
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 14 Nobember 1936 LUIS WA CHONG RS year 1937 But are Bor be COMMUNISM LOSING GROUND HOTEL BRITTON By Jules Sauerwein id the Rightists that if the PoWELL. WHAT. REMEMBER! what you eat, where you eat.
pular Front was broken th, Radi Booth Bread, PARIS Events in Western cals would not side with them, Siscuits Buns, and where you sleep are the most important Europa now show clearly that and at the same time warned Without which You can things in life.
smmunism is losing ground. At Communisty that they must keop boats of cating the best.
Situated next door West of Limón Trading ter the French elections last May within the Popular Front ranks. Berlin Bread Communists believed they were Co. The old Pensión Moderna If for one reason or another Booth Biscuits near th edawn of a world victory. the Popular Front should be bro. The Peoples Bakery We guarantee up to date and hygiene services in Two months later their hope had ken, le hinted, a new election Where you will get the best.
sleeping quarters, restaurant, also soft drinks all become to them a certainty. In would be necessary. That he and the industry can produce.
at moderate prices at Britton Hotel three months, they prophesied in his fellow Radicals are prepared Moscow. Spain would be won, to take this step shows clearly had in three years, France, st ophat they are confident that they ing hope that in the new pioneJAMAICAN BRILIANT SCHOLAR timistic were the agents of Mosind the Socialists cap win back tary agreement among the thres Dr. Gladston Wilson, a Ja Degree in Philosophy. For his Grom the Communists a good ma great democracies, France, Great maican, who was ordained a Cavon Law Degree, he wrote ny of thseats lost in the last Britain and th, United States, a priest of the Catholic Church on the Unity and Pleurality of lection, and that the republic beg rning has been made toward about three years ago in Rome, Crimes and Punishment in Cacan be liberated from the com revival of liberalism and a has been sent back to his na non Law. This earned him GUACIMO GUAPILES Promising support of Moscr. strengthening. Ambassador tive land for service. The fo the rating of Summa There is confidence too that Bullit expressed those it, of cum Teigo Press speak of him the Laude recognition with the Cantina, Licores the riccline of communism does principles of liberty in a world following terms.
maximum praise. mean an increase in Fascist where many nations have for Extranjeros y del país.
Dr. Glaudston Wilson, Secu He speaks Italian, Spanish, strength. Th re ig instead a grow gotten what it is to be free.
lar Priest of the Holy Roman French, German and Dutch in Tienda bien surtida Church and fluent speaker of addition to his mother tongueAbarrotes en general six languages, absorbed all that English.
The Government EQUAL TREATMENT PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA th Rome could teach him in less Speaking on the habits of the 1937 Estimates than the prescribid period. He Icle European nations, Dr. Wilson Uw that they even spoke their SOUGHT he has returned to Jamaica with The Estimates of the country says that from his association tge Degrees of Doctor of Philoaops a oud to fore. gn diplomats. expenditure for the with the people he thinks presophy, Doctor of Theology and sent relationship between Eu in France public muniestations what is happening now? Acerding to the figures given MARACAIBO. The Venezue Doctor of Canon Law. He is out by government officials. ag.
30 years old. He left school at rope and the other Continents organid by Communists lan emp oyes of the British Amee gregate the huge sum of.
the age of fifteen after passing med up shortly; but attitudes heir campaign in Alsace proved fact that many savings have been they be treated on an equal foutis far too complex to be sungowing smaller ana smaller, and 300, 00 co ones in spite of the rican and Dutch oil companies at all his examinations with high of mind, he says. like fashions a complete flasco. In a good ma Maracaibo have demanded that honours. He served in the Civil made by abolishing several posi.
Service of Jamaica for a short of dress are apt to change from my cases their meetings were so ing with the companies foreign tions: but on the other hand se employes in the matter of salatime and by his thrift left for Enday to day unless they are basmall it was not worth while for veral new ponit had to be sed en definite and fundamen. Opposite camps to stage counter ries, housing and holidays.
gland for a clasical edncation; he created to meet present day reJou Some of the demands, such as then went to Rome where he tal principles; hence conferences manirestations. At the last par quirements.
Ve free transportation and paid holy took every course Mussolini ind commissions, promises and tial clection Communist votes in The large sum of Five million days, have been granted, and cer country could offer. On invita pacts, only result in great con Bordeaux fell off oy a third. Sev colones has been set asid, totain houses in the companies col tion, he visited and lectured at fusion of thought and still ral strike orders recently have met interest, etc. on Our foronies, hitherto occupied only beini many Universities of note on greater confusion of actions. been disobeyed by workers.
eign debt obligations, and to ta foreigners, have now been allotted Free the Continent.
