
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 21 Nobember 1936 THE ROMANCE OF YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER BREAKING UP POCOMANIA CULT.
00 case was BRITAIN KING within the past month or two, the Queen Mother. Premier the redrobed Justice administer there has been much comment Baldwin, the Duke of York and ing justice that to them seemed «SINGER» 1936 regarding the intimacy of His the Archbishop of Cante bury. largely tempered by mery. In Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora Mazeyt King Edward VII with and resulted in the King giving one instance, he let off with a Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna.
Mr. Wallis Simpson who has his assurance that there would caution a party of men who SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES teen twice divor ed. first from be no marriage, but that in adopted the ultra modern methEarl Winfield Spencer JU und token of the gratitude he enter od of game hunting by shoor Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado Just recently from Ernest Aldichtained for Mrs. Simpson for hering rabbits on Crown land in the Simp. on. These comments are attentions to him at a timeglere of the readtigns of their said to have actually produced a when his life might have been automobile spilt in London high Society in danger, he would continue to The Justice reminded them of Machine 1936 and were caus. ng much unrest regard her as an intimate friend the days when poaching would You can sew with it backward and forward, do among the guardians of the We reproduce the fo lowing us have been punished with depur embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
Brities Constitution, as it scen we are confident it will accrdtation to the Antipodes for a mied that the King was determini much interest among a large or nimum period of seven years.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
ed to marry the lady and accord cle of our readers: The romance ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH ing to the Smartchat Magazine Mrs. Wallis Simpson plaintift Singer gency at the North side of the Market in Limón.
of the United States, is Proud IPSWICH Tirg and. The in Simpson vs. Simpson of her. The matter has howevwork of clearing the Jall. the avoided public appearanc23 er ben settled with Mrs. Simp process of British as ize law by as much as possib, while she son losing hopes of becoming which criminal cases receive waited for the case to be heard the wife of a Monarch of the preference over civil cases at Ipswich Britsh Empire cupied Justice Sir John Anthony Rumour has it here that, de These Hermanos Terribles are Ernest Simpson, who had very lengthy conferre on Hawks a whole da yand his gor: sign:fied that the would not con timan Krimbell Dabney (known wit hcraft and occult mystieksm cording to the Gleaner, Sir Al also known to be operators of the subject is reported to have geously uniformed marshal taken pace between the King, ushered him out of the tiny test the divorce tiction, remained as Altı. who was deported to or an infernal nature which they in London court to the accompaniment of a Jamalca as an undesirable ci practLe against their FellowThe King was with a hung zen, will be sent back by the Ja men and so scare many who Bananas in Payment fanfare of silver trumpets without the Simpson divorce party at Sandringham, ninety ml maica government as he is not would attempt to declare against for Boots being reached notes by automobla 1rom Ipswich a citizen of that land what thi; damnifying cult. They even PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia The international appetite for then wij happen? He is said to go so far as to profess they can Military trumpeters have re The Spanish Rebels lack information about these placed the old time heralls who three be a tizen of Monserrat End influence, by evil sp ritim, the of Cunds has caused General 11. was tantalized by the should therefore have been sert minds of our Judges anil 04used to sound the fanfares Francisco Franco to offer there. The woman said to be his cials in favour of themselves.
bananas in payment for von which announce the closing of Hems the County Assizes and il. English papers, wh le not wife seem to have no ce. tificate and their wickedness and by the signal ts to a Czechoslovak mantthe daily entrances and depar mentioning Mrs. Simpin discusa of marriage she has therefore ad of prominent Attorney facturer tures of the scarlet. robed judged the possibility of the King been sent to her relatives in the (well paid) a lay the les stans The Czechoslovak Snoe concern of Bata has many nizer yng a commoner. The News parish of St. Catherine and te given against them by our Go who presides at them.
branches in Spanish Moro It was noted as an interesting view of London elting legal others distributed to their sive vernors and Political Ch eis Suh procedures are to be concoincidence that the trumpeterspinions, declared that the King ral home districts.
