
Saturday 21 Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE CRICKET ReTenants on Government Lands as it Complaints have reached the existing rates should be occupancy of these lands, very popular game look at four runs the Lamb stood place last Sunday Married up innocently 10 a spin from that some rascals are out adhered to, but by the inter consequently these applicacollecting and attempting to vention of some Deputies tions will be the only and pro Men vs.
Bachelors. The Bramble and had to resire to collect cash payments as and a protest submitted by per way of formally bringBenedicts were opposed by the sheep fold. Lawrence was rentals from the settlers on the native settlers on the ing the matter to his knowle a very strong team of Bacaught off Bramble and Mac the government land, along Pacific side, it has been su dge. This may not however chelors. It unfortunately had went down to him with the the Railway lines.
ggested that the rates should be done until Congress deci1o be abandoned on account of next ball, thus giving this We therefore wish to in be one half of those stipulat des the question.
an exceedingly heavy down young bowler the honours of form all who are in occupa ed. The Pacific Coast set The Management of The pour of rain.
ihe Hat Trick. At this stage, tion of these lands along the tlers, however, are still pro Atlantic Voice will from time The Bachelors balted first and ihe married men were looking Railway from Limon to Gua testing; they claim the lands to time be glad to give every were all disposed of for the fishy umour Iwo Caplains piles, that enquiries have should be free was, information according to the significant score of 99 runs Sutton and Hayling started been made of the Officer arranged by law that they decision of the government.
Young Blackshaw played weli to punish the bowling merci, named by the Minister of should be occupied free of for his 24, playing freely on lessly but the rain intervened Finance to attend to these rentals by such settlers who all points of the wicker but with the score at 42 for three collections, and we are assur could not buy lands to culti was nicely taken behind the workers.
ed that no authority has vate. Nothing therefore can sticks by Campbel. Myrie Thus ended the 1936 Sea Leen given anyone to collect legally be collected until Con and Hayling were the best son to give a chance for the such rentals. Anyone, there gress passes a new law fixbowlers of the side.
rearranging of the pitches 10 fore, who endeavours to ob ing definite rates. Occupiers The Benedicts then opened meet 1937.
tain these payments in the of these lands should also LIMON with McRae and Lamb, when name of the government abstain from signing Com should be held and handed tracts at this time.
over to the nearest Agent of Fábrica de Hielo Police.
With regard to the strips It should also be remem along the Railway on which Refrescos bered that no rate of rental houses have been built, the has yet been decided for owners of these should subeither these strips along the mit applications to the MiRailway or on the Milla Ma nister, such applications to ritima, therefore until Con be signed in the presence of gress decides what the rate a Lawyer and witnessed by shall be no moneys should him. It should be understood be paid.
LA FLORIDA that government wnows no It was at first arranged by thing with respect to the Fábrica de Hielo COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION Expenses Increase Year by Year Venta de Leche y Maderas ver, it has gives me (COAL OIL)
CABALLO BLANCO With the announcementing the huge deficit of that our expenditure for this 4, 410, 730. 04. year would be in the vicinity This year, 1936, west War Clauds are again.
HERES WHAT of 31, 000, 000 colones, some spend as announced 31, From Page of our leading Statisticians 300, 000 but we have not yet) Franco regime; this act would MRS. GUNNARD NELSON and Deputies set themselves been afforded our income.
OF CASSELTON, of course ba pleasing to Hitler the task of investigating and Mussolini as it would greatly DAKOTA, WRITES: why: and looking into the In 1928 don Ricardo adstrengthen their hands ugainst am very glad to have a past they are satisfied there ministration left us a casn Russia wbile, in so far as ran chance to tell you how nothing unusual because balance in favour of 1,, ce is concerned, it would materia Very much my Kerosene Electrolux has helped me it is seen that from 1929 912. 255. 90 because aiver ny weaken the usefulness of her In a hundred different ways.
there has been an increas earning 33, 318, 699. 46, he agreement with the Soviet Union Besides its being a food ing expenditure far above only spent 28, 406, 443. 56.
chance to have such a varie Taking into consideration tha ety in meals. As for having our income.
Therefore, looking into se several movements as alss the company. find it ian a In 1929, we spent 36, 220. the past seven years can there any more. can fix fact significant that 065. 65 white income Mussoli frozen salads so long ahead was sactions, there has been a of time there needn be only 35, 395, 986. 26, thus total deficit of 15, 988, 739 ni Supreme Council has confirm any last minute rush to fix them so they ll be freah. leaving a deficit of 824, 0791. 02 cents including the cashed the necessity of largely in.
colones 39 cent.
left us in 1928 of 4, 51 creasing the Nation war forces In 1930, we far exceeded 255. 90, while the actual, there is every evidence that the al) expectations in expendt operations during this pe international situation in Europe ture, spending as we did the riod produced an indebted is at present much more titecaRUNS ON sum of ness of 11, 076, 483. 12 plus, rious than ever.
32, 513, 818. 70 while we only earned.
possibly, what we may KEROSENE in 27, 468, 498. 27 leaving herit when our income for deficit of 5, 045, 319. 43 the present year has been EL WITHOUT MACHINERY In 1931, expenses were made known.
NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT 27, 570, 946. 09 and earn MO DAILY ATTENTION ings 24, 750, 462. 96 leaImg a deficit of 2, 820, 483 FURTHER IMMIGRATION 13 cents.
Cantina Posada In 1932, we spent 25, RESTRICTIONS EROSENE y Cafeteria Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes 024. 853. 32 and earned.
Temperature regulator eith Electrolux Spoeda freesing C23, 095, 877. 52 leaving No more immigrants of the Felipe Wing Ching brings to farm deficit of 1, 928, 975. 80.
homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux category of labourers, artisans, and conveniences that have made actually pays for itself with its In 1933, we spent 24, regar ete regardless of nationa. Apartado 395 the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on 569, 408. 44 and earned. ity are fo permitted to enter the lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
C23, 884, 005. 95 leaving a coumtry.
and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate so deficit of 685, 402. 49. This dedsion has been arrived refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple In 1934, we spent 36, at by the Executive as it is fect An Extraordinary Coffee Crop protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no 685. 864. 93 and earned that our unemployment situaice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless 26, 412, 114. 58 leaving tion cannot entertain further Such an extraordinary crop of delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner docs deficit of 273, 750. 35. competition from foreign ele Coffee is now being reage: lin greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates de In 1935, we spent 31, ments, the districts around Turrialba work.
preciation due to moving, wear 577. 494. 90 and earned Instructions in this respect that the local curing houses are Nor is that all! Electrolux runs ing parts. Electrolux requires no 27. 166, 764. 86 thug leav have been give nall Consu congested and unable to cope for only a few pennies a dayOne daily attention. needs no water.
with the situation. The smaller filling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature.
cultivators who were threatened QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX with the loss of much of their product had to call on the gov No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency Conernment for assistance, and as a tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every LIZANO BRENES result of the efforts of the MLnisted of Pub ic Works and, the worthwhile convenience Savings that Estación de Florida Línea Limón National Bank, the excess quanpay for it.
tity is being transported to fieOfrece toda clase de maderas a precios muy redeal for curing, the Manage JOHN KEITH Co.
bajos. Especialidad en forros de ment of the Northern Railway haing gratiously conceded to unAgentes Exclusivos DIFERENTES DIBUJOS dertake tht transportation at Agente Limón: JOHNSTON very reasonable emergency rates Aserradero Guadalupe Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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