
LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION bas our VDU CO RUNS ON (COAL OIL WITHOUT MACHINERY NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT ND DAILY ATTENTION As a means apeeds freesing Saturday. Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Milla Maritima. The 1937 Estimates (From page 7) The Minister of Finance den Raul Gurdian la at lust SubIt is true the government should earn some mitted his appropriaticas for Rental from her lands, but when it is considered one coming year expr liture that these holdings create communities from which which is fixed at 31, 802, 968, 60 revenue is derived, it is hardly fair that anything of this sum, 7, 848, 575, 19 other than a PEPPERCORN RENT should be noen set aside to provide interest un and amortization of our puimposed. The Northern Railway Company, in her olie debts, the remainder, usual generosity, has set a standard by charging 23, 953, 239, 45, being required the small sum of a dollar per annum for each for the administration or holding, and surely the government, from whom affairs, according to the follow ing we expect protection, guidance and encouragement The Legislative Department HERE WHAT for the formation of such rural districts and 381, 045. Judicial C920, 200; Se MRS. GUNNARDE NELSON communities, should not do any more than the cvetary of State internal affairs, OF CASSELTON, standard set by a foreign Corporation. 2, 061, 000; Police 560 656; DAKOTA, WRITES: These settlers are not squatters, they were secy. of Labour 113, 376; Public Mualic am very glad to have a privileged to settle on the lands from as far back Health 2, 452, 891, 80; chance to tell you how Works C5, 849, 926, 40; Agriculta very much my Kerosene as the Tomas Guardia Administration when working Electrolux has belped me Is 277, 120; Foreign Relations in a hundred different ways.
on the construction of the and at e 393, 180; Justice 79, 220; Besides its being a food cavet It has given me their death they left their heritage to their relatives grop 55, 740; Education chance to have such a varlor friends; much consideration should therefore be 5, 077, 037; Public Safety ety in meals. As for having company. ind it isn a shown the present occupiers. Most of these settlers 2, 552, 451, 25; Finance chore any more. can fix 3, 180, 070 frozen salade so long abend were placed in charge of their holdings by don of time there nocdn be According to these figures we any last minute rush to Balvanero Vargas during the never to be forgotten will in the coming year, be spend them so they be freeb.
regime of don Rafael Iglesias; and as late as 1928, ing 3537, 929, 89 more than we as a consequence of the flood, the settlers at Es have done this year for administrada and Matina were offered the Faja de Gobierno trative expenses as well as down toward Saborio and toward 28 Miles to eli 145, 899, 68 additional in public debts; which produce a groter minate the sufferings then evidenced. How is it total expenditure of fair, then that the government of don León Cortés, 3, 983, 329, 07 than In 1936.
KEROSENE who is a great supporter of education, agriculture Abysinian and industries should wish to place a greater than a Peppercorn tax of say a colon per annum for each holding?
ADVERTISING OUR The same argument holds good with respect FURNITURE to the Milla Maritima lands. These were originally reserved by law for settlement and cultivation by world cat cur artisans are sec of showing the KEROSENE Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes Temperature regulator mUtElectrolux poor eitizens who could not afford to denounce ond to none in woodwork and up brings to farm homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux large tracts, and in consequence of the increasing holstery is well as to advertise and conveniences that have made actually pays for itself with its population, the old men who were contracted here the quality of our different woods, the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on the Public Works Department has for railway and farm work, having to give way to lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
been ordered to furnish the Lega evounger men, their offspring had to treck to the tion at Washington with a full and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate 30 refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple mountains and coasts, by permission of former set of furniture. The wo will protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has not wete Governors, to make their own livelihood and thus of mohogany and finished in ice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless at paticion of the Louis the fif delicious frozen desserts.
minimize non employment. Is it therefore fair that glow type kerosene burner does teenth style.
greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates de or they should now be taxed for their thrift and inpreciation due to moving, wearanddustry? The government has decreed that ihe Cía.
It is taid that othr diplomatic Nor is that all! Electrolux runsing parts. Electrolux requires no titan Bananera cannot charge more than a colon per offices in the leading countries of lor only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water.
filling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature.
annum. per hectarea for banana farms; why there the world will be similarly fur nished This will undoubtedly fore should the government charge more than this QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX open the eyes of the civilzed naamount to her CITIZENS?
tions to the class of material Costa No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency ConSo far as Cacao lands are concerned, it is Rica ean furnish and the capabi tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every well known that the sea breezes are detrimental lities of our leading tradesmen.
worthwhile convenience Savings that to this class of cultivation, for if a belt of forest pay for it Esbe not left to protect the trees, the blossoms get burnt and the crops are not what they should be: Se JOHN KEITH Co.
it would therefore be more advantageous to instiAgentes Exclusivos tute a small export tax, as in done on Coffee, motor rápido Agente Limón: JOHNSTON rather than tax the settlers one colon per month Johnson per hectarea. heavy crop of this product is hardly 16 Jockey Do you think it GA ever obtained more than once in every seven years, Netherland Hail Pair good luck for a jokey to find meantime the farmer must continue his maintenance Entenderse; Compañía a horseshoe just before a race?
HE HAGUE The Netherlands. Turfite. Not when it oif expenses.
Nal. Bananera Amid scenes of wild enthu the horse m betting on.
These are some of the more important points LIMON which should be brought to the special attention of siasm, 10. 000 members of Neuherland provindal corporatius the Minister of Finance and his representatives to paraded before the Royal o secure an amelioration in the inclination to place Bomb Factory Found Palace where Queen Wilhelmina, By the way, do you know her daughter, the Princess Ju. what worse than a guy who de an oppressive rate of rental on unproductive lands.
LYON, France It is advisable that every settler get together aing a Lyon factory. Police, raillana, and the latter fiancéuses his knife to eat with?
owner Prince Bernhard of Lippe. Bi why. sure; the guy who uses at once and send an intelligent representative to home, found half a million in esterfeld, watched from a balco it to stick this friend in the back.
the President and his Ministers of Finances and cendiary bombs that they said ny.
Agriculture so that they may learn the true facts were destined for Barcelona, It was reported in court circies obtaining in these outlying districts and legislate Spain.
André Christophe, 40 years that Juliana and Bernhara proSALOMON CHIN with justice in keeping with our conditions.
o. d, was arrested. The officers bably would be married in De.
said he told them 100poo of the cemer.
Wee. Le THREE DEATH SENTENCES bombs already had been delivered in Barcelona, which is supESTRADA HAVANA. Weath penalties and his wife during at attempt porting the Madrid were imposed by the Urgency ed robbery.
Boss. There one tace Abarrotes y Licores Court in Santigo on Angel Luis The execution of their appeal The police said Christophe never forget in life.
Artículos del País Perez, Marie Amenares and fe. is rejected, will be carries out method was to have part of the Steno Mine?
Precios Económicas lipe Agramonte, following the by a firing sqaud in acordance bombs made in one factory and Boss. No, the one my wie do conviction of willing Jose Planes with a recent law reestablishing part in a second, putting them made the last time she caught LA IBERIA capital punishment, together himself.
me kissing you.
chure work.
78 GovernBy Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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