutton should also ha ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH lea ve given Hayling Jnr.
Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon much longer spell, as he has do been known to give trouble on se a hazd pitch it Pley was resumes the second Tado habitante de nuestro país que sientaca LOTERIA NACIONAL MODEL VILLAGE FOR GUATEMALA day with Sutton and Wa kerriño por él, está obligado a comprar únicamente la the not outs, facing Rabberd que es la que produce la renta para el sostenimiento del HOS. With a view of furthering the recently received, to establish h3 White from the North and PITAL DE SAN JUAN DE DIOS y del ASILO CHAPUI. education of her massez in the a model village in the Depart. It South respectively. This was the matter of general sanitation and ment of Escuinta and provide it sh in Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los to enable her to provide better with all the most up to date sath only match for the Season which the latter was entry ted que padecen, nos protejemos a nosotros mismos training for those employed in nitary conveniences.
with the bal and nine rms were the country sanitary work, the The Rockefeller Foundation made off him in the over. GarRepublic of Guatemala həz ar will be assisting in the work.
Ith field batt ng was the anchor ranged, according to a new; item too of his side. Scott took over from AN APPRECIATION AND SUGGESTION que White and bowed a mandes force. Had the Emperor of Aby interests, get more air minded.
Babb followed with anger inst IPTC THE EDITOR fered free scholar Dips for 100 been provided th a suf Let us leave undone the things la PET den, he was bowling out swingers students ficient number of anes nan we ought not to do, and do those cu which Sutton left alone. Gufeld Kindly permit me space to This offer of Lieutenant Powned by capable pilots of hi: that should be done.
then scored a single off Seus congratuiate you on your valua eli is very valuable as it is now Race, he would in all probabl first ball and Sutton going upb e production. The Atlantic recognized that the security of a lity, have succeeded in ridding ROPER Ca booked a four, a two and a one. Volca; it is certainly the best nation or group depends on the his Empire of the Italian Invadbla Sutton then faced Babb and ob weekly Engl sh New paper being size and efficiency of its Alrels. Let us therefore in our own. Limon, Nov.
Int tained a two and a one on the printed in the country. Through bile On sdde. In the fo lowing CV it have had all the advantages he Babb bowled a bit slower; ice of noting international activi 10 should have done this from the ties, particular. y those of the start. On Suiton ídcing him and flity. two nations who claim re attempting to put ore a way, the they are unted, by memberball went sky ward and he was sh in the League, wit, Ethio caught; his contebution Wai pa, one of the most loyal of BANCO DEL ESTADO 32. File was given a rousing cheer its members. They have, howevSOLE BANK OF ISSUE Hayling Jr. was next nen ander done nothing ty material played down the remaining halls assist hor. Why? simp y because UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK. In Scott next Garfield was her people are of the Black Raout Allan Crack joinedce; and if we who are members ofrece al público los Offers the Public the of this same Race would give more serious consideration servicios de su Services of its the matter we would evince more Interest in ourselves and our future Wee. Le We may start by taking ex ample from the brave and courEN LA IN THE ESTRADA ageous Colonel Robinson, who gave much aid to the AbysslAbarrotes y Licores nians in their fight against the Artículos del País Italian Fascists: as also fron Lieutenant Powell, who has pro para toda clase de Precios Economics All kinds of Bank Service vided an Aviators Traini servicio bancario Rendered LA IBERIA School in Los Angeles for the benefit of Negroes and has of te LOTERIA NACIONAL be st th BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA the seer Jone PEL SÁLCMCN CHIN SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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