
EDITORIAL The Atlantic Vaice The San Carlos Roadway War Clouds Are Again Gathering To assistance a 255 SOur most energetic and straightforward PreDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zon sident, don León Cortés, has fulfilied the promise Editor English Section: C. NATION made during his election campaign of giving roadway communications to cutlying districts. He has Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 21 November 1936 No. 120 given instructions for the construction of a road leading from Naranjo into the San Carlos forests.
work on which is to start on the 1st. December next. promise of a similar nature, to take effect at an early dare, lias also been assured the GuaThe most terribla cf the cul ported to be also zecuring such and na. sides paralong we nacaste setilers.
warteres which hava occurred, gains on thelr oppon. t, in the being burridly nad lo oniront We do hope the Representatives of our Proin the history of Spain remplet s2 sector as are skely to endapany emergency vince will secure a similar assurance for the building ed its fourth month of ex: uca ger the entire system of taci England and Franke have de of a road from this Ciry to Siquirres by way of last Thursday with the Trens ty defcace.
clared they do not tatel to the back lands of Río Blanco, Liverpool, Chirriitum disc osing a gruesona Pitb ie manifestatia now lerate any int rf:rence with their pó, ant on to the Moravia Valley to thereafter conle of dath and destructton in tein made in favour thie sur Shipping operations on the 2Lodi and around the City of Medrid. fender of the City in order to sa terranean, the meanwhile e. nect with the Peralta Turrialba Juan Viñas Road In view of the stern resistence it from furthe. destruction, ral Franco has advised that al which is nearing completion. As San José can ow with which the loyalists have but the anarchists decare they British ships should be bz reached from Juan Viñas through Santiago and ben me ng their attaci 10 would rather destr it these mediately withdrawn from the Paraiso, the construction of the section to Peralta cently, the insurgentay saem ves to allow it to ful into the ports which will be subject would place our city in direct communication with selvd, if thy cannot otherwise bands of the Fasciss bis blockade as his government sullet it to completely desur y the Metropolis.
Grmany and Italy hare now could not guarante them Med regardless of the toreiste oit. cially acognize the govern fety.
In expressing this hope we are mindful of don sacrifice of lives this will involvement tf General Franco wh eh Authorized sources in Moscow Leon dzel. raliun that, so soon as the economic Thir places have been ru dieng gives rise to the coin on that state that the Soviet ra conditions of the country are sufficiently improved, the city almost constantly forcer and Mussolint bar eded mem has no intention of upeny his government will think of other routes as useful the past four days causing incles to openby assist th natiosalist intervening unless Germany aad as those of San Carlos and Guanacaste as he cribable destruction with an ever caus, and this buliet has ben Ialy augment the Inceasing death toll, thy majo heightened by the mor recent they are now affording the in has in mind useful, reproductive and imperishable rity being women and chadren announcement of Franco that be surg ata; howeve whatever works on new highways into new regions which, In tas meant me their land for intends to completely blockade stopa Russia may decide to take, while afiording the best possibilities to labour ces continue hammering ct the all the ports yet controiled by it must be remembered sh. inc would yield wonderfully attractive prospects.
defences of the loyalists in rech, loyal sty and to cart his ed with the German Italo ties or the fiercest engagmits of usive against Barulonu. As on the one side and that recen the back of Dundonia, Chirripó, and on up to DeThe opening up of the virgin lands lying to particularly to the south wh re, it is well known that the 15 sur tly concluded bstween Japar and they were able to obtain a footing gents are not in yoxassion of a Germany wh ch would theaten ralta would undoubtedly cause new villages to spring in the city proper. More intensi sufficient rumber of boats to her from the East. Austria has up where unproductive forests now abound, while ve ghting has also condencea efectively und rakezuch not yt stated her position, but the towaships now in existence along the route abs, the sectors to th: west und bleek de the feeling exists that it is thought she is awaiting at would be accorded the means for further expansion.
north of the city as a consequen they are ccunting a th.
fall or Madrid to line up with the Our Agricultural Industry wou also be greatly od ce of the offensive again under tance of Germany and Ilaly, To Page taken by tà governmn forces: thus a strate neret alarm has assisted as such a highway would further assist su th: insurgents are, however, re bin created throughom Europe Governor on Hospitalization the transportation of Bananas and other products Question into this City, thus affording the government anoTo Coin Our Own Money ther source of revenue and bringing conteniment Now that the matter of the and happiness to the citizens of our peaceful The government has deci chine once more in harness hospitalization of our Banana country ded to coin our own five and it has therefore been cleaned workers has ben definitely set ten cents pieces. The machi ard repaired.
ted, don Reardo Alvaredo, our nery for effecting this impor Fifty thousand colones in energetic Governor thnks the tant work has been lying for five cent pieces and one hun. methods urder which thi: at some time in the Public Work dred thousand in those of the present being carried into effect The Authoritos seem to be frity whose decision will be sho)s in San José, and in en cent denomination are to do not sufficiently protest those experiencing difficulties in the final but subject only o an view of the shoriage now be minted; therefore the scar most concerned. He is of The deportation of foreigners from appeal to the Supreme Court being experienced in commercity of small charge now being opinion that a seta milar to lis country and se, as a pre The Iwo essential points by cial circles with respect to experienced in bi siness will that which obtain under the Caution, the Executive Coun which the Minister of Public Law on Accidents hould these pieces, the Executive soon be eliminated.
be cil ha, sent a project to Con Security wil be guided when has decided to place the ma instituted an lae submitted his gress for the amendment ddiciating expulsion are one, proposals along these lines for the existing law.
when passporls and oiher dutthe consideration of the Minister The proiect proposes that cuments of identification are of Public Health the decision for the expusion not in order and, we when Under the tem uggested of an undesirab. e subject proofs of the undesirability by con Ricardo the Authorities shou devo ve, in future, un of the party concerned have would be able to more effect v2 the Minister of Public Secu been fully established.
ly control matters and avid SERVICIO DE VAPORES the occurrence of certain de! Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York quences on the part of the con escala en Cristóbal y Habana he responsible under the Law LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS The Pope Successor para EUROPA Vapores Salidas Now that the health (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdamy Iris Holiness thesis caus Hamburgo. VERAGUA 22 de Noviembre og great anxiety ra the fai thful, there is much specula QUIRIGUA 29 de Noviembre CARIBIA Diciembre tion regarding his successor. PETEN de Diciembre Paris reports it is curren SESOSTRIS Diciembre 25 tly believed that an American Cardenal WT cho Para GUATEMALA ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
sèn; and this idea is support ed by the reseat of Chr Puerto Barrios y Livingston. CARARE. de Diciembre denal Pacelli, Secretary to the Holy See, not only. CARIBIA Llevando ca solamente para Londres, Noviembre 30 the High Prelates of the ALVARADO Cia, Church in the United States SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS Ageates para Limón y Puntarenas but to President Roosevelt Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse.
as well.
Pare otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Frui: Company en los bajo: dej The most likely of the North American Cardenals HAPAG LLOYD Gran Hotel Costa Rica on whom the Mantle TELEFONO 3156 may fa! is Cardenal Patrick Hay Age, cia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 ne of New York.
Amendment In Repatriation Law UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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