
Saturday 14 Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 236 EL ATLANTICO en ube MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR FOUNDER OF RURIAL SCHEME The estzem and affection in which he mentioned the hope he spoke in Spanish, while Sisier Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard which the late William Henry had entertained of some day Caridad de Zaraga offered praNACIONALES Laidley, Founder of the Costa again meeting our Founder, but yer in the same language. The. FRANK MADURO Jr.
eta Burial Scheme Association death had intervened. He also Land of the Infinite was ung was hold was amply demonsa took the opportunity of giving by Mrs. Bernard who also spoke PROP.
ted by a very large atten ixn. e a statement in connection with appreciatively of the late Founat the Memorial Service ned at the causes which had brought der work and in closing recited Frank Maduro hijo an the Society Hall on Monday about the establishment of the Tennyson In Memocion PROP.
Best native lumber night 2nd. November.
Society and of the ready ass Miss Charles sang another Maderas del país. ExisThe Rev. Cooper, Anglica tance which had aided the Foan very fine solo Ezce Home fel tencia uits Minister, acted as Chairman Mrder efforts. At the close of the lowed by addresses from Mr.
permanente at moderate prices TYP. Blackman, the Promoter, address a solo Ave Maria was. Thomas and Mr. Mitchel nuestro depósito.
est and his Executive Staff were rendered by Miss Maria Char as: Sister Beniche here gave a song also in attendance.
and adresses given by Bros. in Spanish in so touching a man The service opened wich the Bond Gaston and Goulbourne. ner that many present were ENGLISH FMIGRANTS FOR THIS COUNTRY hymn And are we yet alive col all of whom feelingly referred unable to restra their tears.
he lowed by prayer by the Chair to the good work accomplished God be with you till we meer thres man and the reading of a pas by the Founder. Bro. Hytön aiso again was then sung and the Gret sage of Scripture by Bro. I: Ea spoke on behalf of the bereaved Rev. Cooper thanked all who had Costa Rica has been consider it. Agriculture in all its brana wards, President of the Burial family. Sister Gaston rendere in any way as wted in so worthy ed from many standpoints one chesprov. de umpie room for those y Department.
the solo The Last Goodbye in a function and closed with prac of the most favourabe of the addicted to this line of life. In0. The Rev. Cooper, in his ope a most pathetic manner Bros.
yer and the Doxology.
countries of the Western Worla dustrialists will also find much ad ning remarks, expressed his gra Valverde and Manzanares as also Evelyn Carnegie for immigration on agricultural spac, for operations. Why should those titude for the privi:ege alforica Pte. Secy. o Promo and industrial lines.
Sisters Hererra and Guadalupe we have to import cottoa and vorld him and referred to the pobie From the inquiries being made wool for weaving our wearing stk done by the deceased in or of the government by Mr. Nutapparel? Why should we have to ganizing the Society to assist ter Cos regarding the conditions import cattle for meeting the poor and needy; he exzed English emigrants would be ex meat demans? and why flour members to aspire to a higher pected to fulfil We are led to for our Brzad? These are just VT sphere than the mere material heleveth ere may coon be an exo a few items which catch the eye things connected with the godus of these from the British is of an experienced farmer, but ciety. The hymn Brief fe is les for our quiet, hospitable and there are dozens of things that here our portion was then sung progressive little Republie. could be exported at good profit when the Promoter staneng There undoubtedly much If placed on a systematic basis with his Steff and other efscope here for men possessed of of production cers around a draped catafalEl más surtido en Matina small capital and willing to work As que, delivered his address in our HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes is LEARN SPANISH se en de Curious Happenings at Westfalia WHERE ALL MUST It would do well for the Fiscal José Achion Ng BY MAIL Guards to visit this District moWORK rendezvous Te frequently, as a Quickest system to learn conversation and reading.
ha Comerciante Detallista for improper purposes seem to Expert Teachers. Low Rates We have it from Busnos Aires be located somewhere in the vi Licores, Abarrites, CristaleWe know how to do it. Write us at once and we will that all able bodied men will, cinity. We have heard complaints ria, Artículos de Ferretería gladly send you details of Studies course, y Eléctricos; todo from now on, have to work in regarding violations of the Liquor cuentra en You will be happily surprised to know how este estableci. the Republics of Faraguay and Law, and peaceful citizens are miento a Bolivia. Unlike many nations in easily Spanish conversation becomes under our iuition.
