
EL ATLANTICO LEARN SPANISH Best native lumber en Among Local Strikers Congress Party Line Up 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday Nobember 1936 USEFUL WEED Ecuador and Foreign Co Losses by Strike Currency By latest reports it is noted had to ſettison 50, 000 stems of becnt carrying, we notice, dis New Granada (Dow Colombia that the United Fruit Company fruit at sea for lack of labour eussion between a correspondent since the middle of the 18th cep Guayaquil, Ecuador. The has suffered tremendous losses in discharge same, The Antigua per sad to do the same with her cur Ana gineer din Jaime Gurrez tury.
director of exchange control, consequence of the great strike regarding the efficiency of The writer of this nuits bas of 53, 000 stems and was for: has directed that tourists and among dock labourers in the the Cuaco plant as a Teniedy used the Guaco as a first clase foreign seamen may land with United States involving more than eed to go down the Mexican count 40 000 men.
for snake bites when the Surro remedy in cases of Intestinu a foreing currency in their pos.
to secure the necessary labour.
The Talamanca did not This represents an immense Anticridico is not to hand. rasites in man or beast, and also session. This announcement take a pound of cargo or a passen loss to shipping on the Pacific Mr. Gutierrez attempts to de as a good wash for all skin followed the recent action of co while the correspondent brings we therefore recommend that its the passengers and crew of preciate the efficiency of the Gua seases caused by parasitic oitos. ihe customs in prohibiting Ber to Balboa last week, and she Coast pro of thig as well as the great cultivation be encouraged. the Grace liner Santa BarbaDepósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Tecognition gives the plant in ra from landing with dollars in their possession.
NACIONALES Tourist in transit and visiFRANK MADURO Jr.
tors remaining for not more PROP.
than thirly days will be allo wed to land with an unlimi Frank Maduro hijo, BY MAIL ted amount of foreign cuPROP.
rrency. Business men who Quickest system to learn conversation and reading. are enjoying increasing lou Maderas del país. ExisExpert Teachers. Low Rates rist trade protested the action tencia permanente at moderate prices We know how to do it. Write us at once and we will of the customs in the Saula nuestro depósito.
gladly send you details of Studies course.
Barbara case.
You will be happily surprised to know how easily Spanish conversation becomes under our fuition. m very much afraid the sing Costa Rica English Academy Sandy is buying for me will be The Shoemakers and Bakers! An ordinary workman will be too small.
are still on the kick. The govern paid 65 cents while cutters and Professor EZEQUIAS MADRIGAL Isn he buying one to fit the ment has had to fix the rate of fitters are given 75 cents per SAN JOSE COSTA RICA.
size for your finger?
wages for the shoemakers accord hour.
Not exact y, he is buying iting to the different scales of work The Bakers have also asked the One man with two Languages receives double Pay think, according to the lze omanship. The work of making government to fix the price of his purse ready a pair of shoes is rated at Bread according to weight, as one colon; mouting 4. 50 for they claim the propietors are not women and men from 5. 50 dealing fairly with clients or to 6, 00 when sewn; sprigged workmen. 200 and 2. 25 Washington. Here is the par Republicans 17 89 Not since 1869 has any party ty line up for the two houses of Progressive. 7 held such a large percentage of Congress, as a result of the elec Independent (Norris) Senate as the tions: Farmer Labor 5 Senate, House back 1855 no Hou Democrats 75 334 Total 96 435 Se majority to equal that assured in the new Congress.
LONDON Queen Mary was ingham Palace, now occupied by In 1869, when Grant was Presi stricken with a cold and, as a King Edward dent, the Republicans hit a high resut workmen at the People Workmen who had been doing mark of sixty one members while Pa ace of the London Flower overtime duty to complete the the Democrats had only eleven.
Show won free drink flower show palace in time for This was a ratio of 82 per cent, The 69 year old Queen had no the Queen expected visit adop.
slightly higher than the Demo fever, it was announced, but she ed a resolution of regret at her cratic now canceled her engagements for illness. The governors and arSince 1855, neither party has the next few days and remainedchitects of the palace were au.
held so high a precentage of Hou at Marlborough House, to which, thorized to grant two shilings se strength as the 334 Democratic she recently moved from Buck to each workman to drink the members will provide.
Queen health.
the Democratic strength will be the greatest in the country history in both hou SIX REASONS WHICH MAKE CASTILLO ses The previous high marks weSORTEO DFL 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1936 Te the memberships of 322 Demo THE BEST SOAP crats in the House and seventy Democrats nthe Senate last year.
Castillo is Pure Furthermore, barring a breakDivididos en vigésimos a 150 el vigésimo up in the Solid South or a reCastillo washes more and better Usted puede pasar unas forming of party lines, the DeCastillo prolongs the life of Clothes mocrats will have control of the PASCUAS AÑO NUEVO Senate throughout President Roomuy felices, comprando solamente Castillo does not injure the Hands sevelt second term, and probably until 1943 Castillo leaves a clean smell The Democrats will maintain a Castillo is economical majority through to 1943 unless the almost a elec Buy Castillo Soap and receive the Coupons from your tions.
toe Grocer, then exchange them NOW for a Chance at very notable feature of the LONDON. Mrs. Wallis War. week of her life, during whic La Proveedora, Agencia General, Frank Herrera election the unusually large and Simpson has gone to the the marriage bonds with her senumber of members of the Colour country probably, her friends cond husband, Ernest Simpson CONDITIONS ed Race who have been elected sald, as the guest of the King at were broken.
on the Democratic Ticket to the his country residence; Fort Belve only a small percentage of For every purchase of the value of ten cents of CASTI Republic Legislative Bodies. The dere.
Britain population was cogni.
LLO SOAP, you will obtain a coupon, and each ten number has been placed at twenThe Baltimore. born woman zant even yet, of the monarch fy five.
Coupons will be exchanged for one Chance. This Chance sought seclusion in the country friendship with the divorcee.
will take part in the Grand Drawing to take place on after perhaps the most exciting che 22nd December, 1936.
Publicidad Democrats now hold, and record Queen Mary Indisposed Use the best Soap and gain C 500 GRAND COMPETITION Numerically, LOTERIA DE NAVIDAD Premio Mayor. 100. 000 LOTERIA NACIONAL clean sweep of the next two de Mrs. Simpson Leaves Town is PRIZES: 1st. 500; 2nd. 300; 3rd. 200; Panamericana HOP LEE LUNG 17 4th. 25 cases of Soap to be selected 5th. 15 6th. 10 7th eth. 9th. 10th. Estable:imierto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Empresa editora de periódicos, revistas, folletos y de propapaganda comercial.
San José 17 El más surtido en Matina Apto. 722 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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