cco and was due to receive detailed at Ipswich came from cald legally marry outside of The slack privilege allowed damned ard exposed rathea than 000. 000 Czech crowns in these Pocomia peop e to e protected for monetary considethe band of the Coldstream rovn ty. According to the Royal payment for varius orfeet marriages among themsel rations by Lawyers who claim ders, including boots requi! Guards. It was as an officer of Marringe Act of 1772, it sitioned for the Spanish Re that famous regiment that Ern tea out, th: King need only ves well knowing it. o be only a to be professing christians, ritule est Simpson, the defendant in his consent beeth. Privy license for immorality, with the rea izing that by fostering these bels. The Rebels have for the cause celebre which is to Coucil in order to make any ma encouragement of pro. bituin al honest and immoral cult, they bidden payment of any fore make these Assizes memorable. rrige he chooses. On, curb is among the ring generations are operating against the tlach ign debts from territories performed his war service, It on his choice by the Bill of investigate and puni severaly encouraging criminology in their a matter for the government to ings of the Holy Church and they occupy.
In response to renewed Sunday austrated newspapers Rigets he may not marry a Pa while self inhibited from These Pocomia Shepherds men pist. Mrs.
pressure by the firm of Bata, Simpsons divorca are country allowed to sta through the land tioning the Simpson case take action, it is held suggests that under the guise of Ministers of Gov Tror dr Ricardo AlvaroIt is honelt our however, voung General Franco such satisfaction as they made an offer to allow paymay she is not of the Catholic faith out of the printing of large pica religious cult to com. mt do, will nt allow himse to be ment in bananas. In defauli (2The King summoned a tures of the trumpeters sound meeting of his Privy Council. The pernicious acts in the name of prosecuting to the utmost sorts of beast. y, immora!
of any other method of reand wayed buh Lawyers from s couping, the Bata firm hasing the call which annouces the Council is descended from an an religion even to the extent of warfare against these false re.
accepted this offer.
judge arrival at court and of re getting yearly passes on the judge hlmself in die wig aad cient and powerful body of the ligionists who endeavcur to se robes entering the court house gal aavisers; row its duty Railways for fostering licenti duce the minds of our citizens to advise the Crown on the issue ousness and degradation among from the tenets of the religion of by its arched gateway.
of ordinances and, es noted abo innocent cit zens, without inves our Country.
ordinarily this is so frequentve, to hear the Crowns consent tigations being previously made Wee. Le a sight in England that it would to royal marriages.
as to the correctne:e of their not call for a newspaper illustra. 3) In Losdon it was observed claims. In other countries, wier Co uw bus Ashes in Urn ESTRADA tion any more than does the that the King personal body these fictitious inscriptions are Cod Abarrotes y Licores daily spectacle of the guard and his chauteur had solicited of the government They Artículos del País streams on sentry duty before been nssigned to Mrs. Simpson are subm. tted to the local ALCIUDAD TRUJILLO, Do Buckingham Palace.
rvice thorities for investigations as to minican Republic. The rePrecios Econónicas American newspapermen ONDON. There is still the antecedent; of the no ayp puted ashes of Christopher thouga disappointed at aot seewere deposited LA IBERIA cants as also wit hrespect to the Columbus divorce ing Mrs Simpson on the witness nesition of the Simpson foundational existence of the today in a new rockerystal stand, were enabled to watu. TO PAGE 10)
cult to which they claim affil a urn.
tion before inscription is grent The urn, replacing the oried.
ginal lead casket, was preThe leaders of this secret culs. sented by President Rafael who boast of the know. edge of Trujillo in observance of his an unknown tongue, are proven birthday. High diplomatic to be illiterate men who cannot officials attended the cere read the Bible and can tard y monies at the Columbus sign their names; what leasier tomb.
El éxito en los negocios y en la chip can they there are emulate The President asserted to their surroundings but Igna. that the transfer was the vida está siempre en espera del rance, profliga y, immcralty and, first step in a program that hombre que tiene el dinero nedegradation part. cularly to the will end with completion of younger generation, who a a lighthouse memorial in cesario en el momento preciso though coloured, are nevart 1942, the 450th anniversary less Costa Ricans of the discovery of America.
Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Guillermo Niehaus Co.
LIMON MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAÍS Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Importación de mercaderia en general 1s SALOMON CHIN Ahorrel!
Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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