disturbed by the dehauche which millions are without jobs by indulged in at this New Costa Rica English Academy PRECIOS DE SITUACION against their desire, these, it is oyland Park. At all hours of LIMON cald have been afflicted with Professor EZEQUIAS MADRIGAL The night cars may be observed thousands who do not want to SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA.
sonveying pleasure seckr; thi.
hr, who engage in drinking and President Rafael Franco of Pa ther pastimes up One man with two Languages receives double Pay to the wee ANOTHER CACAO raguay signed a during the Ours of the morning.
pas! month, making work comLat Pursday night those liber ROBBERY pulsory for all healthy men. Pre ines indulged in much crous sident Toro of Bo ivia als SCARCITY OF CORN OUR CACAO ng shriegs and shoutings to the cred e similar measure a month innovance of peaceful lawabiding or so previously.
EXPORTATIONS pre dents who were deprivrd of On this occasion Blveriy 13 Under The Parerguryan Taw heir sleep until after the depar. the scene of action. man na those of her male citizens who curn there hunters after plea med Wh. te was found in pas. net willingly find employ Corn, one of the most neces We have been eforded the Ture session of a barbecue In the ment for themselves will be plac sary of our articles of consump very interesting Information re Westfalia heire transform bushes about two hundred yards at work on farm colonies to tion, has been very scarce for garding the vo ume and value from a peaceful village, whith from his house.
be established by the government, the past few months and consu of our Cacao Wade during the e ou gentry were fond of going Company farm gather. ng caWhite lives ard works on the quently prices have scared; here period January to October of on horseback with the lady Braddock and Louis they have gone as high as the current year, by a recently cao, but had also boen gathering friends to enjoy the cool even teen, and in some instances, published statement. The figusome for himsef and so made Ing breeze, into res disclose a marked increase a place of NEW YORK twenty cents per pound. The The world repute. Will our vigilant and af.
rable Comandant of Polies not some one, who became aware oe Louis have signed a contract conveniences as she ha: sup last year.
a drier of his own in the bushes poplon James Braddock and Province of Guanacaste has ho over the quantity sent out the wever saved us from further in country during a simiar period enquire into these complaints of this reported the matter and meet in Atlanta City on the plied over 420 tons to the seves Up to the 31st. Cetober it is the Superintendent on golrig to 22nd of February next.
ral markets throughout the stated that 4322 420 kilos were The agreement stipulates that ccuntry. She has also provided exported with a value of 418. 722 we young Pearson, the own. found much Cacao under pro Braddock will receive 300 tous. us with 168. 158 kilos of Rice dollars.
und dollars plus ten per cent of and 12. 107 of Beans Compared with and driver of an automoble, cess of drying. As White could last year exportations the appreLas returning last Monday night not explain how he cbtained the the net receipts; Louls to bo glIs it not time for our Provinciable increase of 1366 021 kilos rom the Railway stit on with Cacao he was dismiş ed from sen twelve and a half per cent. ce to endeavour to supply cur was discloced.
a passengers from the Local Train the farm and the Cacao takea The result of this er unter markets with an appreciab e from him. It is not known The largest amount, 099, 820 which had arrived after night fall, will in no way affect Braddock percentage of these commoditie? kilos went to the United States de came in contact with a child legal proceedings will be institu! as it is not connected wita the She is posseesred of the lands while Germany came next with who suddenly ran in front of the ted against hin.
championship suitable for their producten 973 883 ar in trying to get across the spletreet.
The Ill fated infant, who was Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol alə We bez to call you attention to our r2. ar 12 back de su recibo que dice: out three years old, was rushed of receipt which reads.
oth, hosptal but died shortly Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at pur office fter cina dentro de los primeros 10 días Pearson was arrested and ta before the 10th of the month en to the Cuartel. but persons de cada mes who witness:d the recident sta.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena te he is not to be blamis de tener que cortar su servicio.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which the child dashed so suddentijaWe would much regret to take Tons the street he was unable to getting in contact with CHILD KILLED BY AUTO the spet along with his fore nan Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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