He thtoks selfishness is at the Abroad the Communist balan ke care of our internal debts to Venezuelans.
Law On two occasions Dr. Wilson root of most of the maladiesce sheet is even more discourag: had the privilege of delivering from which the world is suffe ing. Stanish Nat onalists will soon ihe principal addresses in Ita ring. Instead of brooding over be in Madr d, and it Erown Oy lian at outstanding Catholic the past, if we would eradicate already that the British Govern celebrations, and received lavish selfistings from our lives this ment is all set to recognize Genpraise from the Roman press.
world weuld be less of a te eral Franco Government. All These celebrations were, the dious exile, he declares.
Soviet efforts have proved in Centenary of the founding of the Dr. Wilson is a Nephew of our vain These efforts included send College Propaganda loternatioto Barcelona friend Mr. Robert Jacket Mooing in June last nal House at Rome and the Juine re who works in the Compa. and thence throughout th. pon bilee of His Holiness the Pope. ñia Surtidora Wholesale besula their forty best Spanish Ing.
For his Doctor degree in partment. The Atlantic Voice zents who had graduated in reΠΠΟ Theology, he wrote a thesis on tre takes pleasure la complementing colutionary technique at the Uni Living Wage in the Light of Mr. Moore and his family of versity of Moscow.
the Catholic Principle. His this proof of the capabilities Here in France public opinion Ture dissertations on Nature of the which lie dormant in some of can no longer be excited by Marriage Bond earned him his us.
fear that defeat for the ComSIX REASONS WHICH MAKE CASTILLO muniste in Spain will mean the din THE BEST SOAP triumph of Fascists, because it is fairly evident that it will be Castillo is Pure Great Britain and not Italy who will have the biggest influence Castillo washes more and better ang in the peninsula. Furthermore, LIMON, slowly but surely the drift of inLIMON, Castillo prolongs the life of Clothes Importación ternational policy is toward western pact which will elimina Castillo does not injure the Hands y Imports and Exports te the Franco Russian entente.
Exportación Castillo leaves a clean smell HU CHI Recognition of this decline of communism was marked in the Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Castillo is economica! cent speech of the Radica: lea.
der. Camile Chautemps. He is fast Compra de Cacao en Buy Castillo Soap and receive the Coupons from your rom one of the most astute political grano Cocoa Purchased Grocer, then exchange them NOW for a chance at Cbservers in Franc, and the lea baser der of that section of opinion La Proveedora, Agencia General, Frank Herrera which which wants neither fascism nor commun sm, but the preservation CONDITIONS Urged to of individual liberty. As Minister FT For every purchase of the value of ten cents of CASTI ftreet of State in Premier Blum Popu LLO SOAP, you will obtain a coupon, and each ten the It has been reported from lar Front government he warnCoupons will be exchanged for one Chance. This Chance fut it Burgos that the tyo babes, boy SANTIAGO, Chile. The news will take part in the Grand Drawing to take place on the and a girl, who were born in the paper El Mercurio editorially ur the 22nd December, 1936.
dungexing of Alcazar during the ges the bovernment to follow the famous seige, may be adopted by example of neighbor countries the nation if the insurgenta fi anul cutlaw Communist activi COMERCIANTE nally succeed in controlling Spain. ties. Al newspapers stress that Establecido en la Provincia 4th. 25 cases of Soap to be selected te bo Acting on the suggestion of Co Communist propaganda por más de 20 años 5th. 15 Ionel Luis Faurie of the First Cacoming a nace to South Ame Vende al detal, Vinos y Li6th. 10 valry Regiment garrisoned at Val rica because legislative cuius cores extronjeros y del pais, abarrotes en general.
7th. enca, that the Spanish Army be are lacking MISCELANEA 8th. their Godfathers, it was atated Establecimiento esquina 9th. that General Franco was inclin tlon on lines similar to the BriNorte del Mercado.
10th. ed to order the adoption of the tish Empire adoption of the Dion Entre 45 babes by the entire Spanishna De quintuples.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
hr Elbe ET Use the best Soap and gain 500 GRAND COMPETITION ure TON ring ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME reput fable a qui tecat ibos Spain to Adopt Twins Chile Outlaw Reds ter EDGAR YOUNG Pan PRIZES: 1st. 500; 2nd. C300; 3rd. 200; who he 10 STO

    CommunismDemocracyFascismLiberalismPopular FrontsSoviet

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